The data recorded by those devices appeared in his personal terminal again and again, and relevant analysis was carried out non-stop.

Actually, Yang Xuan could make him invisible.

However, Yang Xuan did not stop these.

Because he needs the spirit of All Souls Shield to be strongly stimulated, he wants the spirit of All Souls Shield to be unstable.

At this moment, in the entire Tianhe main star.

Except for the All Souls Shield, everyone has been controlled by Yang Xuan using his cosmic brain.

The reason why the Shield of All Souls was not completely controlled was because the Shield of All Souls was a little special.

Around the Shield of All Souls, there has always been an invisible, hidden, and powerful protective energy shield.

This energy shield can not only isolate physical and energy attacks, but also has a certain defense against spiritual attacks.

If Yang Xuan wants to directly control the other party's mind without the other party noticing it, he also needs a 023 opportunity.

This opportunity was when All Souls Shield found out that what he was expecting turned out to be nothing.

The moment when his dream was shattered was also when his heart was most vulnerable.

As long as there is such a flaw in his mind, he will become Yang Xuan's servant.

But now, Yang Xuan knew that the time he had been waiting for had arrived.

Next, as long as his answer, let All Souls Shield know that it is unacceptable.

Then there must be an extremely fatal loophole in the soul of the Shield of All Souls.

"I can become Sequence One so easily and simply. Naturally, it is because I am the spirit."

This is of course false.



As soon as Yang Xuan finished speaking these words, a turbulent sea suddenly turned up in Shield of All Souls' heart.

Yes, the entire All Souls Star, the entire All Souls Starfield.

It has never been before that a certain pure human being can advance to become a sequence one, and it is so easy and simple to advance to become a sequence one.

So he didn't doubt Yang Yangxuan's words.

Even think that this is a reasonable explanation.

I was deceived, I was deceived by Wan Ling!

Wan Ling is Yang Xuan, and Yang Xuan is an incarnation of Wan Ling.

Wan Ling has long known the members of the Rebel Organization, they are the people.

Wan Ling has been watching them secretly.

This was the first thought of All Souls Shield after hearing Yang Xuan's words.

This is both reasonable and in line with reasoning, and it is an explanation that the Almighty Shield can agree with. But it was because of this explanation that a fatal hole appeared in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, an illusory brain appeared behind him in an instant.

The size of this brain is the same as the size of the All Souls Shield.

As soon as it appeared, it quickly sank into the brain of the All Souls Shield.

It was at this moment that the entire main star of Tianhe fell under Yang Xuan's control.

"It worked, so easy!"

Yang Xuan looked confused, but he didn't notice the abnormal All Souls Shield glance, and left directly.

Here, it has become his trump card.

So there is no need for (ccfg) to continue talking to the Shield of All Souls.

And this planet has no secrets for him anymore.

"Mobilize all forces to study the Psychic Master's Sequence One Potion for me!"

"At all costs, finish as soon as possible!"

Yang Xuan's spiritual power spread, and he directly gave orders to the people here.

Then, the entire huge main star of Tianhe immediately took action.

Everything is going on in secret.

Yang Xuan went directly to the hidden warehouse of the main star of Tianhe.

This warehouse is the most secret warehouse in the entire Tianhe main star.

Naturally, the most expensive item is also stored here.

It is the Sword Immortal Sequence Path, the Sword Master Armor of Sequence One.

This is the mecha of the Taoist level.

All Gene Martial Daoists of Sword Immortal Sequence, after achieving Sequence One.

If you want to have the power of a real Taoist master, then you need to cooperate with this mecha to fully exert it.

According to the original calculation of Wan Ling.

A person, if he really becomes the sword master of Sequence One.

Then it would take at least fifty years to learn the use of this mecha and its combat skills.

What is said here is the least amount of time.

For ordinary people, this world is very long.

But when you think about the Daoist Good Fortune, how long she has used it and how many difficulties she has experienced, as long as you compare it, you will find that it is too simple to become a special Taoist master of all spirits.

It's just that the master of all spirits is too weak.

Moreover, the Taoist masters of the Myriad Spirits system do not have endless lifespans, and they are not as good as the heavenly and true immortals who created the great world.

That's right, it's not as good as the longevity of a real immortal.

Yang Xuan didn't worry about these things, and he didn't intend to let the main body follow the path of all spirits.

The instructions for using the mecha are directly stored in a personal terminal smart bracelet that is matched with the mecha.

When Yang Xuan came to the warehouse, someone immediately handed him the bracelet for manipulating the mecha.

This person is a Sequence Two Sword Immortal who is in charge of guarding the mecha.

This mecha is not as huge as imagined.

It looks like an ordinary 'coat' of a normal person's height.

It seems extremely light.

But Yang Xuan sensed it with his mental power, and he saw that his mass was very huge.

This is a mecha customized by Wan Ling specially for the sword master. It is a road-builder-level mecha designed and manufactured by Wan Ling himself.

Even the Sword Immortal of Sequence Two couldn't use it at all.

Therefore, the sword fairy in charge of guarding never thought of stealing it during this period of time.

Because even if it is stolen, he cannot use it.

"As expected of a Daoist-level mecha. Under normal circumstances, it can be used as normal clothes."

"Even in the state of 'ordinary', it can exert the power of the master level."

"Size doesn't mean anything to this mecha."

"The owner of the mecha can easily control the changes of this mecha."

"Hundreds of meters, thousands of meters, or even tens of thousands of meters can be adjusted independently."

"Not only can it become bigger, but it can also be smaller."

"In addition, it can basically convert any matter, even the surrounding aura energy, etc., into the power source of the mecha."

"This is a Taoist-level mech."

Standing in front of the mech, Yang Xuan nodded very satisfied.

As for the shape of the mech, he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Because this mecha can change at will.

He hoped that this mecha would appear in the form of a mecha, so he would be a mecha with a full sense of technology.

But if Yang Xuan doesn't want him to appear in this form, then it can completely transform into Yang Xuan's favorite ancient sword fairy robe.

And there is no sense of disobedience, even the material looks like it is cut out of exquisite silk.

After learning about the function of this mecha, Yang Xuan really fell in love with this discipline inspection. He has even decided that when he returns this time, he will not only bring the original gate, but also this mecha back.

Although the body of the main world does not need this mecha for the time being, Yang Xuan also has another idea.

After controlling the entire Tianhe main star, he has a more detailed understanding of Wanling's cognition.

Wan Ling is just an information-based Taoist.

She has great flaws.

The All Souls Shield and the others' previous idea was to find the item that could affect the nature of all spirits' information when Yang Xuan went to the All Souls Lord Star this time. Then tamper with Wan Ling's thoughts and make Wan Ling serve them.

Since they can do it, Yang Xuan can naturally do it too.

Even Yang Xuan didn't need to do anything himself, he just needed to continue to follow his own plan.

Then, let All Souls Shield carry out their original plan.

At that time, Yang Xuan only needs to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Anyway, the Shield of All Souls has now become Yang Xuan's servant.

He got Wan Ling, which means Yang Xuan got Wan Ling.

Once it can become Ten Thousand Spirits, then Yang Xuan can put it into the sword master's mecha.

In this way, after returning to the main world, even if Yang Xuan's body is at the third level, he can easily control this Taoist-level battle armor.

He still remembered the Artifact Spirit of the Gate of Creation, who told him that he was in a permanent state of true spirit.

The true spirit cannot carry any energy back, but this mecha is not energy, and it does not necessarily cannot be brought back.

After returning to the great world of good fortune, as long as there is the cooperation of the Taoist master good fortune.

When Yang Xuan returns to the main world, he can directly open the gate of good fortune, so as to communicate with the two worlds and pass items.

What's more, the owner of Good Fortune Island has already expressed his attitude.

She is even willing to exchange the Gate of Good Fortune with Yang Xuan for this time's goal, which is the Gate of Originality.

Naturally, he wouldn't care about this sword master-level Taoist armor.

What's more, she and Yang Xuan have already followed her and Yang Xuan's eyes on this world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky.

Once the Psychic Medicine of Sequence One is researched.

Yang Xuan can become a Taoist with dual attributes.

At that time, under the powerful mind power, the entire Myriad Souls Starfield will be under his control.

Once you have conquered all spirits and luck, if the good fortune master wants to, you can build a mecha that he likes.

Tailor-made, exclusive armor.

These can all be implemented.

"One-click full level: Mecha user manual!"

After Yang Xuan went through a series of operations and thoroughly recognized the mecha as its owner, he skimmed over the mecha's instruction manual and the matching sword skills.

Then, without further ado, he directly reached the full level with one click.


That is to say, after he completed the full level, Jian Answer's sword master armor instantly turned into countless small sword qi, which pierced Yang Xuan's body.

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