In the beginning, it was Yang Xuan's brain cells that became active to a certain extent in an instant.

This level has already surpassed the limit of what Yang Xuan can bear.

His body even began to ooze blood from every cell.

In that scene, it was as if Yang Xuan had turned into a blood man.

These people controlled by Yang Xuan's spiritual power are all Yang Xuan's loyal subordinates at this time.

So everyone was shocked when they saw this.

But what they didn't expect was that.

This scene actually lasted only three seconds.

And then.

The chaotic cell restlessness, as well as the terrifying forced collapse and reorganization of the DNA, were completed directly.

The path of a spiritual teacher, Sequence Two Brain of the Universe.

It worked.

"Red brain!"

"It's not just red, you can see that the DNA sequence of adults actually has interesting starry sky and shadows of the universe."

"Turning the starry sky and the universe into a human brain, this sequence simply surpasses the Sword Immortal sequence!"

"This is a new sequence, this is a sequence that spans epochs."

"I can already imagine that this sequence will surpass the Sword Immortal sequence in the future and become the strongest!"

"Not necessarily, this sequence is too terrifying, I think adults must be firmly in control."

"Not everyone is qualified to practice this sequence."

"The Psychic Master sequence is no longer an ordinary genetic martial arts sequence."

"The range of its sequence attributes and the powerful ability of its sequence should surpass the sword fairy sequence by at least three levels."

"I suggest that the Psychic Master sequence in the future will be the taboo sequence!"

Following Yang Xuan's success, the scientific research team in charge of the research immediately began to discuss with each other.

Moreover, during their discussion, there was a topic that would appear quite strange if it was heard by outsiders.

This topic is mind control.

It stands to reason that as the top existences of Sequence Two and Sequence Three, once they think of the terrifying control ability of the Psychic Master Sequence, they should question whether they are being controlled and whether their actions are reasonable.

However, none of them have.

They all ignore it.

It's not just the presence of those high sequences that are ignored.

Even those pharmacists whose sequence is not high but who have been contributing to scientific research all their lives are ignored.

Obviously this is a very terrible thing, but they just forgot.

And this weird situation just confirmed the level they set for the Psychic Master Sequence.

That is!

Taboo sequence!

Because it is too powerful, too terrifying, beyond the scope of ordinary people, beyond the control of ordinary people.

It is thus listed as a taboo sequence.

In this sequence, the word All Souls has not been established until now.

However, the emergence of the Psychic Master Sequence made the concept of the Taboo Sequence was proposed for the first time.

"I agree. In the future, the Psychic Psychiatrist will be a taboo sequence. Without the permission of adults, no one is allowed to configure the genetic medicine of the Psychic Sequence!"

"Huh? I really think I've forgotten the method of making medicine with the gene sequence of the Psychic Master!"

"I forgot too!"

"Isn't it normal to forget? Although we don't know how to make potions, we know the principles of potions. Our next job is to study the potions of Psychic Master Sequence One."

"Yes! It's normal to forget, everything is normal now!"

This scientific research team has experienced another terrible cognitive change.

The person who did this, needless to say, was Yang Xuan.

"Sequence Two Brain of the Universe!"

"It can easily change people's minds and thoughts, and greatly strengthens the power of one's mind."

"It can even interfere with matter on a small scale."

Yang Xuan experimented with the power of his mind.

Moreover, the mental interference substance he obtained now does not mean manipulating the flying sword with the power of the mind, lifting something or something.

His current mind interference in Sequence Two is very positive mind interference with matter, using mind to change the nature of matter.

And, bestow souls on dead things.

Putting this in the realm of spiritual practice is enlightenment.

But the ability to instill this kind of ability, Taoist Master Good Fortune will not be able to do it when he is at the eighth level.

She only gained the ability of enlightenment when she was promoted to the ninth level.

But this sequence of the spiritual level possesses the ability of the ninth level in advance when it is at the eighth level.

The latter may be the benefit of specificity.

Although not as powerful as the Creation Taoist Master in all aspects.

But spiritually, it is indeed very terrifying.

The most important thing is that the ability to give external objects is not the most powerful part of the mind sequence.

The most powerful thing is that Yang Xuan can change the substance of an area.

For example, on a planet, use your own mind to directly distort a piece of space, making it a vacuum and nothingness.

Or become a purgatory, an iceberg, or a sea of ​​fire.

Rewrite reality with your mind.

This is the powerful ability of Mind Sequence Two.

It is also the power that makes Yang Xuan amazed.

Moreover, this is only Sequence Two.

What he can rewrite now is only a planet.

If it becomes Sequence One, is it possible to rewrite an entire galaxy with just one thought?

However, the rewritten substance has a disadvantage.

For example, Yang Xuan directly rewritten the reality and produced a ten thousand year spirit grass.

This ten thousand year spirit grass is real, but it doesn't have attributes.

At least not in Sequence Two.

Under Yang Xuan's speculation, Sequence One is not allowed either.

Because if you want to directly generate a ten-thousand-year spirit grass, you need the power of the mind to rewrite it, but it involves time, space, origin, and even the true spirit.

But those powerful attributes, even the Taoist Master Good Fortune cannot completely control them.

Not to mention the top sequence two in this world.

Even if the gene sequencers in this world become dao masters, they are definitely at the bottom of the division of dao master realms.

"With a mental sequence of this level, the Shield of All Souls can't last long in front of me."

"What's more, I'm now a Dual Sequence Two!"

"Now, test my strength."

"Sword Immortal, Mind, under the double sequence two, one of my thoughts covers a galaxy."

"If, at this time, I use the brain of the universe to cover this area."

"Then I, with the help of the sword intent of the Sword Immortal Sequence, break through the spiritual barrier that covers everyone."

"Then use the brain of the universe to rewrite the minds of all creatures. I don't know what the effect will be."

After Yang Xuan left the platform that recorded his promotion data, he returned to the other courtyard where he rested recently.

He was standing in front of a pool in the other courtyard.

In my heart, I wanted to see how strong I was, and instantly occupied my mind.

Then, his thoughts were released.

His mind also covered this huge piece of information.


An invisible wave took him as the place, and quickly spread to the surroundings.

In this area, no one perceives the situation.

Without even sensing the information of Wan Ling's avatar, a huge, illusory blood-colored head directly enveloped this star field.

This head, even if it looked to Yang Xuan himself, was incomparably shocking.

How big is a head the size of a galaxy.

What matters in the end is that this head is full of strange breath.

Not to mention the area covered by the head, even if it is in the area outside the head, if Yang Xuan makes the head appear, instead of hiding it.

Then anyone who sees this head will be directly controlled by Yang Xuan's mind.

This is the terrifying ability of Sequence Two Brain of the Universe.

"One galaxy, 38,000 planets where all spirits and humans live!"

"A total of 300,000 eighth-rank Holy Lord-level mecha masters, and 17 million seventh-tier heavenly mecha masters."

"However, they are all mass-produced defective products."

"With the cooperation of the Sword Immortal Sequence, I managed to control them in an instant!"

"Even the mecha masters of the eighth rank are the same"

"Mecha masters in this world are too weak!"

"I have a single thought now, which can make these people die in an instant!"

"Except for my mutated and taboo mental sequence, these eighth-level mecha masters of Wanling, even if they set up together to fight with any of the two holy masters of the Dao Palace, there is no way to deal with the eighth-level mecha masters of the main world. Holy Lord, pose any threat."

"Not to mention the Holy Lord of the main world, the Holy Lord who created the great world is not even an opponent."

"Even I can make them commit suicide with a single thought."

"But I'm different. My current ability is higher than the eighth-level holy master of the main world and the Great Creation World."

"The power of the mind is too special and stronger."

"This is indeed the power of taboo."

After Yang Xuan made a comparison in his mind, 023 suddenly discovered that the same rank was able to perceive such a big size.

The eighth rank of the All Souls Starfield is really good enough.

However, there are indeed many.

That's one of their scary things.

"That is to say, the Immortal Starfield in this world does not have the attack methods of group control and group control like me."

"Otherwise, this Myriad Souls Starfield will never have the ability to meet and resist the Immortal Dao."

"At most, relying on the deterrent power of the master of all spirits, I managed to survive in a small star field."

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