That is to say, all those who have practiced the power of good fortune will lose their power and state of good fortune in an instant.

"I see!"

"Is this the power of authority!"

"However, is it possible for the other party to forcibly use the power of good fortune when a certain person is strong enough or has power beyond the gate?"

Yang Xuan knows that there are no absolutes in everything.

So, raised this doubt.

"That's right!"

"The imprint in your body gave me feedback, you should have touched the disk!"

"Discs are plural doors, which are obtained through fusion and control!"

"But you don't have to worry too much, because once you become a door, it means complete independence."

"Even if there is a disk-level existence, if you want to use the power of a door that is not under your control, you need a certain amount of causal traction."

"For no reason, even Pan cannot forcibly use the power of the door."

"It's like the door you pushed open by yourself, it's very hidden."

"Even if you face the game head-on and are left with some law-condensed items, it cannot completely lock you and steal your power."

"If you really have a target, you can also return directly to the Tower of Reincarnation."

"Here, even Pan can't perceive your existence!"

"But in this way, your door will not be able to leave the True Reincarnation Tower, but this does not prevent you from reincarnating. It's just that you should not use your own door when reincarnating."

The tower spirit of the True Reincarnation Tower seemed to be very satisfied with Yang Xuan.

She told Yang Xuan a lot of information this time.

At the same time, he also made a promise to Yang Xuan.

That is, even if Yang Xuan provokes the existence of the disk level, as long as he escapes the opponent's first slaughter and can return to the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, there will be no risk of falling.

This is very important.

Most of the doors are difficult to resist and escape when facing the disk.

Because Yang Xuan had already faced a disc of distortion, but he left very simply.

Firstly, the gate of his mental image is very special.

Secondly, the Gate of Creation he obtained also had a good effect in this respect.

After all, even if the Taishi Heavenly Realm was branded by the Disk of Distortion, the Gate of Creation succeeded in the end.

Even persisted for a long time, so that the Taishi Xuanjie gave birth to the original gate and the gate of eternity.

It was only later that the Gate of Creation wanted to detect the Distortion Disk, and it was polluted and invaded.

Although it was affected in the end, it also proved that the Gate of Good Fortune has a very high personality.

"The disk is indeed condensed from multiple doors."

"Then I want to restore the gate of good fortune, the gate of origin, and the gate of eternity first."

"These three doors are all good!"

"Taking advantage of good luck to attack the door, I will be the first to condense a plurality of doors, and then attack the character of the disk."

Yang Xuan thought to himself.

Now, Distortion Disk is not too big a problem.

Because it is only passive, guarding its own one-acre three-point land, and then discovering a door, devouring a door.

As long as Yang Xuan grows up quickly and kills the Distorted Disc before there are other changes in the Distorted Disc.

So in fact, he is not in any danger.

On the contrary, maybe it will be like what the good fortune master said, this is not only not a crisis, but also a great opportunity.

"I'm about to fall asleep again!"

"The addition of Creation World has temporarily restored my strength."

"Yang Xuan, as the only person with authority, I will give you an extra power as a guarantee, and that is the defense of disk-level existence!"

"As long as the opponent is a disk, the upper limit of attack does not exceed the upper limit of the disk, and you can't escape from facing it, then call me, and I will save you once."

"But my power can only save you once!"

"So, I really don't want you to use this opportunity..."

"Perhaps before you became a door, the chances of encountering discs were rare."

"But when you become a door, you will often be drawn, and if you are not careful, you will be attracted by the disk, so if you reincarnate again, you will return immediately if you find the abnormality."

The tower spirit of the True Reincarnation Tower disappeared after saying this last sentence.

Yang Xuan also chose to return after she finished speaking.

The place he wants to return to is the world of the reincarnated.

For the world of reincarnators, Yang Xuan may have just left for a day.

But in fact, he has been away for a long time, and he has also become a door-level.

This completely surpassed the level of cognition of the civilization of the main world.

Yang Xuan believes that this comeback will definitely bring surprises to everyone.

Especially, for the people in the Dao Palace, for their teacher, and for the Creation Lord.

With this in mind, Yang Xuan directly chose the return of the true spirit.

Today's Yang Xuan, the true spirit is standing in the endless void.

This is the gap between the world and the world.

Standing here, Yang Xuan could see endless light.

Some light is strong, some light is weak.

Each light represents a world.

After appreciating such a beautiful scenery, Yang Xuan chose to return in his heart.

"Return, return to the world of reincarnators!"

As soon as this idea came out, Yang Xuan's heart moved slightly, and he had a little expectation for things after his return.



"The beginning of everything, the pinnacle of good fortune!"

"Taiji swordsmanship, destroy everything!"

Just when Yang Xuan was about to return.

His mind suddenly gave an early warning, and then all the power of the mind appeared instantly.

A huge Tai Chi diagram appeared directly under his feet.

Not only that, but the terrifying power of mental imagery condensed into a Tai Chi sword.

One place of this sword directly evolved the unity of all things, the singularity of the universe.

The scene of endless world collapse and destruction.

This was the blow that Yang Xuan unleashed with all his strength after becoming the sect.

Because, he just felt threatened, a huge threat.

At this time, a huge snake head appeared in the endless void, where there is no concept of space at all.

As soon as the snake head appeared, the location was directly where Yang Xuan was.

That is, before Yang Xuan's sword move was released.

This snake head swallowed Yang Xuan directly.

It can be next second.

Sword moves erupted.

Under the sword that is enough to make everything in the universe annihilate.

This huge snake head, which seemed to be able to swallow a world in one bite, let out a mournful cry.

Then, it dissipated into the endless void and could never be found again.

"Run away!"

"How can it be so simple!"

"Since you dare to sneak attack me, be prepared to be beaten by me!"

When the endless void returned to calm, Yang Xuan raised his head and looked into the distance.

His eyes were filled with killing intent and anger.

But soon, everything calmed down.

The endless world is indeed extremely dangerous, Yang Xuan didn't even know when he was being targeted at 5.6.

The other party came and went quickly.

If you can't hit it with one blow, you evacuate directly.

But the evacuation was not very thorough, at least Yang Xuan's Gate of Vientiane analyzed some information with the help of the information daoyun.

And this information is enough for Yang Xuan to lock the opponent's position.

After all, if Yang Xuan knows the key information, then under one-click tracking, no matter how deep he hides, there is nothing to hide.

"The python of the void, the snake that devours the world, the pusher of the gate of devouring!"

"You can't escape."

After silently reading the identity of the other party in his heart, a sneer appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person also disappeared into the void.


Deep in the void.

A huge snake is entrenched on a huge world.


"It turned out to be human!"

"Unexpectedly, a weak human being can avoid being swallowed by my clone!"

"Forget it, it's just an insignificant human being. Even if such a person becomes a door, he must be the weakest!"

"My main strength now should be in this world."

"This world is the Lord of Mysteries, the world formed after the Disk of Mysteries was broken."

"Getting it is equivalent to getting the power of half a disk."

After the huge snake head whispered, it continued to use the huge snake head to erect its pupils, and continued to release a green light, invading the world occupied by him.

And not far away, there is a western giant dragon, an ancient tree full of corrosive aura, and a bound one-eyed spirit, all watching the world occupied by giant snakes.

They are also using their own power to invade that mysterious world.

However, they know the power of the Devouring Snake, so they are also waiting. Once the Devouring Snake succeeds in invading, they will follow behind.

At that time, how much benefit you want to get depends on your own means.

Chapter 178: The Gate of Myriad Worlds! Suppress the heavens!

The world of reincarnators.

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