The Daoist Good Fortune just called Yang Xuan in his heart, and then Yang Xuan's voice appeared.

Moreover, there is also a mysterious force that guides the Taoist Creator to look directly into her heart.

Immediately afterwards, the face of the Creation Taoist master showed a smile again.

"I see!"

"It turns out that in my heart, I have already made a choice!"

"Then we will be allies and friends from now on!"

"As a friend, you have to give me a hand at the critical moment!"

"After all, I still want to continue to witness the beauty of the endless world with you."

"In the future, I will also work hard to have the strength to stand by your side in the future."

"I want to be reincarnated!"

"I want to go to the world that gave birth to the gate of good fortune, the gate of the original, and the gate of eternity."

"Since that world bred and ate three doors, it proves that its essence must be very high!"

"But with my strength alone, I can't do it!"

"So I'll wait for you here, and after you refine the Daoist Master of All Souls, send me to that world personally."

After looking directly at his own heart, the Creation Taoist made a choice.

Her choice was actually a path with a one in ten million chance of success.

She wants to condense her own unique door.

Chapter 169 The Coordinates of the Gate, Taishi Xuanjie

This is the enlightenment of the Creation Master!

Faced with two choices, she actually chose the most difficult one.

Abandoning the path that can achieve the tenth rank 100% and embarking on a path that only has a very small chance to find the door that belongs to him.

"I support you!"

"Even from my point of view, this is the most correct choice!"

Yang Xuan's voice appeared on the mind of the Creation Taoist Lord.

Indeed, if you consider it from the perspective of the future.

Yang Xuan thinks even more that the best state is to condense one's own sect and find one's own uniqueness.

"I know, you will definitely stand by my side!"

"So, accept it!"

"Accept this gift from me!"

The Creation Taoist still spoke to Yang Xuan in his own mind.

In fact, she couldn't feel Yang Xuan.

But she had a feeling in the dark that Yang Xuan would definitely be able to hear what she said in her heart.

In fact, it is.

That is, after she finished speaking, the gate of creation in the sky disappeared in an instant.

Not only the ones on the Lord of All Souls, but even the gate of good fortune that existed in the Immortal Dao Starfield and was still guarded by the Heavenly Sword Dao Master disappeared.

That is, the moment when these gates of good fortune disappeared.

The world that exists above everyone's heart once again set off a stormy sea.

Of course, the hearts of people in the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky have not been affected in any way at this time.

They keep on doing their thing.

I didn't even know that there was a huge movement in the black sea of ​​my mind.

Because Yang Xuan has blocked everything about the black sea of ​​the mind.

Above the entire Black Sea of ​​Mind, in everyone's hearts, the purest power of mind was borrowed by Yang Xuan.

But they don't know that a physical door has broken through the boundary between illusion and reality at this moment, and descended on the black sea of ​​the soul.

On the black sea of ​​the whole soul.

Only Yang Xuan could clearly see that huge door.

"It's coming!"

"The Gate of Creation!"

"The legendary level exists in the main world!"

"Let the most powerful force in the main world, the Dao Palace, care about the door very much!"

"At this moment, it was delivered to me by the Lord of Creation himself!"

"Sure enough, for reincarnators, even if they don't carry any attributes or blessings, just reincarnation itself is a great opportunity!"

"The Gate of Good Fortune, it's so easy to get!"

"Beyond the essence of the ninth level, although it is still the power of the ninth level, this gate of good fortune is also a powerful existence that outsiders can't imagine."

Looking at the gates of good fortune that kept appearing in the black sea of ​​mind, Yang Xuan almost felt unreal in his heart.

Although the Gate of Creation is only one, it actually has many clones.

Those avatars were left behind in various places by Taoist Good Fortune once he came to the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky.

But at this moment, Taoist Creator knew that he no longer needed those.

Therefore, when she gave up the gates of good fortune, she also gave up control over the clones and projections of those gates of good fortune.

This caused the Gate of Creation to appear on the black sea of ​​the mind, and immediately a large number of phantoms quickly cut through the space and merged into the Gate of Creation.

And all of this made Yang Xuan extremely emotional.

Although, he knew that things were going this way.

It was inevitable that the gate of creation would fall into his hands.

But when this moment appeared, I still felt a little unbelievable.

Because of this coming, he has gained too much.

"come on!"

When the countless gates of good fortune were completely transformed into the only gate, Yang Xuan waved his hand lightly to this one and absorbed it.

Immediately afterwards, the imprint of the mind entered into the gate of good fortune.

The gate of good fortune suddenly trembled slightly.

It is refusing.

That's right!

This tenth-order essence door is rejecting Yang Xuan.

The reason is very simple, Yang Xuan can even feel its 'heart'.

That's right!

The gate of good fortune also has a heart.

"You don't want to be refined by me, but you intend to give up the gate of good fortune. You are the spirit of the gate of good fortune. What you want is to give up everything and achieve a new life!"

"You want to be human!"

After reading the heart of the Gate of Creation, Yang Xuan was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the idea of ​​the gate of good fortune would be like this.

Moreover, he dared to know that this was deliberately leaked to him by the Gate of Creation.

The purpose is to trade with yourself.

The original wisdom of the Gate of Creation actually wanted to abandon the Gate of Creation, escape from the shackles of the Gate of Creation, and become an independent individual.

And it has made more than one attempt to do so.

The gate of good fortune of the reincarnated world was leaked deliberately, the purpose is to complete an attempt.

Unfortunately, it failed.

Now that the Gate of Creation has seen Yang Xuan's strength, it plans to complete a deal with Yang Xuan.

I hope that the main body of the Gate of Creation can be completely handed over to Yang Xuan, and then he can gain spiritual freedom.


It's not a deal, it's a prayer.

The soul of the Gate of Creation, while Yang Xuan was thinking, sent Yang Xuan a spiritual message again.

It begged Yang Xuan to set him free.

As a price, I am willing to believe in Yang Xuan, even after becoming independent, I will obey Yang Xuan's orders in my heart, as long as I can let it incarnate into a human being, preferably a person from the reincarnated world.

"I see!"

"I agree with your proposal!"

"I can help you reincarnate as a human, and I can also help you become a person in the reincarnated world!"

"However, after you go to the main world, you will not become an ordinary person. You will study in the main world for eighteen years, and then become a reincarnation."

"Finally, travel through the heavens and worlds!"

"So you face a choice!"

"Do you want to join my forces, or do you want to be completely independent?"

"Among my many opportunities, some of them come from the help of the power of good fortune."

"So, now is the time for me to give back to you."

"I can give you two choices!"

"First, complete independence."

"Second, become my favored one!"

After Yang Xuan pondered for a while, he offered the Gate of Creation a choice.

This is to give back, to help myself since I got the good fortune and heavenly power.

Although, this is not the help offered by the Gate of Creation.

But the heavenly art of good fortune and the power of good fortune have indeed given Yang Xuan a lot of help.

In the face of Yang Xuan's narration, the transmission of mind and thoughts.

The gate of good fortune trembled in an instant.

It is surprised, it is panic, it is excited.

However, it has not responded to Yang Xuan, and has not made any choices.

After a while, the mind of the gate of good fortune appeared.

"What is independence?"

"What is a favored one?"

After Yang Xuan knew about this mental idea, Yang Xuan was a little speechless.

"You don't know anything? Why are you surprised? What are you afraid of? What are you excited about?"

Yang Xuan asked again.

He suddenly felt that this gate of good fortune was like a child.

Moreover, it may only be a child of two or three years old.

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