"It's the door of mental images!"

"The door that appears above the sky comes from the great mind master, who is the master of the mind and everything."

With the embodied image of these people, with these people speaking those two names.

Soon, mysterious energy fluctuations appeared inside the blessed land and cave of those celestial beings.


A door that shrunk countless times appeared in the cave.

This is one of the abilities of the Mind Image Gate.

Whoever speaks must be known!

Where there is an image, it must be known!

Through these two characteristics, when they uttered their mental images, Yang Xuan had actually locked them in.

Then even without Yang Xuan's distraction, the door of mental vision automatically appeared in front of them.

Just like that, the celestial beings in the Immortal Dao Starfield soon fell.

They really didn't expect that the door was so terrifying.

the most important is.

Although there will be a mysterious fluctuation when the projection of the gate of mind image descends.

But that fluctuation was something they couldn't detect, not to mention them, even the Heavenly Sword Dao Master couldn't detect it.

Therefore, the appearance of doors in these caves directly caused those heavenly immortals to fall completely.

They can't resist the door's mind invasion at all.

As for those immortals who blocked the cave in time, they were still cautious at the beginning.

After two minutes, they found that there was no problem with them, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But that's when they relax.


(ccfg) All of a sudden, there was a voice to open the door in the hearts of every angel.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a door in their bodies.

A black and red door.

A door that symbolizes many great Taoist rhymes such as the soul, Vientiane, information, and good fortune.

It is the gate of everything.

The ability of the Gate of Vientiane is.

First, whoever speaks must be known!

Second, where there is an image, it must be known!

These two are the passives of the Gate of Vientiane.

However, when the Gate of Vientiane was actively urged by Yang Xuan.

It also gets a third powerful ability.

Anyone who has a heart will be known!

That's right, as long as you have a heart!

If you have heart, mood, and thoughts, you will be perceived by Yang Xuan in this world.

Even if it is to seal his blessed land and cave, it doesn't make any sense.

Because the celestial beings also had intentions, they were directly sensed by Yang Xuan and then invaded.

Moreover, active abilities are different from passive abilities.

When Yang Xuan took the initiative to activate this ability, the door of mind image opened directly in the heart of Tianxianmen.

They couldn't even resist, and their hearts were directly pulled into the black sea of ​​mind, becoming one of Yang Xuan's strengths, providing some power for the black sea of ​​mind and the gate of mental images.

But those people under Yang Xuan's control, apart from being branded, have no other changes.

As long as Yang Xuan doesn't manipulate them, they will live the same life as before.

After the seventh level, there is the eighth level.

The Holy Master of the eighth rank actually blocked his spiritual intelligence immediately after seeing the gate, and then transformed into light!

"Not good! This door is too weird, even if you don't look at it, don't perceive it, you will still be invaded by it!"

"After the invasion, I actually felt peaceful in my heart, and didn't care that I was invaded at all."

"This is a demon, a very terrifying demon!"

"We have to turn into light, as long as we become light, it can't do anything to us."

The Holy Master of the eighth rank is naturally very powerful in analysis.

After thinking for a while, they decided to turn into light.

I want to use the form of light to resist the invasion of the Vientiane Gate.

Sword light, mysterious light, divine light, moonlight light, and dark light!

The holy masters of the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky turned into light one after another at this moment.

He wanted to use this to resist Yang Xuan's spiritual invasion.


When all the souls of the seventh-level and below were pulled into the door of mental images, Yang Xuan directly set his sights on the existence of the eighth-level.

"Turned into light!"

"Unfortunately, light also has a heart!"

"Also, the nature of light is closer to the door."

"Behind the door, isn't there light!"

"Since you have turned into light, then become my light!"

Trying to use the mode of turning into the light of law to avoid the invasion of the Vientiane Gate is the most unwise choice in Yang Xuan's opinion.

Of course, with the strength of the eighth rank, facing the tenth rank Yang Xuan, he actually has nothing.

Perhaps it is the best choice to directly admit defeat and directly obey.

No, it's not maybe.

but should!

Should admit defeat, should obey.

Because they have no choice!

In a world, the Taoist master of the ninth rank dare not say that he can control the creatures of an entire world.

However, masters are different.

Since it is called a master, it is a creature that can control a world.

Even the former Taoist good fortune master who held the gate of good fortune and was at the peak of his life.

In fact, there is no way to completely dominate the entire Great Creation World.

Although she is the strongest in the world of good fortune.

It is the only ninth-level Taoist master in the great world of good fortune, and it is an invincible existence.

But when she was invaded by Yang Xuan, she felt the crisis, but there were restrictions when searching.

But the tenth rank is different.

In particular, the full tenth order bit.

It's not like the gate of fortune, it's fragmented, and it's not in the tenth level of state at all.


In the starry sky, in the world of cultivating immortals, in the endless starry sky.

"I say, let there be light!"

When the holy masters of the Immortal Starfield turned into light.

Such a sentence emerged in everyone's mind.

Even, even in the light transformed by the Holy Master, such a sentence appeared.

Immediately afterwards!


The light that illuminates the whole world.

An overwhelming light.

In an instant, the entire starry sky and immortal world were swept away.

Then, the Holy Masters fell.

Their light is directly polluted, and all the light is imprinted on the soul.

The entire starry sky cultivation world, at this moment, is only two things away from being completely controlled by Yang Xuan.

One is the Heavenly Sword Master.

One is the original gate.

However, the original door is very simple.

Yang Xuan just had a thought.

The original door was directly pulled into the door by the mental image door.

Although, it also has resistance.

But the resisting power didn't persist for more than three seconds, and was directly dragged in, thrown into the gate of mind image, the deepest part of the black sea of ​​mind, refined by countless mind powers.

Then, until now.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky, only Daoist Heavenly Sword is left.


deep in the universe.

Master Tianjian held his own saber, released Dao Yun, and with difficulty resisted the invasion of the mind from all directions.

At the same time, in his heart, he was completely shrouded in the rhyme of swordsmanship, and guarded his heart firmly.

But as time went by, Daoist Heavenly Sword felt more and more heavy.

Even, just appeared a little heavy.

This heaviness changed from slightly heavy to extremely heavy in an instant.

Sensing the change in his mood, Daoist Heavenly Sword showed a sad smile at the corner of his mouth.

The dignified Taoist.

Even without seeing the shadow of the enemy, he was defeated.

Although Daoist Heavenly Sword didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he had failed.

After the door appeared in the world, there was no more than three minutes before and after.

Daoist Heavenly Sword didn't even see the enemy, so he failed directly.

"I know, you haven't shot with all your strength yet!"

"I know, you don't even look me in the eye!"

"I know, I have failed!"

"But I hope you can give me a chance, give me a chance to fight head-on."

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