"The moment she becomes the door, I will descend again!"

"At that time, there is hope that the crisis in your world will be completely resolved!"

Yang Xuan's voice directly appeared in the mind of Taoist Xuanguang.

Then, under the puzzled eyes of Taoist Master Xuanguang, the small pagoda in Yang Xuan's hand turned into a beam of light and fell into the mountain gate of Xuantianmen.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

That is, not long after the light fell.

The sound of a baby crying directly appeared in his cave.

"I see!"

"Is this why you came to our world?"

"In order for your Taoist partner to become a door in our world!"

Taoist Xuanguang has understood something at this moment.

Then, he couldn't help asking a question.

"That's right!"

"That's what I'm here for!"

"Moreover, I am very responsible to tell you that if something happens to her in your world, then even if that mysterious existence doesn't destroy your world, I will destroy your world."

"I said I would do it!"

When Yang Xuan finally said this, his eyes burst out with a terrifying deterrent force.

Immediately afterwards.

The huge power of the mind spread out in an instant.

For a moment, all the Taoist masters in the entire Xuantianmen had a clear understanding in their hearts.

That is, a hope was born in their sect, and they must guard this existence well, and they cannot let this existence fall in the middle.

But at the same time, we can't interfere with her growth, let her walk out of her own path.

It is actually difficult to grasp this aspect.

But they have to.

As for why it must be like this, those people have nothing to worry about.

Anyway, for the time being, that's about it.

Such thoughts appeared directly in their hearts.

There was no hesitation, no doubt, and even less thinking.

The only person who knew more was the Taoist Master Xuanguang in front of Yang Xuan.

"I see!"

Taoist Master Xuanguang nodded slightly to show that he understood.

"Even if I die, I won't let her die!"

"Guarding her, but not disturbing her, this is the most important thing in my next life."

Taoist Master Xuanguang seemed to say this as if he had sworn an oath.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly discovered a terrible thing.

That is the mysterious existence that was still talking to him one second, and disappeared directly the next second.

Moreover, there was no sign of his disappearance at all.

Daoist Xuanguang didn't know when the other party disappeared suddenly.

That weird situation made him feel a little scared.

"What a terrifying existence!"

"But at least the other party didn't come with destruction!"

Taoist Master Xuanguang made a secret sound in his heart, and then looked at his own Taoist tool, the Xuanguang Mirror.

At this time, Xuanguang mirror has completely recovered.

Taoist Master Xuanguang suddenly had a thought, and asked tentatively to the Xuanguang mirror: "Is there anything unusual in the cave just now?"

"No! Nothing abnormal happened!"

"But I detected a hope, that is our future, the Taoist Lord must protect her!"


Listening to Xuan Guangjing's answer, Taoist Master Xuan Guang suddenly felt like taking a breath.

He even recalled some of the horrible things he had experienced before becoming a Daoist master.

Then he discovered that what happened today was even more terrifying to him than the life and death disasters he had experienced before.

That mysterious existence can easily rewrite the door of terror in other people's hearts.

"Forbidden Power!"

"Why is there such power in this world!"

"The world that gave birth to this door must be very... sad!"

This is the thought that Taoist Master Xuanguang couldn't help but produce in his heart.


Xuantian Gate.

Among a small family at the foot of the mountain.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The clear and crisp crying of the baby girl appeared directly in everyone's ears.

"It's a girl with average aptitude!"

A dull voice appeared in everyone's ears.

Then, the monk family fell silent.

"Let's keep it free. Gengu will only have an ordinary appearance in the future. If you can't prove the Dao Yuanshen before the age of a hundred, you can arrange it according to the family rules."


The dull voice came again.

This is a small family, but the small family in Taishi Xuanjie is still a small family relying on Xuantianmen, and its head is a true immortal.

But what this true fairy doesn't know is.

When this unremarkable girl from his family was born, all the Taoist masters of the entire Xuantian Sect focused their attention on this little girl.

And this little girl is now just like a child, crying and welcoming her new life.

Without everyone knowing.

There was another figure standing quietly in front of her.

This person is obviously standing here, but it doesn't matter whether it is for a small family or a Taoist master watching here from a distance.

One by one, they all seemed to be completely invisible to the existence of that person.

"Fate! Daoyi! Liu Yun!"

"Your name in this life is still called Liu Yun!"

"Your Dao name will still be Dao Yi in the future!"

"But in order for you to recognize your true heart and find your own door, I will seal your memory!"

"As your memory improves, you will gradually regain your memory!"

"Because only in this way will you have the opportunity to open your own door!"

"In order to speed up your growth, I also prepared a small bottle for you."

"This is a small bottle separated from the rules of good fortune. It contains the power of good fortune, and it will be generated by itself every day."

"Its effect is mainly to ripen the elixir, deduce the skills, and practice the method!"

"It's just that before the door of achievement, these are just auxiliary means."

"If you want to become a door, the most important thing is to find your own heart."

"Although this statement is very idealistic, but this is the most important point."

"As your cultivation grows, you will gradually regain your memory, and I am your final memory."

"When you wake up the memory about me, that's when we meet again."

"It was also you, when you opened your own door."

"So, goodbye!"

"I look forward to seeing you next time!"

Yang Xuan said a few last words to Taoist Creation, and then tapped her lightly.

Then, a small bottle turned into a pendant and hung around her neck.

The appearance of this small bottle is so abrupt.

But no one thinks there is a problem.

No one even thought about it.

Only Taoist Good Fortune, who had successfully reincarnated, stopped crying suddenly, and then turned to look at Yang Xuan.

This move of hers made Yang Xuan, who was about to leave just now, pause for a moment.

He also didn't expect that the Creation Taoist Master whose memory was sealed by him.

The Creation Taoist Master in this baby state has actually noticed his own existence.

"Ha ha!"

"Sure enough, your choice is correct."

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth.

In the next second, a black and red door appeared directly.

Then Yang Xuan walked in.


Create a big world.

No, create a thousand worlds!

The black and red door opened directly, and Yang Xuan returned to this world.

"True Reincarnation Tower, I hand over the ownership of this world to you."

As soon as Yang Xuan returned, he directly communicated with the Tower of Reincarnation.

After the True Spirit reached the tenth level, Yang Xuan could clearly feel that his connection with the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower would deepen or fade according to the world.


When I was in Taishi Xuanjie before.

Yang Xuan basically couldn't perceive the True Reincarnation Tower.

That's because the essence of the Taishi Xuanjie is extremely high, not only the world power of the Taishi Xuanjie is blocking Yang Xuan.

Even the Distorted Disc outside Taishixuan Realm has a huge barrier.

Even, the barrier of the Distortion Disk is even stronger.

But in this world of good fortune, at this moment, Yang Xuan could summon the clone of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower if he wanted to.


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