Even Yang Xuan introduced the cause and effect, and at the same time locked where the gate of creation in the main world is now.

"Yang Xuan, what level are you now〃?"

"Shouldn't you become a Taoist master?"

At this moment, Liu Hongyu's voice also appeared in Yang Xuan's ear.

Her tone was naturally full of endless shock and anticipation.

"No, I'm not the Taoist now!"

Yang Xuan simply responded to her.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Liu Hongyu's expression obviously dimmed a bit, because she thought she was about to develop.

After all, the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister.

In case Yang Xuan becomes a Daoist, even if she, Liu Hongyu, is just a maid, she can be at ease and play games at home every day.

Hmm... and serve Yang Xuan.

But that's all.

For Liu Hongyu, such a life is simply a dream.

"Don't be discouraged, how long have you been a reincarnator!"

"In the entire Dao Palace, no, in the entire world of reincarnators, there is no one who is more talented than you."

"So, sooner or later, you will definitely be able to become a Taoist master."

"Don't say that you have gained something this time."

"Even if you don't gain anything from enlightening the gate of good fortune this time, don't feel too uncomfortable."

"I believe you will be better in the future!"

At this moment, Liu Hongyu's tone softened.

Obviously, she thought that Yang Xuan would be sad now, so she planned to comfort Yang Xuan.

"I basically have no chance of becoming a Daoist again in the future."

Yang Xuan simply responded again.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and opened a stream of good fortune towards the front.

In the next second, a door appeared directly in front of the two of them.

For this situation, Liu Hongyu didn't have any abnormalities, nor did she think too much about it.

In the world, break open a door of space.

In fact, as long as you reach the level of a true immortal, you can do it.

Even some half-immortals, who are powerful enough, or have special space-type treasures, can open a space door in the main world.

"Don't be so depressed!"

"You are the most powerful genius in the history of Dao Palace!"

"You have to believe in yourself!"

"Didn't you complete an unprecedented achievement in this assessment!"

"So you must have the opportunity to become a Taoist master in the future!"

"Even if the chance is small, it is definitely possible!"

"Look, you are involved in the changes in the world this time."

"I've never heard of such a change before."

"Even only the qualification of onlookers, this qualification of onlookers is bestowed by the world."

"And you have already participated in it, so just a passer-by is enough to prove that you have a bright future in the future."

Liu Hongyu continued to follow Yang Xuan, comforting Yang Xuan in a low voice.

She didn't know when to pick up the red umbrella on the ground.

Obviously, the previous shock has all subsided.

At this time, she was no longer so surprised, and even thought that it was expected that Yang Xuan became a real immortal.

Who made Yang Xuan such a genius.

That is to say, with such thoughts in mind, Liu Hongyu walked through the gate of space with Yang Xuan unconsciously.

Then, she looked around curiously.

I intend to confirm where Yang Xuan is going.

"Huh? Crooked nuts?"

After Liu Hongyu followed Yang Xuan into the door of space, the first thing she saw was a bustling urban area with a large number of high-rise buildings.

The position where they appear is above the sky.

But Liu Hongyu discovered it unexpectedly.

Even if it's above the sky, even if you don't use a little magic, but standing in the sky is no different from the ground.

After noticing this, Liu Hongyu couldn't help but secretly probed in her heart: "As expected of a true immortal, the power is unimaginable to me now."

She knew it was helping herself too.

Also admitted, the power of the real fairy.

The only thing I didn't guess was what Yang Xuan was going to do in this western city.

"Huh? Isn't that the mage tower?"

At this time, Liu Hongyu discovered that behind her right, there was a towering tower reaching the sky.

This tower is 80% similar to the True Reincarnation Tower in terms of shape and timing.

Obviously, the person who built this tower was deliberately imitating the True Reincarnation Tower.

But the style of this tower is quite different from that of the True Reincarnation Tower.

However, as he is already familiar with the world of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and in the Taoist Academy of Good Fortune, he has the authority given by Fairy Fengyu to obtain a lot of world information.

Liu Hongyu has a fairly good understanding of the world's top forces.

Therefore, she recognized the existence of the mage tower at a glance.

That is, when she set her eyes on the side of the mage tower.

She was surprised to see a bright red light rising from the top of the Reincarnation Tower.

After this strong light appeared, it turned into fireworks of different shapes and colors in the sky.

It seemed like welcoming someone.

"¨That's weird, what is this doing?"

Liu Hongyu looked at the mage tower suspiciously, feeling very puzzled in her heart.

"Yang Xuan, you see that the Master Tower is setting off fireworks. Could it be some western festival today?"

Liu Hongyu subconsciously thought of this possibility.

However, just as she finished asking, a spatial fluctuation visible to the naked eye appeared around her.

Not long after that, an illusory door appeared.

This time the door appeared, but it was a serious space door.

Instead of the gate of law that Yang Xuan summoned before, the personality and level are far beyond the gate of space.

It was Liu Hongyu who regarded Yang Xuan's door as the door of space.

If her cultivation base is stronger, she will find that the door did not make the space move at all when it was opened.

However, the reality is that they traveled through space.

If there is a good immortal cultivator in the space field, they will be shocked and their jaws will drop.


"Yang Xuan, don't be in a daze, someone is here!"

Liu Hongyu didn't wait for Yang Xuan to answer her own words, she tugged Yang Xuan's sleeve first, and whispered about the situation in front of her.

That is, when she finished speaking, a figure appeared in front of Yang Xuan accompanied by ripples in the space.

His arrival made Liu Hongyu shut her mouth and stop talking.

Because she has already recognized the person in front of her.

When learning the knowledge of this world, especially when reading some information about the Mage Tower, it is unavoidable to recognize this person from many documents, articles, and videos.

Even Liu Hongyu, a foreigner, can now name the person who came to him.

That is to say, after recognizing the person, Liu Hongyu continued to tug on Yang Xuan's sleeve in horror, telling him about the current situation.

The other party is the existence of the eighth rank. Although Yang Xuan has become a true immortal, he must be respectful.

Otherwise, wouldn't the enemy just pinch him lightly, and wouldn't he and Yang Xuan fall to the ground.

After thinking of this, Liu Hongyu's expression became serious.

But at this time, the mage Ta Gao who rushed over, that Liu Hongyu, was an existence that could be named.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he appeared, he greeted Yang Xuan's visit with a deep bow.

Then, he took the initiative to say: "Mage Tower, Andorf has met His Majesty!".

Chapter 180 Return to the main world, tenth level invincible

Andorf, Lord of the Mage Tower.

The eighth-level holy master is a terrifying existence comparable to the two holy masters of the Dao Palace in the main world.

After Liu Hongyu saw the person coming, a lot of information about the person appeared in her mind.

Then, I began to be secretly surprised in my heart, and even gave birth to great pressure.

But what Liu Hongyu didn't expect was that.

When Andorf saw Yang Xuan, he didn't get close or make a move, instead he stayed far away and bowed to Yang Xuan.

That gift was still a very respectful one.

"My lord?"

"what's the situation?"

"I'm afraid this Andorf is fake?"

Liu Hongyu, who didn't know what happened, was stunned.

She turned her head to look at Yang Xuan, and there was a vague guess in her heart.

"Back off, I'm not here to look for you!"

At this time, a flat, deep voice appeared in her ears.

at the same time.

An Duofu was relieved, and hurriedly saluted Yang Xuan again, then turned and retreated.

The space ripple reappeared, and soon he disappeared.


Inside the mage tower.

As soon as Andorf came back, he couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

The Holy Master of the eighth rank surpasses the existence of true immortals and heavenly immortals.

It stands to reason that let alone cold sweat, even ordinary sweat shouldn't appear.

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