After her superiors heard about this, they were also very nervous.

Moreover, her upper echelon didn't know that the three mech masters titled Xingchen would be the Big Three of her rebel organization.

Then the message continues to pass upwards.

that's all.

Ten minutes later, Yang Rui's personal terminal received a request for a call from the entire department.

This application, starts a public call.

In the star field on the science side.

The whole series of projected dialogues can choose public or non-public.

Non-public means a one-to-one call. No matter what the other party looks like projected, outsiders cannot see it.

Only those who talk to him can see him.

But the public projection means that anyone can see it.

And non-public, it does not necessarily have to be one-on-one, and multiple people can also make calls.

The reason why the rebel organization chose the public method is because they do not have Yang Xuan's terminal friends.

Moreover, they didn't intend to make Yang Xuan and them become friends with each other.

So use this method.

Under Yang Rui's operation, three figures immediately appeared in front of the two of them.

The star of order, the star of collapse, the star of the circle!

Three people titled Xingchen appeared directly.

After the three of them appeared, they did not speak, but looked at Yang Xuan quietly.

Even if it is a projection, under that kind of gaze, it makes people feel palpitations.

Faced with such silence, Yang Xuan seemed to know the other party's purpose.

To test whether I know them.

So each of them came over with their true faces to see if I was lying.

The three eighth-rank mecha masters titled Xingchen projected their own bodies this time, not camouflaged images.

After seeing the three people, a smile appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth.

If there is no support from the power of creation of the Taoist master.

To be honest, he only tracked the positions of three people through one-click tracking.

But how powerful is the power of creation of a Taoist master.

When Yang Xuan tracked this time, when he got the opponent's location, he also got the opponent's appearance.

In other words, he knew these three people.

Therefore, under the watchful eyes of the three, Yang Xuan came to the only woman first.

"I have seen Your Excellency the Honkai Star. In the Federation, you are the only one who has reached Sequence Two in the Sword Immortal Sequence before the age of 200."

Yang Xuan gave a slight salute to the woman.

Then, vaguely stated the age of the other party, as well as the genetic martial arts sequence.

Sequence two represents the eighth stage.

As soon as she finished speaking, this heroic woman who was clearly over 100 years old but looked like a heroic woman in her twenties frowned.

In fact, what they hoped most was that Yang Xuan couldn't recognize them.

Because once recognized by Yang Xuan, it means that what Yang Xuan said may be true 5.6.

If so, they're in trouble.

When the heroic woman frowned, Yang Xuan came to another person again.

"I have seen Your Excellency the Star of Order. You are Wan Ling's new titled star. Although you are not in the sequence of sword immortals, you are the most mysterious sequence of spiritual masters."

The Star of Order is a handsome man in ordinary formal attire who looks like a teacher.

This person is a bit too neutral, and there is no heroic aura in his body.

In terms of temperament alone, it is not as good as the collapsed star.

But when it comes to fighting, it is a difficult person to deal with.

After speaking to the star of order, Yang Xuan came to the last one again.

"You are the Sequence Two with the strongest defense of all spirits, Your Excellency the Star of the Circle! However, what I admire most is your other title, the Shield of All Souls!"

"Martial Dao Gene·Immortal Will!"

The star of the ring, the shield of all spirits.

This man is the one with the strongest defense among all spirits, except for the brain and all spirits.

It has been nearly ninety years since he achieved Sequence Two.

Fifty years ago, a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the Immortal Dao Starfield at that time released a sword energy bestowed by the Master Heavenly Sword.

That is the ninth-level Daoist-level sword energy.

Although it was not a full blow, it could only be regarded as a general Taoist level attack.

But in this world, don't forget that the individual strength of the cultivators in the Immortal Starfield is far superior to that of Wanling's.

At that time, many people of all spirits knew through their mecha calculations that they would have to lose hundreds of Holy Masters before they could withstand this blow.

If you don't get hit by this blow, you will have a chance to count important planets.

But at this time the All Souls Shield stood up, and he withstood the blow.

It's just because of this that his mecha was broken and his body was severely injured, so his current strength is not as good as one percent of what it was before.

But even so, he is still located in the Myriad Souls Starfield, the apex of the second sequence of mech masters.

If not for the original battle.

It is possible for this Shield of All Souls to walk out of its own path and achieve the ninth-level Gate of All Shields, the Endless Shield.

"what do you want to do?"

The star of the ring spoke first, because he was the leader of the rebel alliance.

"Block the information traced by Wanling."

"Take the blame for what I do next."

"Arrange for me to meet Ye Luo once."

"Then, arrange for me to leave the Lord of All Souls!"

Yang Xuan expressed his request.

"Master of All Souls? What are you going to do?"

"No! Other requirements are fine, but the Lord of All Souls, it's impossible!"

"It's not impossible, but it's very difficult for us to arrange the Lord of All Souls."

"Because Wan Ling personally supervises it there."

Once the three stars heard Yang Xuan's request, there was no problem ahead.

But the last one, both raised objections.

"Don't be so rigid, I have already thought about how to go."

"Since you can't get in by normal means, wouldn't it be good if you "catch" me in?"

Yang Xuan smiled slightly, and said an operation that none of them had considered.

Chapter 148 Protagonist template? nonexistent! (Please subscribe!)

Yang Xuan's words, although only said a point.

But this point is very critical.

After he clicked on the word "catch", the three mecha masters with the title Xingchen looked at each other and nodded.

Through Yang Xuan's reminder, they really thought of a possibility.

Moreover, the three mecha masters also very much hope that Yang Xuan can cause trouble for Wan Ling.

Only in this way can they have the opportunity to control all spirits and become the masters of all spirits.

Once they become the masters of All Souls, they can change the entire All Souls Starfield according to their ideas.

So when they heard that Yang Xuan wanted to enter the Lord of All Souls, and also proposed such an idea, they all thought it was possible.

"We can agree to your request and provide you with all the help you want!"

"But we have to ask you a question, what is your purpose!"

"That's right! Your purpose is important, and you can't deceive us!"

When the three mecha masters titled Xingchen said this, they also listed some vows with the help of holographic projection.

"Swear by your demon oath that you will not deceive us!"

"Then, tell us your purpose!"

"We assure you, if you are aiming at Zhibrao Wanling, you don't want to destroy our Wanling Lord Star, and don't kill our people, then we will definitely cooperate with you."

The three mecha masters with the title of Xingchen made the final request to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan was stunned for a moment when he saw the words of the three people.

"What a perfect oath, it seems that you Wanling Starfield really understand us!"

"I don't know which elder from Tianjianmen is the person who provided you with information."

A gloomy look appeared on Yang Xuan's face.

Seeing his expression, the people with the three titles Xingchen felt relieved for a while.

That's right!

They planted a spy at Tianjian Gate, and that spy was still at the top.

"Forget it! This is an internal matter of the sect, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"Now, I will make an oath first!"

Yang Xuan made the heart demon vow according to the oath of the three of them.

The content of the oath was nothing more than that he would not deceive the three of them, and that everything he said was from his heart. Once he deceived them and violated the oath of the inner demon, retribution would definitely appear on him.

The content of revenge is not directly falling.

Instead, the inner demon enters the body and turns into a demon.

Once it turns into a demon and they catch it, it's like adding another experimental material.

Maybe, you can also take the opportunity to steal some secret information about Tianjianmen.

This is the arrangement of the three titled stars.

Yang Xuan didn't care about this at all.

Because when he made the oath, he used the power of good fortune of the good fortune Taoist. twenty two

As soon as the power of good fortune came out, it wrapped up the oath of the heart demon.

After the oath was finished, it was directly offset by the power of nature.

That's right!

It just cancels out.

This is also the strength of the power of creation.

"Very good! We have received your sincerity!"

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