Then, it gradually became real.

If you use the progress bar to calculate, then the current level of reality is 60%.

But that's all.

"Is that the only way!"


"You can also increase some intensity!"

In fact, Yang Xuan was very satisfied with being able to directly take advantage of this opportunity to condense his own sect.

030 Even if it is an illusory door, it is a door that is not real.

Yang Xuan was very satisfied.

This was an unexpected gain for him.

"I can continue to increase the authenticity of the door, because condensing the door is only the first step!"

"For a real door, there must be a concept inside the door!"

"And my concept is the heart!"

"It's the Black Sea of ​​Soul!"


"Open, my door!"


Yang Xuan, who seemed to have realized something, pushed open the door all at once.

At this time, all people, all creatures, and all items in the entire Starry Sky Cultivation World.

It seemed that in their hearts, they heard the sound of a door opening.

Obviously, it was just a simple sound of opening the door.

But it seemed unusually heavy.

That feeling is like opening an ancient secret realm, or an ancient treasure house, or a box full of endless mysteries.

As for Yang Xuan himself, the moment he pushed the door open, his state of mind was instantly elevated infinitely.

For a moment, he seemed to override the will of the world.

He even felt the heart of this world!

"Fear! Anger!"

This is the will of the world in the Starry Sky Cultivation World, which is both fearful and angry.

But fear is number one, anger is number two.

"The world will be scared too!"

"Is it influenced by me!"

Feeling the changes in the world, Yang Xuan doesn't feel anything now.

He has not experienced the power of the mind once or twice.


At this time, the endless black sea of ​​souls began to pour into the door.

The black sea of ​​mind that seemed to be the size of the entire world began to pour into the door.

Endless sea water.

It stands to reason that the Black Sea, which was supposed to be endless, began to shrink soon after being pulled by the power inside the gate.

The speed of this reduction is based on a percentage.

Ten minutes later.

All the Black Sea is integrated behind the door.

At the same time, there was some faint red aura from the huge pitch-black gate.

Then this pure black door turned into a black and red door.

It was at this time that Yang Xuan knew the name of this door.

That is... the door of mental imagery!


"My door has appeared!"

"With the help of the spiritual power of a world, plus the Dao Yun of the Master of All Souls, and the fragments of the gate of good fortune, I finally condensed my own unique gate."

Yang Xuan was happy and excited in his heart.

However, with the assistance of the Gate of Mind Image, he didn't erupt too much mental fluctuation.

Now, he can perfectly control his heart.

All emotions are naturally controllable.

But it doesn't affect him, it turns him to stone.

That feeling is very mysterious.

"When the door is achieved, the title will change accordingly."

"After I got the door, I didn't need to think about it, I knew the title corresponding to the realm of the door."


"Heart image master!"

Above the Taoist master is the ruler.

The existence that controls the entire dao rhyme is called the master.

However, Yang Xuan is only initially in charge of the mental image.

But even so it is very powerful.

This is an existence beyond the level of Taoist masters.

"This world is closely related to me!"

"Since this is the case, let me continue to leave a part of my heart, and let it exist here."

"Reveal, the world hidden in the heart, independent of the mind, the world of mind image!"

After achieving the door and becoming the master of the mind, Yang Xuan directly chose to create a world.

Within the world, create a world.

Moreover, it is still a world that is directly at the level of the Great Thousand World.

This world will closely overlap with the Starry Sky Cultivation World, but will not interfere with each other.

Therefore, he also wants to pull all the creatures in this world into his own mental world.

The moment the decision was made.

Yang Xuan faced the void and made a movement to push the door.


As soon as Yang Xuan's movements came out, the entire Starry Sky Cultivation World trembled.

All Souls Starfield is fine.

Because this side has been conquered by Yang Xuan, even if there is a huge shock, the people in the Myriad Souls Starfield continue to do their own things.

It didn't appear flustered or even chaotic because of the change.

But the Immortal Dao Starfield is different.

At this time, the Immortal Dao Starfield was completely boiling.


The world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky, the star field of immortality.

in the universe.

All the practitioners couldn't help but look up at the huge door above the sky.

"what is that?"

"Door? Why did a door appear in the universe?"

"What kind of door is this? Why do I feel as if something has entered my heart just by taking a look at it?"

"I suddenly felt that my heart was at peace!"

"Ah, what a beautiful door!"

In the Immortal Dao Starfield, all the existences below the level of immortals, after seeing the illusory gate, their hearts were invaded.

Even if it is an existence at the level of a real fairy, it will last for a few seconds at most, and then the soul will fall into a door.

That's right!

When their hearts are invaded, a door will automatically appear deep in everyone's heart.

This door is the door of mental imagery.

It is connected to the door of the mental image controlled by Yang Xuan.

Through the gate of mind image, they will be directly controlled by Yang Xuan.

Even if Yang Xuan told them to die, they would die without hesitation.

This is the horror of the gate of mind image.

Anyone who looks at the door of mental images will be controlled unconsciously.

This is just the passive ability of the door of imagery.

As for the existence of the immortal level, it can be resisted for a period of time.

Especially some wise angels, after sensing something bad, immediately escaped into their own blessed land and cave.

"do not look!"

"Can not look!"

"There is a great and strange existence that has come to our world!"

"Cultivators below the level of true immortals should immediately seal their inspiration and wisdom!"

"Absolutely don't look at the situation outside, and wait for the Heavenly Sword Dao Master to deal with the opponent!"

"It's terrible, it's really terrible!"

"What kind of existence is it? It's actually invaded and affected just by seeing it."

"Such an existence, can Lord Daoist deal with it?"

"It seems that Master Taoist doesn't have such power!"

When most of the people below the true immortals, the soul and the door of the mind image are established.

Some of the abilities of the Gate of Mind Image are also known to those angels.

They responded immediately.

Not only entering his own blessed land and cave, but also blocking his own blessed land and cave.

However, some unlucky angels discovered another thing.

That is, in the blessed land of many celestial beings, there are some people whose hearts have been invaded unknowingly.

Therefore, when everyone communicates with each other in spirit, or in words, asking what happened.

Some people unconsciously manifested the door of mental images with spiritual thoughts and techniques.

Some people, subconsciously, said the name they got after seeing the gate.

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