"According to my speculation, this Distortion Disk is likely to be a large number of doors, which failed to break through. In the end, many doors alternated and finally converged into the Distortion Disk."

"Because of this, Distortion Disk is born with the instinct to absorb and devour all doors."

"Especially the gates born in the Taishi Xuan world."

"Before, I thought that the gate of good fortune, the gate of primordial origin, and the gate of eternity fell because of their fighting with each other."

"But if it is opened now, there should be interference from this twisted door."

"It's just that the Gate of Creation, the Gate of Primordial, and the Gate of Eternity finally used a certain method, which is similar to the method of dying together, to resist the attack of the Distorted Disk."

"However, they also fell completely because of this, but they were not completely swallowed after the fall, and there is a chance to return in the future."

"But their layout must have been hasty, so they didn't succeed until they met me."

Yang Xuan told the Taoist Master Good Fortune all his calculations.

After listening to Taoist Creation, his eyes also brightened.

"So, this is also a great opportunity!"

"One disc!"

"A disk without a main consciousness!"

"Beyond the personality of the gate, there is a disk with the laws of one hundred and thirty gates inside."

"Perhaps for me who is still very weak, this is a great disaster."

"But for you, or for me who will become a sect in the future, isn't this a great opportunity?"

"A large amount of Dao Yun is placed there!"

"A rule of ten thousand realms that surpasses Dao Yun and completely manifests itself here. If we take him down, we will know the secret of the disk!"

Not only did the Creation Taoist not have the slightest fear, but after listening to Yang Xuan's words, he seemed extremely excited.

She was originally a person who liked to be positive.

"¨Excellent theory!"

"And, the moment you push the door open, it will definitely attack again."

"Although it's very strong, it's easy to evade Pan's attack without main consciousness. Then we can test him again."

"In this way, find his weakness!"

"As for now, we can't continue to test, because its state seems to be very unstable!"

"Because according to my perception, the moment it shot at me just now, the aura was stable, but when it finally disappeared and hid, the aura became a little violent."

"That is to say, if it appears for a long time, or appears many times, it will completely revive the Distortion Disk, and then the entire Taishi Profound Realm will be twisted and swallowed by him."

"Even I can't escape!"

"So although we have a chance, we must be careful."

Yang Xuan has already analyzed many key points, so let me remind you now.

"I see!"

"After I reincarnate, I will never try to touch it."

"If there are other doors that activate the Distortion Disk, I will call for you in my heart."

The true spirit of the Creation Taoist Master expressed that he understood.


With a flash of Yang Xuan's figure, he came to Xuantian Shenzhou, one of the four continents in the Taishi Heaven Realm.


Xuantian Divine Continent, Xuantian Gate.


"I seem to have forgotten what exists!"

As the Taoist leader of one of the four continents (de Hao Hao).

Daoist Xuanguang, one of the three great elders of Xuantianmen, was wondering what happened in his own cave right now.

"What did you forget?"

"Mysterious light mirror!"

"Check my situation!"

Taoist Master Xuanguang thought for a while, but couldn't figure out why he felt this way.

So, he summoned his Taoist artifact.

This is the Taoist weapon that has accompanied him for a long time, and it is also his only Taoist tool.

Dao artifacts are rare, and there are no more than five Dao masters in the entire Taishi Xuanjie who can have more than two Dao artifacts.

And the number of Taoist masters here exceeds three digits.

"Your memory is forgotten."

"You have hidden a memory in your heart!"

Xuanguang Mirror is a very powerful Taoist weapon.

So under the power of this Taoist artifact, he actually found his abnormality.

It turned out that this anomaly was a memory.

"This memory is about..."

"No! Don't think about it!"

"Damn, it's too late!"

However, just when Xuan Guangjing detected this place, Qi Ling suddenly became extremely frightened.

Ever since the Xuanguang mirror's artifact spirit was born until now, Taoist Xuanguang has never seen it so big.

"Here he comes! He's here!"

"You shouldn't have let me probe your memory."

"Mind, Vientiane, Information, Creation..."

"That is a great existence that we cannot compete with!"

"he came!!".

Chapter 175 The Battle of the Ancients, the Secret of Creation

Xuanguang Mirror has not weak intelligence, although it is not a gate, it is only the ninth rank.

But as a Taoist instrument that has been cultivated by the master for a long time.

In fact, its wisdom is not weak at all.

It's just that I don't have any feelings.

In terms of IQ, this Xuanguang mirror is definitely at the level of normal people.

As for the calculation ability and analysis ability, it is worthy of the Taoist instrument, and it is the real Taoist level.

To use a metaphor, it is a reliable tool spirit.


Just now, this Qi Ling, who has always been very calm and reliable, showed extremely flustered emotions.

That's the emotion it never was.

As soon as this emotion appeared, Taoist Xuanguang knew that things were in trouble.

"My heart is active, and an emotion that does not belong to me appears in my heart."

"It wasn't the emotion I was supposed to feel, but he just showed up."

"No, if this continues, I will be in danger!"

"I want to control my own heart, I can't think wildly."

"The light of Taixuan proves my true heart!"

After discovering your situation.

Taoist Xuanguang has already begun to avoid risks.

As a Taoist master, there are many worlds, and it is still an extremely dangerous world.

Every Taoist in this world is very cautious.

Because this world is different from the Great Creation World, there will always be battles in this world.

But in the great world of good fortune, as long as the Taoist good fortune does not make trouble, there will be no Taoist level struggle in her world

Therefore, even in terms of awareness of crisis, the Daoist Creation is actually inferior to this Daoist Xuanguang.

"The light of Taixuan, suppress!"

After Taoist Master Xuanguang noticed the crisis, no matter where the crisis came from, he immediately suppressed his heart and sealed his memory.

Myself, seal myself.

Normally, no one would do such a thing.

However, Taoist Master Xuanguang trusts his Xuanguang mirror very much.

He didn't even consider other reasons, and immediately started to seal 033 himself.

But unfortunately, it was too late in the end.

Just as Taoist Xuanguang sealed his heart and his memory.

Even, in order to prevent special situations from happening, a lot of memories were directly discarded.

A hidden force has begun to appear in his blessed land and cave.

Even the sense of crisis in Taoist Xuanguang's heart still hasn't disappeared.

At this time, Xuan Guangjing suddenly trembled again.


"It's too late!"

"Here he comes!"

The Xuanguang mirror seemed to be affected, and it looked very scared.

Lingzhi kept trembling and said the same words.


Taoist Xuanguang didn't know why, although he also felt the danger.

But the source of the danger has been unable to be locked.

Until, Xuan Guangjing started talking again.

"Behind, he's right behind you!"

"He is the master of the mind, the master of information, the beginning of everything, the pinnacle of creation!"

"He is the existence of the tenth rank!"

"He is... the gate of the mind image!"

Xuan Guangjing's words appeared in the heart of Taoist Xuan Guang.

Then, Taoist Xuanguang hurriedly sensed what was behind him.

But even if he is a Daoist-level existence, even if he has terrible Dao Nian and Dao Yun, he can't detect that there is someone behind him.

Moreover, the Xuanguang Mirror was right in front of him.

Through the mirror surface of this mysterious light mirror, it stands to reason that even everything can't hide.

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