"That is to say, although the spiritual dao rhyme was born from the combination of medicine and genes, it eventually surpassed the physical body and genes."

"This is a very powerful existence!"

"Even if this potion is not perfect, as All Souls Shield said, it doesn't matter!"

"Anyway, I just need to open it to make it perfect."

Yang Xuan was slightly agitated by the potion in the opponent's hand.

Then, he sensed the situation inside the potion.

Then he held the needle tube containing the medicine in his right hand and plunged it into his shoulder.


The needle pierces the skin.

The potion was quickly injected into Yang Xuan's body.


This time, Yang Xuan didn't feel any mental pain, and didn't feel the sting of the true spirit.

However, there were waves of ripples in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan's mind became silent little by little.

"Mind sleep!"

"The side effect of the medicine this time is actually a spiritual sleep!"

"If I can't resist this deep sleep, then I will die completely, and the true spirit will only return to the world of the reincarnated."


"One-click full level: Psychic teacher, Sequence One · Psychic Black Sea!"

Just when his mind was about to fall asleep, he soon awakened his supernatural powers.

With a plug-in on his body, why should he take the risk of looking at the power of the mind to fight against the slumber of the mind.

Yang Xuan could feel that this was a very dangerous thing.

Since it is dangerous, it should be avoided.

"Consume the power of creation!"

"Consume the power of the sword!"

One-click full level success!

After Yang Xuan chose to reach the full level with one click, he discovered that when the Creation Taoist left his body, he actually left a lot of Creation Power for him.

Although the power of good fortune is not enough to make him succeed at level 5.6 with one click, but with the help of the power of swordsmanship he has gathered in the past few years.

It can be regarded as gathering strength.

The power of swordsmanship has reached the level of a Taoist master, and after containing the meaning of Taoism, it is enough for Yang Xuan to use it for one-key tracking, and one-key full level.

This gave Yang Xuan an idea.

That is, dao rhyme and light, these are enough energy to be used as consumption.

Of course, it is also possible to have a true spirit point.

But the true spirit points only exist in the world of the reincarnated, and any reincarnated person cannot carry the true spirit points for reincarnation.


Just when Yang Xuan's thoughts spread, thinking about those things.

Suddenly, the sound of waves appeared in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan found that his mind became extremely powerful in an instant.

And in the hearts of all the people in the entire Starry Sky Cultivation World, such a voice appeared in their hearts at this moment.

Not only in Yang Xuan's heart, but also the creatures in this world.

Whether it's human beings, livestock, or those strange creatures in the starry sky, such a voice appeared in their hearts.

Even Daoist is no exception.

It doesn't matter whether it is the Daoist Good Fortune, the Daoist Wanling, or the Daoist Heavenly Sword.

At this moment, such voices also appeared in the mind.

Then, they all looked around in disbelief, trying to find the source of the sound.

Chapter 163 All sentient beings' minds, all things are ideals (please subscribe!)

In the universe, after the voice in the black sea of ​​the mind appeared.

People in the entire Starry Cultivation Universe began to look for the source of that sound.

However, the more they searched, the more they sank.

In the end, ninety-nine percent of people directly fell into the endless black sea.

As soon as they fell into it, a person's name was inexplicably imprinted on their hearts.

That is Yang Xuan!

But everyone didn't notice this matter, and the information of this name was injected into their hearts, but they all ignored the existence of Yang Xuan.

There is no fear or fear about it.

Anyone who fell into the black sea of ​​the soul directly became Yang Xuan's hidden disciples.

Every time they think, every time their mind fluctuates, they will provide Yang Xuan with a piece of spiritual power.

Perhaps this power of the mind is not particularly powerful.

But when every creature in the whole world contributes a share of spiritual power.

Then, the terrifying power of the mind is strong enough, so that the existence of Taoist level is at risk of being controlled.

"It is he who has become the Taoist master. The Taoist master in the spiritual aspect is indeed much stronger than the sword fairy gene sequence!"

After Taoist Good Fortune sensed the changes on Yang Xuan's side, a happier smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, his opposite.

Dozens of incarnations have already been blown away, and you and the Taoist are finished, but now they have an ugly face.

That's right!

Daoist Wanling, who was supposed to be expressionless, felt helpless at this moment.

"Is that your accomplice?"

"I always knew you had an accomplice, but I just couldn't find him!"

"You think what you are doing is very secretive, but in fact I have found your flaws!"

22 "Originally, I planned to use this method in the future, but now that the matter has come to this point, I can only feel sorry for the creatures of this star field."

The moment when the voice of the black sea of ​​the soul appeared on Wan Ling's soul.

Wan Ling finally decided to use his cards.

"Oh? Did you know that I have companions?"

"So when you were fighting with me, did you use part of your computing power to find my companion?"

"I can't find him now, so I plan to use my trump card to turn all the creatures in the All Souls Starfield into light!"

"Turn into the light of your information!"

"Seal at the information level!"

"I'm right, information enlightened person, master of all spirits!"

After hearing Wan Ling's words, Taoist Creation's eyes suddenly burst into light.

"What? You know?"

Wan Ling was shocked again.

She really didn't expect that the Creation Taoist could guess this.

How did she not do it?

Obviously the other party does not have strong computing power, why would he know what he is thinking?

Also, where is the limit of her strength?

After fighting for five days, it was obvious that this enemy was suppressed by him, but the opponent's strength became stronger and stronger?

The mood that Wan Ling should not exist is extremely heavy at this moment.

Then, she became more sure of her thoughts.

That means must be used.

It is necessary to sacrifice the entire Myriad Souls Starfield.

"Light of Faith!"

"Everyone in the All Souls Starfield will turn into light!"

"You forced me to do this!"

"But I'm not sacrificing all the creatures in the All Souls Starfield, because after you are sealed by me, I will use your power to copy them all again."

"The power of information is beyond your imagination!"

The nine Sequence 1 incarnations of Lord Wanling all lost their power immediately.

This is the reason why she wants to mobilize all her strength and temporarily give up controlling the avatar.

Then, in the entire All Souls Starfield, everyone felt the smart devices on their bodies immediately, and suddenly clamped their hands, arms, ankles, etc.

not only that.

In addition to those personal terminals, a large number of mechanical equipment also experienced terrifying changes at this moment.

All the devices seem to be siphoning the planet's power, it's a reckless siphoning, and it's going in the direction of self-destruction.

"No! It's Wanling!"

"Wan Ling, what are you going to do!"

"Is this to destroy us?"

"Wan Ling has encountered a great enemy, and she actually plans to sacrifice us to resist the enemy!"

"No! Why is this happening? Didn't the law of all spirits say that people must not be sacrificed under any circumstances?"

A large number of panicked voices appeared in various places in the entire star field.

For this star field controlled by all spirits, even the existence of Sequence Two cannot resist.

They can only scream unwillingly,

But at this time, a dreamlike voice appeared in their hearts.


"Pray to your hearts!"

"I am born from hope, and come to save you from despair!"

"I was born of the heart, and I serve the heart!"

"If in your heart, you hope to be redeemed!"

"Then I will grant you salvation!"

"If you want to be saved, pray to the sea of ​​your soul!"

"The price is to abandon all spirits!"

A dreamlike voice appeared in the hearts of everyone in the All Souls Starfield.

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