With the help of the powerful power of the brain of the universe, Yang Xuan controlled everyone in this star field in an instant.

But he didn't interfere in those people's lives, but let them continue to do their own things.

Anyway, Yang Xuan can't use them now.

"Next, it's time to go to the planet chosen by the All Souls Shield, the main star of Tianhe."

"It's far away, but they arranged a spaceship for me!"

"At that time, I will definitely give him a surprise."

Yang Xuan raised his head and looked at the distant starry sky.

His eyes seemed to be able to see through the endless void.

The direction where his eyes locked was exactly the direction Yang Xuan was about to go.


The All Souls Starfield, the Milky Way Galaxy.

The main star of Tianhe.

A secret meeting room.

Thirty-eight mecha masters of the second sequence are gathering together.


"Today we are going to do a treacherous thing."

"Although we have taken out the genetic potion of Sword Immortal Sequence One, I will not give that potion to Yang Xuanzhen."

"I'm going to give him a fake potion and control him."

"Then take the opportunity to experiment with his body and record all the information about his breakthrough to the first sequence."

"Then the moment he broke through, he was killed."

"It doesn't matter if we are exposed at that time, because once we master the promotion method of Sequence One, we can have our own Daoist."

"At that time, the great dream of resisting all spirits, controlling all spirits, realizing the independence of the human race, and no longer relying on the brain to survive will come true."

The passionate and generous words of All Souls Shield inspired everyone's heart.

They already had the potion of Sequence One.

But no one has ever been ordinary.

Now, finally saw an opportunity.

So even the existence of Sequence Two is extremely exciting.

So much so that they didn't care how badly they did it.

These people even planned to breach the contract from the very beginning, so they were considered Yang Xuan.

But this also shows in disguise that in the eyes of high-ranking people, interests are everything.

A high-ranking person is not someone who does not have reputation first and commitment first.

But that type of people is definitely a super minority.

At this time, suddenly a confidant of All Souls Shield walked in.

"Report! Yang Xuan's extraordinary, has arrived in the Milky Way Starfield!".

Chapter 154 Sequence One Sword Master (Subscribe)

Yang Xuan is here!

That strange existence from the Immortal Starfield.

A special person who can fuse and refine genetic medicine in an instant.

Finally came to my own planet.

The Shield of All Souls has withdrawn from the front line of the battle against the Immortal Starfield over the years.

However, it has been building its own power.

In decades time.

He relied on his own reputation and his own efforts.

Also, that strong obsession.

In the end, not only formed a rebel organization, but also had a powerful force of its own.

The Tianhe galaxy is his base camp.

For the entire galaxy, it can be said that basically he alone has the final say.

This is his great strength.

And in that conference room, besides him, there were thirty-seven other Sequence Two powerhouses.

are his loyal followers.

On the outside, there are more Second Orders present.

Just hesitant about the civilizational peculiarities of Wan Ling.

Let this gene sequence warrior, who is comparable to the eighth rank, have a big gap in power at the same rank.

Moreover, the strength of the mecha will also greatly increase the combat effectiveness between the same ranks.

It is very difficult for this to appear in other worlds.

For example in the main world.

Although the Holy Lord of the eighth rank is strong and weak.

But there will never be a certain holy master who can be worth ten thousand with one.

But in this galaxy of all souls, it can!

Not to mention the existence of superpersons like Yang Xuan, some individual geniuses, combined with powerful mechs, can be worth ten thousand with one person, and even those of the same class can be worth ten thousand with one man.

However, there are very few Sequence Twos worth one to ten thousand.

On Wan Ling's side, the known terrifying powerhouse.

That is to say, in the main star of all souls, there is a title of the second sword fairy in the sequence of the star of the wind.

However, there may not be many who are worth ten thousand.

But there are really many people who use one as a hundred and one as a thousand.

Followers of All Souls Shield, those thirty-seven powerful Sequence Twos.

They are all masters with one enemy against a thousand.

"It's finally here, let's welcome it together!"

"This person is our greatest opportunity, and it is enough to show our importance to go out together."

"And here, his fate is sealed."

The Shield of All Souls said with a smile.

He seemed to be determined by Yang Xuan.

Then surrounded by everyone, All Souls Shield walked out of this secret conference room.


Tianhe Lord Extraterrestrial.

Yang Xuan was on the huge and luxurious spaceship, condescendingly admiring this huge planet.

The size of Tianhe main star is at least a hundred times that of Xuanwu star.

Outside the main star, there are a large number of space stations.

Every space station has powerful high-energy weapons.

The entire main star of Tianhe is also guarded by an extremely powerful defensive shield.

Even a Sequence Two Sword Immortal couldn't destroy or break into this defensive cover easily.

After all, the core value of the technology side lies in this aspect.

They are the power of science and technology, and this power is above the individual.

The defense of the Lord of All Souls is even more terrifying.

After years of business development, even the Heavenly Sword Dao Master could not easily break into the Lord of All Souls.

"What a beautiful, dazzling planet."

"On one planet, there are a total of 100,000 Sequence Two and a million Sequence Three mech masters."

"What does this All Souls Shield want to do?"

"He is definitely not innocent. He is going to give me medicine."

"Perhaps, they plan to take me down for experimentation? Then directly challenge Wan Ling and let the top management of the rebel organization be completely independent?"

When Yang Xuan was waiting for someone to welcome him into the main star of Tianhe, he naturally scanned the entire main star of Tianhe with the power of his mind.

And none of them noticed anything abnormal.

Even Yang Xuan invaded the hearts of many people invisibly.

Especially those mecha masters of Sequence Three, under Yang Xuan's idea, they have been completely wiped out.

It was also like this, Yang Xuan knew the situation he was facing this time through the fluctuations in the minds of those people.

"Sure enough, the transaction or something is just a joke〃."

"But fortunately, you are not the only ones who don't plan to trade."

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth.

Then, a red light suddenly flashed in his pupils.

In the next second, a huge bright red barrier enveloped the entire main star of Tianhe.

But there are so many high-sequences in the main star of Tianhe, and so many high-tech detection instruments.

But no one worked.

"The brain of the universe, open!"

This is the powerful ability of the mind sequence.

Incomparably hidden, incomparably secretive.

Under the concentration of Yang Xuan's mind, the red light of mind that enveloped the main star of Tianhe instantly turned into a huge head.

This is the brain of the soul, the brain of the universe!

It has already arrived, and the fate of the main star of Tianhe seems to have a doomed ending because of its arrival.


Outside the main star of Tianhe.

Yang Xuan didn't wait long, and saw that he wanted to meet someone.

Headed by All Souls Shield, the three giants of the rebel organization.

The three of them all looked happy when they saw Yang Xuan.

Greedy emotions emerged involuntarily in my heart.

But there was nothing unusual on his face.

But what these people didn't know was that after their thoughts appeared, they were clearly transmitted to Yang Xuan's mind.

No matter what their expressions are, there is no way for their hearts to lie.

"Yang Xuan, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

The Shield of All Souls opened the defensive barrier of the main star of Tianhe and welcomed Yang Xuan in.

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