That's right!

After losing two incarnations, Master Wanling actually created two more incarnations in such a short period of time.

At this time, the nine incarnations of Taoist level turned their heads to look not far away.

Under their tense gaze.

A figure and appearance that have been changed, and who is completely unrecognizable as one of the incarnations of all spirits, appeared in front of their eyes.

"Visitors from another world! Heavenly demons from outside the territory! A sword has seriously injured the existence of the Heavenly Sword Master. If you leave our world now, then the relationship between us can be reconciled!"

"Otherwise, what will happen next is World War!"

The nine spirits spoke together.

A voice full of oppression appeared directly beside the Taoist Creator.

However, Taoist Creation is like walking on the clouds, completely indifferent to the changes around him.

Little by little, she walked outside the defensive circle of the gate of good fortune.

After coming over, she said lightly: "If you want to fight, then fight!"



The huge sword intent instantly spread throughout the universe.

The terrifying sword chant even turned into a dragon of sword aura, directly hitting the barrier of the gate of good fortune! Door.

Chapter 162 Spiritual Enlightenment, Spiritual Black Sea! (seeking subscription)

boom! boom! boom!

Under the sword energy of the gate of good fortune.

The endless huge impact directly caused the entire barrier that guarded, or sealed the Gate of Creation, to be subjected to an unbearable powerful attack in an instant.

A large amount of sword energy kept colliding with a point of the barrier.

This is the best way to deal with barrier-like defensive circles.

"Terrible power. If I faced an attack like yours two or two epochs ago, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to last even a day."

"But now, I can block an attack like yours without limit!"

"This is the power of technology!"

After watching the terrifying shock appear, Master Wan Ling still felt a little pressure at first.

But soon, he discovered that such an attack was completely within his acceptable range.

Because in the last two epochs, their energy defense methods have been greatly improved.

Some things that Sequence Two Martial Arts cannot do, technological means can do it.

Especially in terms of defense, a major breakthrough has been made.

"Oh? You are very confident in your technological means, but with your computing power, you should know a truth."

"That is, the defense that is difficult to destroy from the outside can often be easily completed from the inside."

Just when the master of all spirits was still thinking, relying on words to persuade the master of creation, let the master of creation retreat on his own initiative.

In the eyes of the Creation Taoist Master, a chill erupted.

"Zero Twenty Seven"

Immediately afterwards.

Huge power spewed out from the place where the gate of good fortune was located in an instant.

A terrifying sword energy spewed out from the gate of good fortune.

"Damn it!"

Facing sudden changes.

Master Wan Ling couldn't help cursing inwardly, she even forgot that as a woman who has no emotions but should only have endless reason, this shouldn't happen.


At this time, the defensive circle she created exploded in an instant.

This also made her nine Sequence One-level incarnations have to face the Creation Daoist directly.


"Next, it's time to test your fighting skills."

"However, as an information master, as an intellectual brain, I will not lose in combat skills. My calculation ability allows me to directly analyze what you are going to do and where your attack is directed!"

Facing the attack of the Daoist Creation, the Daoist Wanling was not too nervous or afraid.

She thought that she would not be invincible.

In fact, this time she manipulated the battle of the nine incarnations, but it was really indistinguishable from the one fought by the Tao of Creation.

Although the methods used by the Creation Taoist made her miscalculate from time to time, the many Taoist methods and secret techniques made him a little overwhelmed for a while.

But as long as the Creation Taoist uses the ability once, she will record it instantly.

It didn't even take long to analyze those methods directly, and then turn them into their own abilities.

Even some complicated and special mysterious runes.

As well as some formations unique to the Creation Taoist Master, she can record them first, and then let one of her incarnations in other places experiment with those runes, and finally learn their representative meanings, and then immediately control them.

This is an ability that even the Heavenly Sword Master cannot possess.

Because Daoist Heavenly Sword wanted to learn the abilities that belonged to Daoist Creation, he had to consider what the consequences would be if a certain mysterious rune was a trap deliberately left by the other party.

But the Lord of All Souls doesn't have to think about it.

Because even if she failed, all she lost was her avatar.

Her incarnation will not leave any backlash for herself.

Even if it's the one that traces the blood, it won't affect her easily.

This is one of the advantages of information enlightenment.

"Even because she is at her home court, she will fall into a disadvantage a little bit."

"But this disadvantage will take at least three days!"

"It fits right in with my idea of ​​wanting to procrastinate."

After the Taoist Good Fortune fought with the Taoist Wanling for a full hour, he analyzed that if she fought the Taoist Wanling in the truth, she would be the one who lost in the end.

Of course, it's just that you can't beat it.

The battle at the Taoist level is different from that of the Holy Lord.

Even if you lose, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the Lord of All Souls can't do anything to her.

It's just that they are dragging each other.


In the endless starry sky.

Without the knowledge of the Taoist master of all spirits, Yang Xuan quickly traveled among the stars.

The way he travels is not only relying on the mobility of the sword master armor, but also flying in the universe.

When encountering crossing galaxies and needing to go to far places, Yang Xuan will also use the power of black holes to teleport directly.

This is one of the convenient means of the All Souls Starfield.

black hole!

That is because of the existence of black holes, Yang Xuan travels through the endless interstellar space, turning around those planets that were not controlled by his mind before.

It only took five days to let my spiritual net cover the entire Myriad Souls Starfield.

This is exactly the same as the time calculated by Yang Xuan and Taoist Creation.

And when Yang Xuan turned Wanling's universe around, he also received a piece of news about the Taoist Master Wanling and the Taoist Creation.

The news was delivered by people under his control.

That person is far away, using a super telescope to spy.

Although due to the accumulation of many energies and the constant distortion of space, the Taoist master's picture is not very clear.

But Yang Xuan could still clearly see that Wan Ling was fighting against Creation.

The fight between the two can really be described as upside down.

Yang Xuan felt dizzy while watching through the screen. Of course, he only needed the power of his mind to turn slightly, and he recovered immediately.

"As expected of the Daoist Master Good Fortune, with less than 10% of my strength, I actually fought back and forth with the Daoist Master Wanling!"

"The most important thing is that the ninth-level incarnation of the master of all spirits has prepared so many!"

"Manipulating nine incarnations of Sequence One at the same time is the limit of the master of all spirits!"

"But that kind of Sequence One Taoist, as long as the Wanling Taoist has time, he can reserve countless of them!"

"So in the end, the Master of All Souls had the upper hand in this battle."

"However, Taoist Good Fortune is also trying to recover his strength during the battle. Although he didn't get back 50% of his own power as I expected before, he also got back at least 30% of his power."

Yang Xuan also analyzed a lot of things through the images transmitted by that person.

Then, he began to return to the main star of Tianhe.


On the main star of Tianhe.

As soon as Yang Xuan came back, the Shield of All Souls immediately came to greet Yang Xuan in person.

Obviously, Yang Xuan didn't change his memory or his perception of the world.

But at this time, All Souls Shield sincerely regards Yang Xuan as its master.

Normally, there is nothing wrong with him.

Only when things related to Yang Xuan were involved, he would become respectful.

That kind of feeling will make everyone who knows this kind of thing horrified.

"My lord, this is the Psychic Medicine of Sequence One. We have gone through countless deduction, and it has been researched by all the most advanced instruments and all the most powerful doctors in the entire All Souls Starfield."

"It's just to prevent Wan Ling from being noticed, so the potion we developed is definitely not as perfect as Wan Ling's."

"But it's also for the pursuit of speed!"

"If adults are willing to wait a little longer, we can make this potion even more perfect!"

The Shield of All Souls brought Yang Xuan to a reception room of the highest standard, and handed Yang Xuan a pot of potion that exuded dark black.

Still full of science fiction, hexagonal needle tube...

Inside the needle tube, this time it is no longer a bright red medicine like blood.

It is the endless darkness, the darkness that seems to be able to swallow everything and everything.

"No need, this is enough!"


"The Tao of spiritual attributes."

"Once I use this potion, my mind will become an independent existence!"

"It's like the master of all spirits who is enlightened by information, but there is a slight difference!"

"Soul enlightenment seems to be more powerful than information enlightenment!"

"Moreover, this is the Taoist will to break free from the shackles of the physical body after taking it!"

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