They don't know who the owner of this voice is, but they all know that they have no choice at this moment.

"Great spiritual master, please save us!"

"Great Lord of Mind, please save my family!"

"Lord of the soul, I will be your most devout believer, please defeat all spirits, and don't let her sacrifice us!"

With the appearance of such a dreamy voice in the mind.

Soon, people in the entire Myriad Souls Starfield began to pray to that mysterious person above their hearts.


under their prayers.

They found their consciousness turned into light.

Countless lights are integrated into a sea of ​​souls.

This sea is black, but for all those who have entered the sea of ​​hearts, it is full of warmth.

Here, there is nothing cold.

As if entering this sea of ​​mind, one can be redeemed.

All people who have entered this sea of ​​minds will have peace of mind.

Moreover, their wills did not completely disappear after incarnating as the light in the sea of ​​hearts.

Although everyone is entering the sea of ​​mind, they can't help but feel weak, as if they had been busy all day.

But this is just a feeling of fatigue, which is harmless and will not harm the original self.


"The light turned out to be black?"

"Pure black light, obviously I shouldn't be able to see it, but I just saw it!"

"No! We didn't see it, we felt it!"

"Huh? Who are you? Why did your thoughts appear in my mind?"

"Knowledge! Knowledge! I feel a lot of knowledge, and I understand many things that I don't understand at this very moment!"

"Ah! Is this the power of the light of the soul?"

"I see!"

"This is the ocean of the mind, and all those who enter the ocean of mind can share the power of our mind."

"That is to say, even if I am a mediocre person, as long as I am connected with a genius, I will be made stronger by the powerful mental calculation power of that genius."

"And the person with a strong mind will not be lowered because of my mediocrity, but will only use my spiritual power to make himself stronger. In my words, it is equivalent to gaining some experience from him, although it is only Some, but it's also extremely powerful to me."

"This is the sea of ​​mind, this is a place where all living beings can benefit!"

"I also felt it. Not only did I understand a lot of things at once, I also found that I was actually connected to my cat, and it actually appeared on the ocean of my heart."

In the sea of ​​hearts, some people noticed that their cats actually talked to them.

That's right!

In the Black Sea of ​​Soul, no matter whether it is human beings or other creatures, everyone can communicate with each other.

Of course, this communication can be actively connected, passively connected, or actively disconnected.

If a person does not want to share with another person, then he can disconnect this aspect.

It's just that this feeling is very novel now, and no one intends to break this connection.

"Wait a minute? Something is wrong!"

"Super wrong!"

"I feel my personal terminal, he's talking to me, and it's not going to kill me anymore."

"Ah! My personal terminal is also talking."

"It's not just a personal terminal, I seem to have read the voice of the mother planet, the mother of the earth is speaking!"

"It's the spiritual master, it endows our personal terminals, our equipment, and our planet's spiritual power, so that everyone comes alive!"

"What a power! What a miracle!"

"This is nothing short of a miracle!"

"Once upon a time, we never imagined that the planet would have such an idea."

"Actually, I've always believed that planets have thoughts, but we can't feel them. However, personal terminals have their own souls, which are not similar to artificial intelligence. I can't imagine that."

027 People's voices became active again in the black sea of ​​mind.

Yang Xuan endowed all things with the ability of mind, so that all things can be in the sea of ​​mind, and after crossing the communication of races, all the equipment ordered by the Taoist master of all spirits stopped attacking for a while.

After those devices stopped attacking, the Daoist Wanling was instantly stunned.

Because the spirits found themselves unable to manipulate them, the gathering of the light of information was not as powerful as imagined.

If it is the light of information that gathers the entire civilization, it will definitely be able to kill the current Daoist Good Fortune and the body of the current sword master Yang Xuan in one blow.

But now, her attacks haven't gathered even one in a billion.

This is a bit embarrassing.

"Wan Ling! Wan Ling!"

not only that!

At this moment, a mysterious voice appeared in her mind.

That voice seemed very strange, but it also seemed very familiar!

"It's him! It's your companion!"

"He is using a certain method to pull me into a certain place!"

"My calculations come to a result. I can't go. Once I go, there will be a big crisis!"

"But why is there still a voice in my heart, that is, let me go!"

"Desperate to go, because this will be a final showdown!"

"Gather all my information Dao Nian, and go to that place to fight him!"

"If I win, I will get his power to make up for my shortcomings!"

"His power is, mind!"

"Wan Ling doesn't have a heart, but if Wan Ling gets a heart, it will be even stronger!"

"I'm going!"

"must go!"

After the Lord of All Souls was called by the black sea of ​​the soul, he refused at first.

But as soon as the idea of ​​rejection appeared, emotions emerged in her heart inexplicably.

That was still an emotion that shouldn't have appeared, and she had clearly been told by all her calculations that she must not go there.

But under the exaggeration of that emotion, Wan Ling decided to take the risk.

In fact, as an information Taoist, it should be on the safe side if you don't have a heart.

But she went against her calculations and chose Congxin.

But most of all, she forgot one terrible thing.

That is, she has no heart! .

Chapter 164 The concept of the door, the tenth order

come down!

come down!

After Wan Ling Taoist obeyed the choice in his heart, all the information finally turned into a heart and began to fall towards the black sea of ​​the soul.

As for the condition of the heart, it is naturally the Master of All Souls' understanding of the heart.

In fact, the human mind is a relatively abstract existence.

But Master Wan Ling has no human heart, although she has simulated many situations where human hearts exist.

But in her understanding, the real shape of the human heart is the shape of a human heart in the end.

So in order to let all my confidence fall into the ocean of my soul.

She made her information status into the shape of a heart.

"I see!"

"I saw!"

"That's an endless, dark ocean!"

"Countless human beings are communicating!"

"No! There are not only humans, but also countless animals. They can actually complete in-depth communication with animals without using my sensory organs."

The Lord of All Souls is not in a hurry to enter the sea of ​​mind.

She was planning to wait and see.

After all, she has already perceived the black sea of ​​mind.

As a powerful Daoist master, she can be a little safer, observe first and then enter it.

This is something that many people cannot do.

Those other people in the Myriad Souls Starfield, even the Sequence 2 Holy Master level existences, were immediately pulled in by Yang Xuan after they sensed the black sea of ​​the mind for the first time.

If they want to leave the black sea of ​​mind, they have to wait for Yang Xuan to release them.

However, Yang Xuan obviously has no intention of letting them go now.

And they are in the black sea of ​​the mind, because they have been interfered by the endless tide of the mind.

Even when Yang Xuan didn't intend to let them go, he didn't even have the feeling of wanting to leave in his heart.

This is the horror of the black sea of ​​the soul.

The most frightening thing is that those who have fallen into the black sea of ​​mind cannot realize this.

However, after Wan Ling gathered all of his information sources, he has become a heart of information since ancient times.

In fact, she discovered this.

"What a terrifying power!"

"But this power is the most important part to me."

"If I can have a heart, I can go one step further."

"Even, condense a door?"

After looking at the black sea of ​​mind below for a period of time, the master of all spirits actually vaguely noticed a way to break through.

That's right!

At the ninth level, he became a Taoist master.

It can still make further breakthroughs.

Wan Ling actually knew this point a long time ago.

Because, in the genetic martial arts potion she developed, the Sword Immortal Sequence has a sequence 0 potion.

It's just that she has deduced the direction of the medicine of sequence 0 now, but the medicine of sequence 0 has not been refined yet.

Otherwise, what Yang Xuan wanted most in this world would not be the Primordial Gate, and the Taoist Lord of All Souls.

It's the genetic potion of Sequence 0, the Gate of Ten Thousand Swords.

"Huh? I discovered another secret〃!"

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