Whether it is an ordinary concealment technique, or a powerful technique that involves the space level.

As long as one came to his cave and stood behind him, it was impossible to escape the reflection of the mysterious light mirror.

But for some reason, Taoist Master Xuanguang had a feeling.

That is behind oneself, there is really a person.

This person can ignore his Dao Nian perception.

This person can resist the irradiation of the mysterious light mirror.

This person is a door-level existence.

After thinking of the door (ccfg), he naturally thought of many things.

"Why did the door appear?"

"Xuanguang Mirror won't lie to me, our world has been invaded by doors."

"Is the sense of disobedience before because of the door?"

"Could it be that the one standing behind me..."

After Taoist Master Xuanguang thought of this, he slowly turned his head and looked behind him.


Even as a Daoist.

Even if you have already stood at the pinnacle of this world.

He couldn't help but gasped.

Because, right behind him.

A black and red door appeared out of thin air.

The moment he saw this gate, Taoist Xuanguang's self-seal was broken in an instant.

Countless memories began to surface in my heart.

It was a memory he had just forgotten.

In his memory, they felt that someone from outside the world had invaded.

Then, I saw a jet-black door.

Then, the world is broken!

Then one took away their Gate of Creation.

The Taoist masters, however, seemed to not care at all, and left directly.

These memories that should not have been remembered by him all appeared in his mind one after another.

"These! These are my memories!"

"But in my heart, these memories are sealed!"

"I didn't take the initiative to seal it up, but I was forced to seal it up!"

"Someone deliberately sealed my memory!"

"Now the memory reappears, and I am also locked by him!"

"This person is..."

After Taoist Master Xuanguang thought of this, he fixed his eyes on the door in front of him.

Under his gaze, a person came out quickly.

It was a boy, a very handsome boy.

"The door of the mind, the master of the mind!"

"As long as you have seen this door, you will be marked and affected by this door!"

"Moreover, you actually have the ability to bypass the blockade of our world, which means that you are not an ordinary door-level existence."

"Because I witnessed the fall of seven foreign gates. Our world is a cursed world, but it is also a protected world."

"Any door-level existence that invades our world will be obliterated by a more secretive and powerful force."

"Even if it's a door!"

"But you have broken through this limitation. You are the only one who has come to our world in the last ten epochs and has not yet died."

"Your personality surpasses the gate of good fortune jointly created by dozens of sects and hundreds of Taoist masters in our world with the help of a strand of law that fell from a greater world after it was broken. , and even stronger."

Taoist Master Xuanguang looked at Yang Xuan solemnly, and couldn't help saying something.

Among them, the last sentence caught Yang Xuan's attention.

"Oh? The gate of good fortune is not the gate of a certain person, it is the gate of advancement?"

"It was built by you?"

Yang Xuan didn't even know about it.

Because I don't understand the artifact spirit of the gate of good fortune.

Since it was shattered, its previous tool spirit has already fallen, and the spiritual wisdom currently residing in the gate of Yang Xuan's mental image was born later.

That is to say, the person who has always wanted to recover is not the person who condensed the gate of good fortune, as Yang Xuan thought.

What really wants to recover is the will of the first generation of the gate of good fortune.

Its origin is a collection of countless Taoist masters.

The emergence of this gate of good fortune is to free their world from the curse.

"I see!"

"All the puzzles solved!"

Yang Xuan secretly sighed in his heart.

Then, he continued to ask: "Then what about the original gate and the eternal gate?"

These two doors are not as powerful as the door of good fortune.

But when combined, they will perish together with the gate of good fortune.

"According to the records in the gate, after many Taoist masters joined forces to create the gate of good fortune, a mysterious and mysterious force allowed our world to temporarily get rid of the curse, and a new gate could be born."

"And the original gate, and the eternal gate, are the advanced top powerhouses after the emergence of the gate of good fortune."

"One comprehended the original law, and the other comprehended the eternal law!"

"With the existence of the three of them, our world is gradually getting better."

"However, in the end, the Gate of Good Fortune was affected, he wanted to be promoted!


"He wanted to devour the primordial and eternity, thus triggering the battle of the three gates!"

"That battle directly broke the restart of the three eras!"

"Ninety percent of Taoist masters were destroyed by the aftermath of their battle!"

"Countless creatures died completely without knowing what happened."

"In that battle, the world was almost shattered."

"The original three great existences can continue to fight for a long time."

"But it seems that the original gate and the eternal gate sensed something, so they just said two words, and directly chose to self-destruct, pulling the gate of good fortune to shatter together."

Taoist Master Xuanguang told Yang Xuan everything he knew.

As for the condensor of the original gate and the gate of eternity, the last two words he said were careful.

But be careful, those Taoist masters who survived don't know.

Until a long time later, many Taoist masters would always die inexplicably when they thought of the gate before Taishi Xuanjie.

So I think that the two great beings, the primordial and the eternal, said before they blew themselves up that they should be careful about the door to outsiders.

Among these countless chances, people in the Taishi Xuan Realm believed that the reason their gates kept falling was because there was an extremely powerful gate outside their world.

That door is hunting their door.

The Gate of Good Fortune was also affected by that door, or even controlled by that door, or because the Gate of Good Fortune felt threatened, it was eager to improve its own strength.

That's how the battle of the three gates started.

Although most of these are speculations, after Yang Xuan heard this, he knew that except that they didn't know the existence of the Distortion Disk.

All other speculations are correct.

What is staring at their world is not a door, but a disk beyond the door.

"Your records are not wrong, at least most of them are not wrong!"

"The only thing that's wrong is that you're staring at the existence in your world, the existence that you can't think of first."

When Yang Xuan said this, he suddenly froze for a moment.

Because through the door of mental images, he knew that Taoist Xuanguang seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Don't think too much, it's not me who caused the existence in your world!"

"Because I was also attacked by him just now. Fortunately, my strength is strong enough and special enough, otherwise my end will be the same as the previous gate of your world!"

Yang Xuan explained a little bit.

Although the opponent's mind has long been controlled by him, this person Yang Xuan is of great use.

Therefore, he calmed the other party's mind and made plans for the next arrangement.

"Not you? Who is that?"

Taoist Master Xuanguang was shocked when he heard this.

Because, Yang Xuan is the only door that has invaded their world in many eras.

So after seeing Yang Xuan, he subconsciously thought that the door outside staring at their world was Yang Xuan.

He also believed that his own world was about to cease to exist, and Yang Xuan came to devour them.

The reason why the two are still chatting now is entirely because of Yang Xuan's bad taste, and Yang Xuan is showing how powerful he is.

But who would have thought that he would be wrong.

"I can't tell you what the existence of your world represents, what shape it is, and what it symbolizes."

"Because once I tell you, you will think of him, and then you will die completely."

"However, I can give you a hope!"

When Yang Xuan said this, he grabbed an illusory small tower facing the void.

That is, the projection of the Reincarnation Tower.

In the projection, there is also a girl in a plain dress who has completely fallen into a deep sleep.

Chapter 176 Sacrifice to the World, Graft Ascension

Taoist Xuanguang looked at the illusory little tower in front of him suspiciously.

With his realm, he naturally couldn't see what the essence of the small tower was.

They also don't know that there is a true spirit who is also a Taoist master in the small tower.

"This is the hope of your world!"

"Staring at your world, the existence outside your world is a terrifying existence beyond your imagination."

"That's an ordinary door, an existence that you can't resist after encountering it."

"Even if I am alone, I am no match for that terrifying existence."

"However, with her help, it will be different!"

"So guard her, protect her, and give her some help at critical moments, but don't show it at ordinary times."

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