"I know I can leave."

"The essence of the spirit and the broken Dao Yun make my wisdom too weak."

"I forget a lot of things, but seem to know a lot of things."

"Some things I understand and some things I don't."

"What do you mean by the two choices, I don't understand!"

The Gate of Creation spoke confidently.

As far as it is concerned, he may be able to answer some questions about cultivation, even questions about the ninth level.

But some common sense, he may not understand.

The so-called art industry has specialization.

Good Fortune Gate thinks this is reasonable.

"You... well, let me explain to you."

Yang Xuan thinks about it, he should be doing the same now. It is time to wait for the refinement of the master of all spirits.

So in detail, it's nothing.

What's more, the other party is the gate of good fortune, and it intends to give this powerful gate to itself.

"Listen well, and ask if you don't understand!"

"I have two choices for you. The first one is independence, complete independence."

"If you choose to be completely independent, I can no longer leave any mark on you, I won't interfere with your life, I won't interfere with your growth, but I will also not give you any help, which means you have to go your own way Walk."

"If you choose this path, you will be truly free, but life is long. If you are caught by others again, it will be your own fate."

Yang Xuan explained the first choice to Fortune Gate.

In this regard, the Gate of Creation has no doubts.

This time I understood everything.

"¨There is another option, which is the second path I prepared for you!"

"This one is actually not absolute freedom for you!"

"As you said, I will mark you with my mark, and then help you grow after reincarnation."

"Most of your life is free."

"But when I need you, you will be there for me!"

"However, it is also beneficial to be a favored person, that is, when you need help, I will give you a certain amount of help."

"If you are in danger, I will help you if possible."

Yang Xuan told the Gate of Good Fortune about the details of the two choices.

What happens next depends on his own choice.

"the second!"

"I want a second one!"

"Under your protection, I can grow better."

After understanding what Yang Xuan meant by those words, Gate of Good Fortune chose the second path without even thinking about it.

Its speed is so fast that Yang Xuan has a little difference.

"Aren't you looking for freedom?"

"To be honest, the second option is equivalent to being in a situation where I am staring at you all the time."

"You know, as my strength becomes stronger in the future, even if I don't take the initiative to watch you, but because you have my mark, your every move will automatically be watched by my superficial consciousness."

"That's your every move, your whole life."

Yang Xuan didn't directly agree to the Gate of Creation, but thought that he might not have fully understood what he said, so he explained again what he would face if he chose the second path.

"This is it! This is it!"

"I choose this, it doesn't matter if you stare at me, I mainly want to be human, my freedom is very simple!"

"Besides, with you watching, I will be safer. I don't want to be refined anymore."

The consciousness of the Gate of Creation this time is very clear.

"I see!"

"Since this is your choice, then the agreement is reached!"

"Heart image imprint, successful!"

When the Gate of Creation confirmed its choice, a mark appeared in its heart.

That is because of the existence of this imprint, its mind becomes more and more mature.

Know more and more basic common sense.

This is Yang Xuan's use of the power of the black sea of ​​the mind, and from each person's mind, he sorted out every bit of information for him.

The power at this level may seem simple, but it actually involves the two rhymes of mind and information.

After all, the gate of good fortune is not a human being, and its heart is also the simplest kind.

But now, with Yang Xuan's endowment and gift.

The heart of the gate of good fortune is no different from that of normal people.

Its cognition of the world is not weaker than that of ordinary ninth-order existences.

Its memory was actually completed under Yang Xuan's manipulation.

Then a coordinate also appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

That is the coordinates of a great world.

A world coordinate beyond the ninth level.

Above the great thousand, it is called Xuan.

The world above the three thousand great worlds is called the Mysterious Realm!

The coordinates given to Yang Xuan by the Gate of Good Fortune, its name: Taishi Xuanjie! .

Chapter 170 The Tenth Rank, the Gate of Mind Image!

Taishi Xuanjie.

It is a world beyond the level of Taoist masters, and it is a world where multiple doors can be bred.

Moreover, its personality is actually above the Three Thousand Great Worlds.

Even Yang Xuan didn't know this before.

It can be said that the information given to him by the Gate of Creation is of great value.

"I remembered a lot of things, and I stored all the things I remembered in the gate of good fortune."

"If you are interested, you can read it at any time!"

"Anyway, the gate of good fortune will soon be yours."

"Then let me go quickly, I can't wait."

Even though the soul of the Gate of Good Fortune was complemented by Yang Xuan, he is no longer a mentally handicapped child.

But its character is still the appearance of a child.

It seems that spiritual completion has not affected his character.

Think about it too, personality is not easily changed.

Mind is mind, character is character.

The character of Fortune Gate is like a child, and it has been going on for a long, long time.

This is a long time, possibly countless epochs.

"let's start!"

"Give up resistance!"

"Let me pull the gate of good fortune into the black sea of ​​the soul."

Yang Xuan nodded to the Gate of Creation.

In fact, he appeared without any action.

But in the state of mind of the Gate of Creation, it was as if seeing Yang Xuan nodding.

This time, when Yang Xuan was mobilizing the power of the black sea of ​​mind to invade the gate of good fortune.

Not only did the Gate of Creation not refuse, but it was very cooperative.

In this way, the gate of creation soon sank to the bottom of the black sea of ​​the mind.

Crash! Crash!

When the gate of good fortune sank into the deepest part of the black sea of ​​mind, the entire black sea of ​​mind suddenly went berserk.

The black seawater of the soul, like a terrifying black tide that can swallow everything, has a huge vortex at this moment.

At the center of the vortex, there is still a touch of white light.

In the depths of the white light is a huge door.

That is the gate of creation.

Such a strange scene lasted for nearly an hour.

an hour later.

The eddies subside, the waves subside.

When everything is calm, standing on the black sea of ​​the soul, the figure of a young man who is more perfect than a fairy.

The most innocent smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.


In front of him, countless black auras quickly emerged from the bottom of the sea.

The black breath flew to the boy's body, intertwining countless mysterious runes.

The rune finally turned into the purest power.

Until the end, a fan was formed that seemed to be small, but it also seemed to be very large.

There seems to be endless solemnity and sacredness, and there seems to be just ordinary and plain.

It seems to conceive all things, as if to devour all living beings.

It's like the beginning of everything, like the extinction of life...


That's right!

It's just a door, an illusory door.

A closed door.

A door that looked like it would dissipate at any moment, but managed to maintain its shape.

Although it is still illusory and has no entity, it is also a door.

Beyond the ninth-level position, the door of the tenth-level position has been reached.

The handsome young man who surpassed the gods perfectly walked to this illusory door step by step.

Then, he gently placed his hand on the door.


The moment the boy's hand touched the door, the door, which seemed to disappear at any moment because it was too illusory, suddenly trembled.

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