After losing the defensive cover, the Shield of All Souls came to Yang Xuan.

"Come with us now!"

"We have prepared all the potions you want for you."

The Shield of All Souls is the leader, so he was the first to walk up to Yang Xuan and told about the situation of the main star of Tianhe.

It's just that he doesn't know it.

At the moment he spoke, the two companions beside him, as well as the huge number of Sequence Two followers behind him, were suddenly taken aback.

But in the next second, it all recovered.

The All Souls Shield did not notice such a weird situation.

All his spiritual power is still focused on his own plan that is about to succeed.

Then he was about to get Yang Xuan's secret, which made him extremely happy.

"Here, this is the spaceship I can prepare for you!"

"On the main star of Tianhe, only with my permission can anyone use this spaceship!"

"Its defense is ranked among the top ten in the entire All Souls Starfield."

"The sword master armor was brought out by it."

"Without its help, it would be too difficult to obtain the Sword Master Armor."

The Shield of All Souls said so.

He seemed very happy today, and kept talking about some secret things about the All Souls Starfield.

Something that should make him proud.

There are some things that should not even be said to Yang Xuan.

But he still said it, and he didn't notice anything wrong.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying these.

And the weirder thing is that after he said so many things that shouldn't be said, no one around the followers reminded him or warned him.

Yang Xuan didn't respond to the Shield of All Souls even once, and let him just say that.

All the way to the place where they asked Yang Xuan to inject the medicine.

"It's here!"

"This is where you are about to inject the potion!"

"You inject the medicine of Sequence Two first!"

"Then inject the medicine of sequence one."

While speaking, All Souls Shield cast a look at the people next to him.

Soon, a person came over with the gene sequence medicine.

"Sequence Two Sword Immortal!"

The potion bottle was handed to Yang Xuan in front of him.

But after Yang Xuan accepted the potion, he said, "I'm already a Sequence Two Sword Immortal."

"Waiting for your time, a kind person gave me the Sequence Two Sword Immortal Potion, and I succeeded."

"Give me the Sequence One Sword Immortal."

That's right!

This moment.

Yang Xuan is already a Dual Sequence Two.

After using the Sequence Two potion of the Mind Sequence, he also used the Sequence Two Sword Immortal.

Therefore, he no longer needs to inject Sword Immortal Sequence Two.

He wants to inject the medicine of sequence one directly.

"What? You are already a Sequence Two?"

"Who provided you with the medicine?"

After hearing Yang Xuan's words, All Souls Shield was naturally extremely shocked.

But Yang Xuan just smiled and didn't answer his question.

This situation also made the All Souls Shield helpless.

But what he still doesn't know is.

Just when he was emotionally excited, there were red silk threads that his eyes couldn't see.

Directly from around his brain, submerged in.

"It doesn't matter, does it?"

Yang Xuan responded simply.

Under normal circumstances, All Souls Shield would not give up the pursuit so easily.

But after Yang Xuan finished speaking, he did not mention this matter anymore, and then continued to use a look at the person next to him.

Soon, it was written, named Sequence One Sword Master Potion.

The most powerful potion of Gene Sequence One was brought in front of Yang Xuan.

"Here you are, this is the sword master's potion."

Prompted by the Shield of All Souls, Yang Xuan took the potion, and then injected it into his body under the detection of countless instruments.

The needle pierced his skin, and the powerful potion instantly made Yang Xuan's spirit feel tingling.

This is the potion of Sequence One, and it is the potion corresponding to the power of the Taoist master.

Although, the Taoist master who achieved through medicine is far inferior to the Taoist master who created the great world.

But that is also the Taoist master after all.

This time, when Yang Xuan's spirit was greatly impacted.

The Creation Taoist didn't use Yang Xuan to take the initiative to seek help at all, but directly used his own Taoism to help Yang Xuan suppress the spiritual impact brought by the potion, as well as the impact on the true spirit.

That is to say, when Yang Xuan was absorbing these potions, countless devices around him recorded all his processes from before injecting the potions to after refining.

The sequence is complete.

Yang Xuan's success did not surprise All Souls Shield.

On the contrary, he was very frightened.

That's right, why did Yang Xuan succeed?

How can he succeed?

Isn't the potion I gave him a false potion?

Isn't this potion the potion used to control Yang Xuan?

How did Yang Xuan become the sword master of Sequence One?

Could it be that this medicine is not fake?

Could it be that someone betrayed himself?

Or did someone take the wrong potion?

All of a sudden, countless thoughts appeared in the heart of All Souls Shield.

He didn't say what he thought, but just glanced at Yang Xuan suspiciously.

Then, he took another look at the (good) followers around him.

Finally, he set his eyes on the personal terminal screen in his hand.

A virtual display screen emerges from the personal terminal.

On the screen, the data changes around Yang Xuan's body after using the potion appeared.

He wanted to take a closer look at how Yang Xuan became the sword master.

As for why things developed like this.

Why, things didn't develop as he expected, so he stopped thinking about it for the time being.

Because the next thing to do is the most important thing.

After all, Yang Xuan has become a sword master.

The plan of the All Souls Shield is now a failure.

But at least, he wanted to stabilize Yang Xuan.

Because, he clearly knows that a sword master of Sequence One is many times stronger than other genetic martial arts professionals of Sequence Two.

Judging from the current situation, he can no longer think about it now, it is time to control Yang Xuan.

He even tried to find a way to stabilize Yang Xuan.

Otherwise, once Yang Xuan knew what he was going to do, his main star of Tianhe might be destroyed under Yang Xuan's anger.

So he had to fake his emotions, pretending that he was a trustworthy person from the beginning, not a treacherous person.

What he wanted to pretend was to complete the deal with Yang Xuan sincerely from the very beginning.

Although such a result made All Souls Shield feel very aggrieved, it made him feel that he had lost the most important chance and opportunity in his life.

But this is also impossible.

That's all he can do.

I only hope that this recorded data can bring me a little bit of protection.

But unfortunately.

"What? How is it possible?"

"Isn't this data fake?".

Chapter 155 Dao Lord! Lord! (seeking subscription)

"This data is not right, there is nothing abnormal about this data."

"But how could there be no abnormalities!!"

The Shield of All Souls carefully looked again and again, and finally he realized that he was absolutely right.

But at this moment, how much he hopes that he is wrong, how much he hopes that there is something wrong with the data.

After a minute, All Souls Shield's expression became a little tired, and his eyes were very dull.

Then he stared at Yang Xuan. Whispered: "You succeeded!"

"You are so successful!"

"So simple, so easy to succeed."

"But why? Why did you succeed so easily?"

"Why can you perfectly adapt to this sequence-level genetic medicine?"

"Why didn't our instruments detect any abnormalities."

"According to the feedback from the instrument, you are able to refine Sequence One's genetic medicine because your spiritual essence is particularly strong. Could it be that this is your so-called talent?"

The Shield of All Souls asked Yang Xuan puzzledly.

He especially wanted to know the answer.

But relying on his own deduction and calculation, he will never be able to get the answer.

Therefore, he hoped that Yang Xuan could give himself an explanation.

Even when he was saying these words, All Souls Shield was constantly checking Yang Xuan's physical condition through his personal terminal.

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