With Yang Xuan's return, the whole world began to tremble.


Now Yang Xuan has not completely returned.

The world was already shaking.

When his figure returned from the endless void, a huge vision appeared in the entire reincarnated world.

The sun and the moon shine together, the heaven and the earth congratulate each other, all things rise to the sun, and the celestial maidens scatter flowers, the Dharma conch and the Dharma drum appear together.

Countless celestial music, all the people in the main world of the reincarnator looked up at the sky and looked around for a while.


Dao Palace.

The incarnation of the Holy Lord of Creation sitting here immediately looked up at the void in disbelief.

"Visions sound together, everything recovers, this is the upgrade of the world!"

"The world has been upgraded, our world has been upgraded!"

"Is it the Eternal Emperor of Heaven?"

"She became a Daoist? So it led to the upgrade of the world?"

As a veteran practitioner who has existed in the world of reincarnators for many years, the Holy Creator naturally knows what this vision represents. ,

Therefore, he immediately set his sights on the Heavenly Court.


The west.

All the holy masters of the magic tower, the wizard tower, and the temples also looked up at the sky in disbelief.

"Damn it! Is it the Eastern Heavenly Emperor?"

"Did Eternal Heavenly Emperor finally take that step?"

"The world is upgraded, and everything is revived!"

"Our world has actually been upgraded. In the future, there will be several ninth-level Taoist masters in our world."

"However, the first one to become a Taoist master will definitely have a great advantage!"

"We are moving to the West!"

Many forces in the West did not feel any joy because of the world's upgrade.

Because they all know that if a Daoist is born in this world, then he will be in front of everyone.

Especially as the Holy Masters who are very familiar with each other, they are all very familiar with the character of the Heavenly Court.

Under his guess, after the other party became a Daoist 22, if he stabilized his cultivation a little bit, he would directly kill him.

At that time, either surrender or die.

There is simply no second choice.

Among them, the people in the temples and Lingshan are the most troublesome.

Because they all know the attitude of the Eternal Emperor of Heaven towards them, that is, they will not give you the chance to surrender.

Just kill it.

So they responded immediately.

"Transfer power!"

"Take the avatar of the Reincarnation Tower and go to the Xiaoqian world under our control."

"Go straight! Go immediately! Go separately!"

This is the reflection of Lingshan and the temples of the gods.

The Mage Tower, the Wizard Tower, and other Western forces evacuated part of it, leaving a part behind.

Then, they began to wait for the judgment to come.

They all know that life and death will no longer be decided by themselves at this moment.

Yang Xuan, on the other hand, looked helplessly outside the main world, that is, outside the world barrier, watching the evacuation of Lingshan and the temples.

He originally thought that as long as he chose to return, he would immediately wake up with his own physical body at the Taoist Academy of Good Fortune.

But who knew that because I was too powerful and because I had condensed the Gate of Vientiane, if the main world wanted to accommodate me, I had to upgrade first.

The power it needs to upgrade is absorbed from many invaded and reincarnated worlds.

Those many visions are actually the situation caused by a little bit of the world origin of the worlds to promote.

And Yang Xuanzhi cannot return to the main world at this time, on the one hand, the world cannot accommodate his personality temporarily.

Forced return will lead to a partial collapse of the main world of the reincarnated.

Secondly, it is the main world of the reincarnated who needs him to sit in charge.

That's right, right after Yang Xuan chose to return.

The main world of the Reincarnator began to forcibly plunder the origins of the worlds that he could connect to.

And forcibly invading other people's worlds will naturally be resisted by those worlds, and even counterattack.

At this time, the power of a door is manifested.

"I'll be your babysitter!"

"However, after all, I have also received your favor, and I can get a new life from you!"

"Since that's the case, then let's go and do it!"

"Whoever dares to resist, of course I will be there!"

After feeling the request of the world, Yang Xuan did not refuse.

After all, this main world of reincarnation is the starting point of all Yang Xuan's opportunities.

He's reborn here, he's a reincarnator here.

Then relying on his powerful talent, he walked step by step to the present.

Now is also the time to give back to the Overworld.


The door of mental images!

When the main world began to absorb resources from many worlds, Yang Xuan directly opened the door of his mental image.

He didn't put the gate of mental image into many worlds, but directly blessed the personality of the gate of mental image to the personality of the main world.

That is.

The main world at this time, the will of the world.

It is equivalent to a tenth-order terrifying existence.

Such a terrifying existence can overwhelm many worlds with just one thought.

In particular, Yang Xuan also activated a supernatural power, mental deterrence.

This deterrence is not only aimed at the creatures of a world, but the will of the world in each world.

At such a moment, all the worlds invaded by the main world of the reincarnated were immediately under the pressure of terror.

The world is trembling.

Ordinary urban world, supernatural urban world, magical urban world, low martial arts world, middle martial arts world, and ordinary immortal cultivation world.

Worlds one by one began to appear in the mind of wanting.

These are all the worlds that the Tower of Reincarnation has invaded.

"A lot of worlds!"

"There are so many worlds, why not return directly to the Tower of Reincarnation!"

"In this way, the main world will get energy faster!"

"All the worlds, return to me!"

The heart was shaken, when Yang Xuan invaded through the connection of the main world, relying on his own mental image door.

In an instant, he began to summon the Tower of Reincarnation, intending to reclaim those ordinary worlds.


In an instant, countless worlds began to struggle.

But their struggles are of no use at all.

With the tenth-order true spirit, the phantom of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was summoned. After all, all the phantoms were thrown into those worlds.

There is only one end for those worlds, to be recycled.

Countless points of light, tens of thousands of worlds, are directly recovered.

At the same time, all the living beings in those tens of thousands of worlds have a door mark in their hearts.

Then they seem to forget their fear and go about their business.

Only Yang Xuan's black sea of ​​mind was more than ten times stronger at this moment.

If the current Yang Xuan is attacked by the snake that devoured the world just now, Yang Xuan can use the powerful power of the black sea of ​​mind to control the snake in an instant.

But it's not too late now, because Yang Xuan already knew the snake's name.

So he can go directly to the door.

At that time, the other party may not be too kind.

"Opportunity! Unexpectedly, I took the initiative to help the will of the main world, and I got such a powerful opportunity."

"Tens of thousands of low-level worlds, thousands of small thousand worlds, plus a few middle thousand worlds, all of which were recovered by me in one go."

"Even my authority has been improved again!"

Yang Xuan's true spirit never thought that he was clearly planning to help the main world and repay the opportunity given to him by the main world.

As a result, the one who benefited the most was himself.

Not only his own power, but also the power of the black sea of ​​the mind and the power of the gate of mental imagery has increased tenfold.

Even the authority of the reincarnation has been raised by one level again, becoming level four.

With level 4 authority, Yang Xuan once again obtained a special ability.

High-dimensional reincarnation!

High-dimensional reincarnation: The fourth-level authority can start a high-dimensional reincarnation.

The world of high-dimensional reincarnation must be the layered world where the top of the tower is located.

That is the oldest world, once reincarnated in that world, you can see the reality of the world.

Ancient mysteries can be traced.

Even, you can know the nature of the Tower of Reincarnation and know the relevant information about the Tower of Reincarnation.

This is the power of high-dimensional reincarnation.

However, high-dimensional reincarnation also has risks, and the tenth-level true spirit still has the risk of falling.

Because there are many super high-level beings in that world.

If Yang Xuan didn't seal his true spirit memory and reincarnated directly, he would be noticed by the power of that world in an instant.

At that time, the soul will be drawn and the soul will be refined, and even the true spirit will be blocked.

It's probably normal operation.

The unconventional operation may be to make the true spirit into a puppet, or refine it into a material, or something.

Reincarnation is risky, and reincarnation needs to be cautious.

This was one of the messages Yang Xuan got after his authority was raised again.

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