In less than a second, this black spot directly turned into a huge black hole with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers.

At the same time, Yang Xuan's body and the gate of mental imagery also completely disappeared.

Because, the attack of this black hole is the kind that does not distinguish between enemy and friend.

Under the powerful attraction of the black hole, the black hole devours everything in an instant.

What was devoured by him even included space and time.

"Humans! Damn it!"

Half of the body of the world-devouring snake was instantly swallowed.

Of course, this is not his real body, just an incarnation...

But even so, it will have an impact on the door you are dealing with.

The other doors were all damaged.

But when they were so angry one by one, they let their stronger power come down, and at the same time they shot to seal the black hole of the universe.



The huge light directly illuminates countless worlds.

For a time, an unknown number of worlds were affected.

But it didn't have much impact.

But the worlds carried by those ten gates were all affected by the eyes.

At least 80% of all the creatures who believed in these evil doors fell.

Each of the ten doors was shaken to the point that a crack appeared.

Although they healed in an instant, it is true that they were injured by Yang Xuan's blow.

So all kinds of angry roars and painful roars.

It just keeps passing out outside the mysterious world.

Such a powerful movement even caused a shock inside the mysterious world.


Mysterious world.

"Remember, whether it's divination or cursing, don't pray to the gods at will."

"Next, you are about to touch extraordinary and become a fortuneteller!"

"The moment you become a fortuneteller, your spirit body will escape into the spirit world."

"This is entering the spirit!"

"For every Extraordinary, entering the spirit is very important."

"The harvest of the first time entering the spirit will determine the future achievements."

"Remember it, Bryant!"

A deep voice came from a dark room.

Then, under a ceremony presided over by an old man, a young man with black hair and black eyes, with obvious mixed-race characteristics, slowly picked up the fortune-telling potion in his hand and aimed it at his mouth.


The boy opened the bottle of the potion.

But at this moment, a mysterious force suddenly passed over. It was clearly a black and white fortune teller's potion, but it directly turned into a bright red potion.

"don't want!"

"Wait a minute, the potion has mutated, don't drink it!"

After the old man discovered this, he immediately began to remind the young man not to take the potion.

But he was too late.

Because the boy had already drank the potion at this moment.

"Teacher, I..."

After the boy finished drinking, he was terrified and wanted to say something.

But in the next second, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he fell into a coma.

When the boy Butien opened his eyes again, he immediately saw an incredible scene.

First of all, there is a huge snake shadow, coiled directly around the periphery of the entire spirit world.

Its terrifying vertical pupils are staring at everything in the spirit world and the real world.

Secondly, it is an ancient tree full of decay.

In addition, there are weird evil gods.

"This! A terrifying evil **** outside the spirit world!"

"A terrifying existence that can't be seen directly at 5.6!"

"No, I've been tricked!"

After Boutien discovered this, his heart suddenly became extremely heavy.

Just when he thought that he was about to fall and have an accident, he suddenly found that his heart seemed extremely relaxed.

Above his mind, there was actually a mysterious force appearing indistinctly.

At the same time, he also had an understanding of his own power.

Sequence 9: Psychic Spectator.

He has become a Extraordinary, but not a fortune teller, but a spiritual audience.


The world of reincarnators.

After the black hole exploded, Yang Xuan retreated to the main world.

However, after his body returned, he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Because what came back was only a small part of his consciousness.

After the true spirit reaches the tenth level, it already has the ability to differentiate.

His main consciousness actually escaped directly into the mysterious world following a small number of true spirits when the black hole exploded.

Ninety-nine percent consciousness, coupled with a little bit of true spirit, directly allowed Yang Xuan to easily escape the defenses of many gates such as the snake that devoured the world, the gate of flesh and blood, and the gate of corruption, since he was in the mysterious world.

He even directly injected his own mental image law into the mysterious world.

Thus, the Psychic Sequence was born.

But because Yang Xuan's divided power is too little, the number he can influence is not much.

three people!

In the entire mysterious world, there are three ordinary people who are taking potions, and three ordinary people who plan to become Extraordinary.

At this moment, Yang Xuan's own potion was tampered with by Yang Xuan with the help of the powerful authority of the tenth rank to become a potion of the mind sequence.

Become a spiritual audience.

Bryant is one of them.

Chapter 183 The Law of Incarnation, Modifying the World (Subscribe)

The mysterious world, the spiritual world above the real world.

Butyen watched all this in disbelief.

Huge snake shadows, tree shadows, monsters, evil gods, and even a hanged man mentioned in many secrets, the fallen lord.

These are all corresponding to certain existences in the real world.

His teacher taught him when he became an extraordinary apprentice and started to come into contact with extraordinary knowledge.

Never be able to touch those terrifying existences.

Because, just knowing their existence will bring great disaster to oneself.

But he not only touched them, but also saw them with his own eyes, which seemed quite terrifying.

"Huh? That's... the gods!"

Just when Butien was terrified.

He suddenly discovered that under the evil gods and outer gods that existed in many ancient records, there was a bright illusory star.

That is the ancient world called the Star Realm in the mysterious world, and every illusory star also represents a divine kingdom of gods.

"That is the Kingdom of God!"

"Seven illusory stars, the kingdom of the seven righteous gods!"

"Sequence Nine Spiritual Audience!"

"What kind of terrifying extraordinary sequence is this? Why can I actually see the evil gods that are constantly eating away at the world beyond the star realm, and I can also see the kingdom of the great seven gods that lives above the spirit realm."

Boutien's head was no longer able to think about these things.

Even his three views have been greatly impacted.

And as an excellent extraordinary apprentice, he quickly inspected his own spirit body, and he was fortunate to find that his spirit body was still human and still in good condition.

It will not return to directness, and directly degenerate into a monster.

But it was just like this that made it even more weird and terrifying.

"Could it be that a certain **** blessed me?"

Suddenly, such a thought came to Boutien's mind.

At the same moment, another voice appeared in his ear.

"Thank you for the blessing of the gods!"

"Thank you for your blessing, great lord of the mind, the beginning of everything above the starry sky!"

No! Not a voice.

It was two voices, and they appeared around Butyen one after another.

And as soon as he appeared, he began to pray to a great existence that he felt in his heart.

The master of the soul, the master of everything.

After hearing the title from the two people, Boutien also subconsciously thanked them.

Because his heart had already told him that the reason why he was able to look directly at the Divine Kingdom of the Seven Gods and the terrifying Outer God who devoured the world.

It is because of the blessing of the Lord of the Mind, the Lord of Vientiane.


"Thank you! Praise you!"

"Living above the kingdom of the soul, the ultimate destination of all living beings, the Lord of the soul who enjoys endless glory!"

Now that the first two people have already started our great spiritual master, Boutien immediately began to organize his thoughts.

Then he said something that made the first two people extremely ashamed.

After hearing his words, the other two figures couldn't help trembling, secretly regretting in their hearts.

Yes, why don't they add some decorative gifts when they praise.

Why do you have to describe it so simply.

Especially, the only woman among the three.

Catherine, the concubine daughter of the Grand Duke Alsten's family of the Holy Nix Empire from the mysterious world, Sophilia Continent.

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