Yang Xuancai just wanted to descend into the mysterious world, and unexpectedly attracted the organizations of the two sects.

The door of flesh and blood, the door of corruption.

Through the power of powerful information, Yang Xuan directly analyzed the name gate corresponding to the two gates.

Chapter 182 Cosmic black hole, one against ten! (Please subscribe!)

The gate of flesh and blood.

A door that seems to be condensed from countless pieces of meat.

It is surrounded by countless evil gods, each of which is a ninth-level evil god.

But in Yang Xuan's view, apart from the Flesh Gate, those ordinary evil gods are all weaklings.

With just a quick pinch, he can kill a large piece of it.

As for the fallen door.

After Yang Xuan saw it, he frowned slightly.

Because part of the authority of the other party is related to the soul.

After seeing the opponent's door, Yang Xuan instinctively realized that this was his mortal enemy.

That's right, that's the kind of enlightenment!

The Gate of Flesh and Flesh belongs to the kind of gate that, after meeting, if neither party is interested, they can leave it alone.

But after seeing the gate of degeneration, Yang Xuan knew that one of him and himself must perish in the future.

He believed that the other party would also have this idea.

Because this is a legal opposition, a natural opposition after pushing the door of oneself.

"Two doors, trying to prevent me from descending into the mysterious world!"

"Sure enough, there is a big secret in that world!"

Yang Xuan never imagined that he could enjoy such great treatment.

Obviously it was just an ordinary time travel.

It can actually attract two great existences that have never been heard of, and have never been recorded in the main world.

This also made Yang Xuan very fortunate.

If it wasn't because he became the door now, he planned to go to the world where his parents were trapped in his previous life, but if he had just achieved the primordial spirit before, he would directly reincarnate the primordial spirit.

I'm afraid his fate may not be very good.

Only after becoming a door can one know how terrifying a complete door is.

Also, Yang Xuan discovered another thing when he found "Zero Four Zero".

That is, after becoming a door, it seems that the chance of encountering a door is quite high.

Go to a random world to explore, and you will encounter a door.

"This seems to be some kind of aggregation law!"

"After becoming a door, the doors in an area will be affected by the supreme law in the dark, causing collisions."

"Finally devour each other, and then merge into a disk!"

"It is estimated that ninety-nine percent of the disks achieved under this law of aggregation are crazy existences like the Distorted Disk."

Yang Xuan thought to himself.

Then, he increased his strength again, intending to descend forcefully.

Although the Gate of Flesh and the Gate of Fallen are both powerful, Yang Xuan can feel that these two guys have mental problems.

It seems that they have paid a lot for their achievements.

So, even though it was one against two, Yang Xuan didn't have any fear.

Even though he had already consumed 90% of his strength just now because he forcibly opened the door to travel through.

But Yang Xuan was still fearless.

Because under the blessing of many worlds, the power of the mind that you want is recovering at an accelerated rate.

Every powerful existence has a lot of world support behind it.

But it doesn't matter whether it is the gate of flesh and blood or the gate of corruption.

The world radiated by their power will definitely not be more than that of Yang Xuan.

Therefore, in the protracted battle, it is impossible to be Yang Xuan's opponent.

Even, in terms of the number of worlds they control, the worlds they own may not be as good as one-thousandth of Yang Xuan's.

Because when he returned this time, Yang Xuan used the power of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to directly obtain the souls of all living beings in tens of thousands of worlds.

You must know that although there are tens of thousands of worlds, many of them are small thousand worlds.

No matter how small the population of Xiaoqian World is, it is still a whole world.

So after accumulating a lot, the world that Yang Xuan now possesses is thousands of times that of existences like the Gate of Flesh and Flesh and the Gate of Fallen.

Therefore, in terms of recovery ability, none of them is Yang Xuan's opponent.

As long as Yang Xuan wanted to, he could consume them to death.

But at this time, another powerful breath suddenly passed over.

It was a very terrifying breath.

Its personality is actually a door.

And to Yang Xuan, this is a very familiar door.

"Gate of devouring!"

"The big snake that attacked me unexpectedly came here."

"No, it's unexpected that he also has his eyes on this world!"

"Moreover, he is preventing me from forcibly entering the mysterious world."

"It's not just him, someone else is coming!"

"Am I the hornet's nest that opened the door? Why did so many doors come out in one breath?"

Feeling a large number of doors coming to stop him, Yang Xuan was stunned.

It's fine if it's just one or two.

When the number of doors reached seven, even Yang Xuan couldn't help but backed away.

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

"This mysterious world definitely has big secrets that I don't know about."

"Otherwise, how could they be so desperate and never give me a chance to enter the mysterious world."

"Being valued by so many doors, does it mean that this world has information about advancement?"

"Otherwise, why would there be so many people staring at this place!"

In just a moment, Yang Xuan seemed to understand something.

At the same time, he also seems to know why there is such a door, and the organization has entered that world.

Because there are great opportunities in that world.

What's interesting is that, except for Yang Xuan, there is no way for other gates to directly enter that world.

They seem to be restricted in some way, or their strength is not enough to forcefully enter that world.

This was the gap between them and Yang Xuan, and it was also the reason why they stopped Yang Xuan.

Since the world of mystery, there is no way to directly enter through all the doors.

If Yang Xuan could directly enter the mysterious world, wouldn't it mean that their many plans and methods before, and the long wait would be in vain.

Maybe Yang Xuan didn't know, but those gates have been waiting for more than 129,500 years to plot the secret world.

That's right, the reincarnation of an era is only less than a hundred years away.

Many gates, such as the snake that devours the world, the gate of flesh and blood, and the gate of depravity, are waiting for the moment of the reincarnation of the era.

For the mysterious world, that day would also be the end of the world.

The entire mysterious world will be eaten by them.

They all waited for so long, so naturally they wouldn't let Yang Xuan pick the peaches. of.

Therefore, there are still a group of door-level existences that are opposed to each other.

After feeling that there was a terrible door, he actually opened the door to travel directly in the mysterious world.

One by one, they immediately used all their strength to block the door.

They tried everything, and they would not let Yang Xuan enter it.

As a door, they know it better than anyone.

Once there is a door directly into the mysterious world, the whole world will be taken away by him.

This is something they absolutely do not allow.

Therefore, many sect-level existences who refused to obey anyone, and would even kill them, unexpectedly united at this moment in order to counter Yang Xuan.



When the number of doors reaches ten.

A lot of wills also began to pour into the black sea of ​​Yang Xuan's mind.

They are persecuting Yang Xuan, at this moment they even have the idea of ​​cooperating to oppress Yang Xuan and directly kill Yang Xuan.

"Oh! A group of half-crazy sects, a group of sects with unstable foundations, think that they can kill me together?"


Originally, Yang Xuan planned to retreat, and then planned secretly, instead of forcibly opening the crossing door, he planned to reincarnate into the mysterious world.

Anyway, he has the talent and supernatural powers of one-click full level.

Even if you can't prove that you can enter the mysterious world, you can enter through another channel.

It was because of this thought that Yang Xuan just chose to retreat.

After all, he didn't need to fight against so many sects.

But obviously he was planning to retreat, and these gates were advancing one by one.

Just for a moment, Yang Xuan's violent temper came up.

Everyone is a door, who is afraid of whom.

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Xuan retreated on the surface.

Even the door of the mind image began to tremble.

But it seems that Yang Xuan is retreating, but in fact Yang Xuan already has a goal.

When he was retreating, the power of mental imagery kept going back to a point not far away.

That is near the snake that devours the world.

Just when Yang Xuan was about to exit the door of mind image, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

next second.

"The singularity of all things, the black hole of the universe!"


A strange, mysterious, and powerful black spot appeared instantly.


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