"Father, I know you don't like to hear any negative news about your brother."

"But this time it's really my younger brother who is causing trouble!"

"You may not know that because of his mother's excessive doting on him, he is now lawless on the entire Xuanwu planet."

"If he is still on Xuanwu Star, then there is no problem."

"But isn't your dream for him to go to All Souls War College?"

"If he is really going to go to All Souls War College, I doubt whether he can survive seven days with his current appearance."

Yang Rui is like a chattering radio, constantly talking about Yang Xuan's bad.

This made the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth twitch uncontrollably when he heard this.

"This woman!"

"It's too scheming!"

"And actually help relatives but not help!"

After sighing, Yang Xuan walked directly towards the two of them.

"Huh? Why did you come out?"

Yang Gang, who had been silent all this time, immediately scolded Yang Xuan loudly after seeing Yang Xuan.

Although, on the way back in a hurry, I heard that my son's memory had problems.

But he still subconsciously ignored this point.

"Go to sleep!"

Facing Yang Gang's questioning, Yang Xuan just shot quickly and tapped his forehead lightly.

This Martial Daoist Sequence 6, Yang Gang, who corresponds to the fourth-order monk, fell into a deep sleep in an instant.

"What are you doing?"

Yang Rui was shocked when she saw this.

Then, she subconsciously raised her hand to the position below her neck.

But Yang Xuan was even more quick-sighted.

He quickly grabbed Yang Rui's wrist with his left hand.

Then, before Yang Rui had time to react, her right hand directly reached into her collar.

The small pendant that kept Yang Rui in a secret place was snatched by force.

Of course, the process is definitely unavoidable, and those two positions will definitely be encountered.

But as long as Yang Xuan is not embarrassed, the one who is embarrassed is Yang Rui.

But Yang Rui found out that her things had been taken away.

Moreover, from the two hidden positions in front of him, there was a feeling like ants crawling over.

Her consciousness also froze, and her face turned red.

Just this shameful thought, it didn't last long.

Soon, emotions of surprise and incomprehension occupied her mind.

"My portable mecha!"

"How did you know!"

"How do you know this?"

Everything was taken away, so Yang Rui stopped pretending.

Her tone changed from that of a big sister who was fighting inside to a cold and ruthless member of a secret organization.

"It's quite hidden. Although you are not a direct descendant, it seems that you are treated well in the family."

"Even the people in your family don't know that you joined the rebel organization, and you also used your family relationship to send various genetic martial arts sequence medicines to the rebel organization."

"You said what would happen to you if your family knew about it?"

After Yang Xuan controlled Yang Rui, he stuck to his side and whispered something.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Rui's mentality immediately exploded.

was found!

She was discovered!

When did this happen?

And it was discovered because of something that was not concealed.

Also, why does this younger brother, who I don't like, stand up and tell me this at this time.

"Go to your room!"


"Don't waste time, or you won't be able to imagine the end!"

Yang Xuan has no time to delay with Yang Rui.

He let go of Yang Rui directly, and threw Yang Gang into his room first.

Cleverly avoiding the gaze of all the servants, he came to Yang Rui's room.

Although Yang Rui regained her freedom, she did not dare to resist.

Once her identity is known, once Yang Xuan tells it, not only will her end be extremely ugly.

The most important thing is that many rebel members will be involved.

So Yang Rui planned to endure it.

She is not stupid either.

She could see that what Yang Xuan was going to do was not a good thing.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have hidden this information for himself.

"This is my room, what are you going to do?"

After Yang Rui brought Yang Xuan into the room, she asked immediately.

But Yang Xuan ignored her at all, and came directly to her bed, and then opened a drawer beside her with Yang Rui's worried expression.

The drawer is not locked by the smart lock.

After opening it, an exquisite box appeared in front of Yang Xuan's eyes.

But this box has a password, and it is still a very complicated password.

Because she needs the genetic sequence authentication of DNA.

After taking out the box, Yang Xuan threw it to Yang Rui directly.

"Open it!"

A deep voice reached Yang Rui's ears.

However, Yang Rui wanted to run away after hearing it.


"How did you know!"

"Who betrayed me?"

"You are not an official member of Wanling, but you want to **** this genetic sequence medicine."

"Could it be that you are from the Immortal Dao Starfield?"

"But it shouldn't be. How could you be in the Immortal Starfield? I watched you grow up."

"And why today? Today? Today!"

Suddenly, Yang Rui seemed to think of something.

"Have you found it? Now that you have found it, don't struggle!"

"That's right, I am the true disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect of the Immortal Starfield!"

"This time I come to Wanling Starfield to do a big thing."

"The most important thing is that what I do is aimed at the wisdom and brain."

"So you rebel organizations have a great opportunity to fish in troubled waters while I act."

"But as a price, you have to help me."

"Otherwise, my sect brothers will hand over the list of rebel organizations to Wan Ling."

As soon as Yang Xuan opened his mouth, he became the old handsome pot man.

But what I have to say is that this happened to capture what Yang Rui cared about most.

"Impossible! I will not provide any help to the people of the immortal way. The immortals in your star field are kings, and mortals live a life that is not as good as pigs and dogs...."

"Even many mortals will starve to death due to food shortages."

"Such a civilization process is wrong and should not exist in the star field."

"Although we are fighting against all spirits, we will definitely not let the immortal civilization dominate our star field."

"It's a big deal, it's just sacrificing our Xuanwu star. Anyway, we have long been prepared to sacrifice."

Yang Rui immediately objected loudly.

After hearing that Yang Xuan was going to do something big, she didn't intend to continue to cooperate.

But this situation, Yang Xuan naturally thought of it a long time ago.


"I don't think you have the right to refuse."

"You first tell your superiors what I will say next, and then ask them if they will cooperate with me."

"After all, if you don't cooperate with me, the fate of you rebels will be... very miserable."

Yang Xuan didn't hesitate, and directly named three people.

The names of these three people are naturally the names of the people known with the help of one-click search.

"The star of order, the star of collapse, the star of the ring!"

"You just say to the three people above you, the Immortal Starfield Tianjianmen, like the three great titled Morning Stars, say hello!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Yang Rui on the opposite side was not too shocked when she heard this.

Because she had never heard of these three names, and she didn't know what they represented.

This is not to say that the three eighth-rank mecha masters are not well-known, but that Wan Ling's star field is too large.

And Xuanwu Star is just an insignificant existence.

Also, Yang Rui's personalities are not qualified to touch the secrets of the upper class and participate in the struggle of the upper class.

But Yang Xuan's last sentence made him a little concerned.

The title is Morning Star.

This is the honor only enjoyed by the eighth rank.

Yang Xuan replaced three mecha masters titled Xingchen. Could it be that all three of them are high-level rebels?

Yang Rui couldn't help thinking in her heart.

However, even if she had any doubts in her heart, she could only report it quickly.

As Yang Xuan said.

If a piece of information is related to the three titled stars, then she is really not qualified to make this decision.

So, Yang Rui directly contacted her superiors.

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