But here also became more powerful.

Even if Daoist Heavenly Sword comes here in person, at least he can be resisted for a long time.

It is a pity that all the information of Taoist Master Wanling has been pulled into the black sea of ​​mind by Yang Xuan.

Therefore, the authority here has been completely controlled by Yang Xuan.

When Master Wan Ling was sent here, she directly possessed the highest authority of this scientific research institute.

The specification of the highest authority, but even if she wants to let this place self-destruct, this place will self-destruct.


Therefore, the Creation Taoist had just landed, and soon the gate on the ground opened.

But because of the influence of Yang Xuan's spiritual power, no one was shocked by the appearance of the Daoist Creator.

It seems that she is just an ordinary staff member, no matter where she goes, she will not attract the attention of others.

"It's such a powerful spiritual power, which makes me a little fascinated by spiritual power."

"Moreover, the power of the mind is not weaker than the power of good fortune."

"The power of good fortune can simulate some low-level methods of using the power of the mind, but it cannot simulate the light of the mind."

"That is to say, the spiritual power condensed by Yang Xuan himself is not weaker than the power of good fortune in essence."

"According to the development of practice, Yang Xuanruo will one day achieve the tenth rank and condense the door of the soul."

"Then his soul gate will rival the gate of good fortune!"

"You really deserve to be the proud son of heaven!"

"Facing him, I looked a little weak."

"Because I can't find my own door at all, I can only refine other doors, directly take away other people's dao rhyme, and use other people's dao rhyme to condense them, so that I have the opportunity to achieve the tenth rank."

"And the essence of the door I got is half a level lower than the door of good fortune, such as the one in front of me..."

The original door!

The Creation Taoist did not go very fast.

Regarding the situation in the All Souls Star Field, especially the technology on the All Souls Star, the Daoist Creator is also deeply curious.

Of course.

The most important thing is that the closer the Creation Taoist Master is to the original gate, the more inexplicably he feels a burst of instinctive resistance.

Because, he saw Yang Xuan's inherent strength.

Even at this time, some regretted their decisions.

Do you really want to take away the original gate and walk on this road that is obviously much lower than Yang Xuan even if you become a tenth-rank Taoist in the future?

She is the lord of creation.

She is the most noble existence in the Great Creation World.

She is unique, a transcendent existence that emerged from countless ordinary beings.

Relying on her own strength, she directly raised the level of the entire Great Creation World.

You know, when the fragments of the Gate of Creation were transferred to her world, her world was still just a middle-thousand world.

I want to make a middle-thousand world into a great-thousand world.

It's just that the Taoist master of good fortune who has the gate of good fortune and knows nothing about it, has experienced many difficulties and life and death, and only then has he become a Taoist master little by little.

Then, continue to pursue the power of detachment.

But at this moment, she began to hesitate.

She deliberately slowed down her pace, trying to appreciate the super technology around her.

But in fact, Taoist Creator is very clear that everything is caused by his own selfishness.

She is pure and doesn't want to face the original gate now.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The sound of crisp footsteps echoed in a corridor full of sci-fi images.

No matter how slow the Creation Taoist walks.

An hour later, they arrived at the core of the scientific research institute.

That is, the place where the original gate is placed.

In fact, the Lord of All Souls also attached great importance to the original gate before.

It's just that, as an information enlightenment, she can't analyze any useful information at all when the original gate has no master and the power is not urged.

Even if some information is occasionally analyzed, she cannot understand it at all.

Therefore, although the original gate was placed in the safest place.

But there is no one guarding here, and there is no one around, and no one studies.

The purpose of the Master of All Souls to install the original gate is to prevent outsiders from getting it.

The idea of ​​Master Wanling is to study this original door after he has the opportunity to advance again in the future.

But unfortunately, she has no chance.


As Taoist Creation walked to the last closed gate, this gate immediately sensed the highest authority possessed by Taoist Creation.

Then it opened all of a sudden.

Afterwards, a door that was hundreds of meters high, but also incomparably dilapidated, appeared in front of the Daoist Creation.

The original door!

"Finally found!"

"This is the way to advance to the tenth rank!"

"It's still calling me!"

"That is to say, this original door has sensed my existence!"

"It also hopes to use me to recover!"

"If possible, I can refine it now, but the price of refining it is to give up the Gate of Creation."

"But if that happens, I'm doomed to be inferior to Yang Xuan when I reach the tenth rank."

"If there are eleventh and twelfth ranks above the tenth rank, then the gap between me and him will only get further and further away."

"By then, the word "friend" will probably mutate."

Daoist Wanling walked up to the original gate, and looked at the gate in front of him with complicated eyes. For many people, it was a dream gate.


This is a supreme existence, an existence beyond the level of Taoist masters.

But that's only for Taoists who have never seen the world, this original door is the real treasure.

The Daoist Good Fortune has not seen many Daoist masters.

Count Wan Ling, count Heavenly Sword Master, and count Yang Xuan.

There are only three in total.

However, Yang Xuan, one of them, has made the eyes of the Taoist Creation no longer limited to refining a door.

Then with the help of the power of that door, he became a Taoist master.

"Am I really going to lag behind Yang Xuan step by step!"

"As the saying goes, one wrong step, one wrong step!"

"Now I still have a chance!"

"But once it becomes a door!"

"It will become more difficult to continue to change the route in the future."

"So I have to make a choice!"

Obviously he got the door he wanted most, but at this moment, the Taoist Creator was stunned.

She just stood in front of the original gate.

She is no longer tempted by this readily available existence.

Instead, he fell into deep contemplation.

This meditation is directly a day.

In the entire Lord of All Souls, no one was surprised by her arrival.

They are still doing their own things, but the Taoist Creator has been hesitating.

Her heart was shaken.

She is a proud person, if it is not for Yang Xuan's spiritual enlightenment, I am afraid that the Taoist Master Good Fortune will not think too much about it.

However, Yang Xuan has already become the spiritual Taoist, so she can't pretend that she didn't see it.

That is because of Yang Xuan's stimulation.

At this moment, the Taoist Creator began to doubt whether the path he chose was correct.

Is the door that I want to condense, is it what I want?

However, it is because of using the gate of good fortune for so many eras, knowing how big the difference is between condensing one's own gate and refining a broken gate.

And, after restoring the door of 030 in the future, how big is the gap in advancing to the tenth level.

The gap between the two is very emotional for the Creation Taoist Master, so he is entangled.

If you want to condense the door yourself.

To be honest, even for Taoist Good Fortune, the success rate is not known how low.

This low may be one in ten million.

But if the original gate is refined, good fortune leads to knowing that one has become a gate, and advanced to become a tenth-level existence, the success rate will be 100%.

That's right!

The choice faced by the Creation Taoist Master is one in ten million, or one hundred percent.

Or, choose the first path.

Take away the original gate but don't completely refine it into your true spirit, don't let the true spirit merge with the original gate, just use the power of the original gate to find your own path.

To find, the most suitable for her, the only door that belongs to her.

Or, choose the second path.

The safety of the second road is undoubtedly unmatched by the first road.

However, the second road has restricted his development, and restricted the future path of Taoist Creator.

The tenth position is not a fixed point, which was actually discovered by the Daoist Good Fortune when Yang Xuan was fighting with the Daoist Wanling.

So the good fortune Taoist who never planned to be a salted fish fell into a tangle.

"Yang Xuan, if it were you, what would you do!"

Finally, Taoist Creation began to ask questions to the person in his heart.

That was her friend, the person she trusted the most.

She wants to listen to that person's opinion.

"Follow your heart!"

"Follow your innermost thoughts!"

"Whatever you choose, I will support you."

"And your heart should have given you the answer."

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