"Is Gao Wei reincarnated!"

"Since that world is endlessly dangerous, I won't go there yet!"

"Even if you want to go, you can use other means."

"After all, for any world, as long as I know some of the secrets of that world, even the name of the world, or the world's celebrities, it is equivalent to directly obtaining the coordinates of that world."

"What I need to do now is to return to the main world first."

After Yang Xuan received his permission information this time, he first suppressed the idea of ​​exploring the high-dimensional world.

next second.

In the world of the true reincarnator, all visions disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, in the reincarnation room where Yang Xuan was, an extremely handsome young man came out.

"Yang Xuan, you're out!"

"Why did you come out so late, you just missed the super explosive vision."

"Did you know that there were many visions in the world just now, and I also seemed to see an endless world!"

"Our sky seems to connect tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of worlds in an instant."

"And, although I can't feel the situation in those worlds, I have a deep feeling that they are trembling, they are trembling, and they are afraid!"

"At the same time, they are also resisting!"

"But when they resisted, a door appeared!"

"That door is the most unforgettable door I have ever seen in my life!"

"The whole is pitch-black, and the bright red runes make it impossible for people to forget once they see it."

"That seems to represent a mysterious power, it is definitely very powerful!"

"I just don't know which powerful magic weapon this door is, that great existence, and I don't know if many worlds have been opened up because of that door."

Yang Xuancai just walked out of his room. He was dressed in red. It was a sunny day and he was inside the house, but Liu Hongyu, who was still holding a red umbrella, walked in front of the person he wanted.

As soon as she came over, she started chirping about what happened to her.

"Hey, what are you doing looking at me like that!"

"Are you shocked!"

"Aren't you super regretful?"

"Haha, but don't worry, I recorded that scene, I knew you would want to watch it." 037

Seeing that Yang Xuan didn't speak, Liu Hongyu thought it was Yang Xuan who was shocked by the scene she described.

So, she directly took out her personal terminal.

Then the recorded screen was called out.

"Eh? Why not?"

"Why is nothing recorded?"

"Why is it so strange, is it the power of that great existence?"

"Hey, I wanted to show it to you, but now I can't."

"Otherwise, you can speculate through the screen whether it is that mysterious and great existence that opened the door to the world."

"Yes, it is the Gate of Myriad Worlds!"

Liu Hongyu spoke in such a self-centered manner.

Then, she felt her head being held down by a warm palm.

The man also ruffled her hair.

Liu Hongyu instinctively wanted to grab it, but when she thought that the other party didn't see the shocking side, she must be very disappointed.

So I endured it.


"Just once today!"

Liu Hongyu continued to mutter in a low voice, then shook her head cooperatively, and rubbed Yang Xuan's palm.

At this time, Yang Xuan's voice also appeared.

"That door is not a magic weapon, but a manifestation of power!"

"It is the will of the world that opens the door of the world, but that door suppresses the door of the world!"

"Also, the reason why you can't record it is because your equipment can't penetrate many space gaps."

"Although you see the scene in the sky, that scene is happening outside the world."

"There is a lot of space separated here!"

"You can see it because the will of the world allows you to see it, or you can see it through the Tower of True Reincarnation. The equipment cannot communicate with the Tower of True Reincarnation, so naturally those scenes cannot be recorded."

A detailed explanation appeared in Liu Hongyu's ears.

Then, Liu Hongyu was stunned.

She looked at Yang Xuan suspiciously.

He asked directly, "Why do you know?"

Under Liu Hongyu's suspicious eyes.

Yang Xuan explained again in a very flat manner.

"That door is the embodiment of the unity of all Taos after the power has reached its peak. It is called the door of mental image."

"But the gate can also be a Dharma gate. The gate of good fortune in our Taoist palace is the Dharma gate."

"As for the vision just now, it was also an accident for me, and I didn't expect it to happen."

As soon as Yang Xuan finished speaking, Liu Hongyu froze.

"You didn't expect that?"

"The door of the mind image?"

"All ways return to one?"

After gathering a lot of information, although Liu Hongyu still doesn't know the whole story.

But she seemed to vaguely understand something.

Then, her mouth widened and her eyes widened.

The red umbrella in my hand fell to the ground without knowing when.

Chapter 179 Shuttle Space, Mage Tower Master

why would you know

Why do you say that?

Does this matter to you?

Liu Hongyu asked Yang Xuan this question blankly.

But her question seemed to be a simple inquiry, but anyone with a little discernment could see that Liu Hongyu's words seemed to be an inquiry.

In fact, the answers to some questions have already been identified.

Since Yang Xuan was able to proficiently say these things, it naturally represented the change of heaven just now, and it had something to do with Yang Xuan.

"I'm supposed to be part of it!"

"Although I didn't do it on purpose, it really has a lot to do with me when things develop like this."

Yang Xuan nodded and directly admitted.


"Then how did you do it!"

Liu Hongyu asked Yang Xuan curiously, the scene just now was too shocking.

So she is very surprised now, hoping to know more secret information.

After all, she must be the first to know the information.

First-hand melons are definitely better than second-hand melons.

"This time, after I reincarnated, I gained a little bit!"

"Before I was enlightened at the Gate of Good Fortune, I got a chance to reincarnate directly into the Great World of Good Fortune, but when I returned, the Gate of Good Fortune ran away and threw me into the room of the reincarnated person."

Yang Xuan said lightly.

He didn't disclose too much information, because it was too far away for Liu Hongyu.

What's more, the higher the personality, the more he touches the real door, the real board, the more Yang Xuan knows that this is what ordinary people get involved in.

Just because of these things themselves, they will be in great danger.

Therefore, he will not tell Liu Hongyu about the Gate of Mind, the Gate of Creation, and many other things for the time being.

Even after seeing Liu Hongyu, Yang Xuan directly sealed the memory of the ghost gate in her heart.

Because Yang Xuan knows that the memory of the ghost gate is very likely to be related to a gate-level existence.

The door of supernatural powers.

This is not to say that now that Liu Hongyu is involved, there will be no influence at all.

After returning, Yang Xuan not only sealed Liu Hongyu's affairs in this regard.

Even his own guardian spirit, the incarnation of the will of the world in the spirit world, was also sealed with relevant information.

In the next period of time, before Yang Xuan went to meet this spiritual gate for a while, the people around him would not recall any information about the spiritual gate.

To be on the safe side, Yang Xuan even blocked all information about the spiritual world.

Let the people around you not think about any situation in the world of supernatural recovery at all.

In this way, you can avoid the gaze of that spiritual gate.

Yang Xuan planned to talk about the Gate of Spiritual Oddities in a while.

The most important thing now is to recover the gate of good fortune first.

The gate of good fortune that he let himself pass through, ran away after he achieved the gate of mind image in the world of immortal cultivation in the starry sky.

the reason is simple.

That is, he felt that, with all his efforts, the true spirit eternal solid created for Yang Xuan was broken.

Moreover, it was Yang Xuan himself who broke it.

This situation immediately made the consciousness of the gate of good fortune in the reincarnated world think that Yang Xuan had betrayed him and defected to the gate of good fortune in the great world of good fortune.

So he just ran away.

Before leaving, he also wanted to destroy Yang Xuan's body.

However, thinking of where he was, he seemed unable to leave easily.

So with the help of Yang Xuan's physical body, with the help of Yang Xuan's practice with the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, after paying a certain price, he directly used Yang Xuan to communicate with the True Soul Reincarnation Tower and replaced the space.

escaped from the place where he was sealed.

Then, Gate of Creation thought about it again, and decided that the accident was not intentional by Yang Xuan.

Maybe Yang Xuan Taicai was discovered by the Gate of Creation in the Creation Great World, maybe it is.

Therefore, he no longer intended to destroy Yang Xuan's physical body, but simply ran away.

These all happened shortly after Yang Xuan's return.

Because the gate of good fortune broke out completely this time, even the holy master of good fortune did not notice its situation.

But everything can't be hidden from Yang Xuan.

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