At the same time, he silently communicated his one-click full-level supernatural power.

Through the introduction of Taoist Creation, Yang Xuan already knew.

My own one-key tracking and one-key full level are above the existence of the Taoist Daoyun.

Such an existence must have broken through many restrictions.

"One key full level! Bajiquan!"

"Master Good Fortune, I am going to activate my supernatural powers, provide me with strength."

The Ten Thousand Realms Universal Law exerted its power at this moment.

Because the current body cannot cultivate immortality, nor can it practice true energy martial arts.

Therefore, the charm of Chinese martial arts can be realized immediately.

However, because I am a boarding house, I am not seizing a house.

So the vitality of the "020" body has almost dissipated.

Therefore, he needs the energy supplement from the Taoist Creator.

After reaching the Taoist level, the advantage is that although it is true spirit time travel, it does not carry any spiritual energy or energy.

But after entering this world, she can quickly absorb the energy of this world, and then condense the power of good fortune.

This level of power of creation can completely replace life energy.


Bajiquan, which was listed as the first priority by Yang Xuan, reached its full level in an instant.


After reaching the full level of a national martial arts boxing technique, Yang Xuan's own strength suddenly tripled.

Yes, this increase is not very high.

Because in this technological world of cultivating immortals, people on the technological side have not listened to optimized genes since they were born.

In addition, various scientific martial arts exercises.

Although it is not as powerful as Guoshu in the early stage, it is actually not particularly noticeable.

"The improvement is not very big, but it gives me the power to protect myself, especially the realm of breaking the void and seeing gods."

"In this realm, you can absorb and integrate yourself to the greatest extent when using genetic sequence martial arts medicine."

"Then, the next step is to find the potion of the genetic martial arts sequence."

"I need potions!"

"I need a mecha too!"

"Even at the risk of being exposed!"

"But before that, I need to make a world first."

"Since this is a world dominated by intelligence, is there a rebel army or an organization that tends to respect people?"

"Does such an organization have the means to shield the perception of many heavenly immortals and holy masters?"

"The best situation is that I directly help them occupy the entire Xuanwu Star. This will definitely help them greatly."

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan directly activated his innate magical powers again.

One-click Tracking: Rebel Leaders.

This is a vague message, Yang Xuan used tracking magic power to carry out such a tracking.

In an instant, tens of millions of messages are coming.

Additional condition: the eighth level.

Additional conditions: All Souls Starfield

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan hurriedly continued to increase the conditions.


In an instant, out of tens of millions of messages, only three were left.

In the entire Myriad Souls Starfield, there really are rebel organizations, and there are three full eighth-level organizations.

Rebel Information:

1. Star of Order, the eighth-rank Mecha Master, male, 109 years old.

2. Honkai Star, the eighth rank Mecha Master, female, 123 years old.

3. The star of the ring, the eighth-rank mech master, male, 220 years old.

After Yang Xuan locked the information of these three people, he immediately continued to manipulate the power of the Taoist Creator.

The three individuals were then followed up further.

After all, just knowing the identities of three people is useless.

What he has to do is to get help from the rebel organization.

After Yang Xuan memorized the information of the three people, he continued to follow them in the next second.

This time the place to track is the place name.

One-click tracking: Xuanwu Star, the core base of the rebels!


Under the consumption of the power of good fortune, Yang Xuan soon got a position.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Nearly succeeded!"

"Although, many people say that it's up to man to make things happen."

"But sometimes, the sky is not an existence that cannot be resisted!"

Yang Xuan whispered, and then firmly memorized the above information.

Then, he continued to track.

One-click tracking: the potion of Sword Immortal Gene Sequence 9.

In the next second, the information Yang Xuan wanted appeared.

It's in Yang's house, in the room of that woman Yang Rui.

"It's actually her!"

"Sure enough, that female doctor seems harmless, but she is actually involved in the game of some forces."

"However, none of this has anything to do with me!"

"If it doesn't hinder me, everything will be fine, if it hinders me, I will die!"

Yang Xuan had such thoughts.

Then he glanced at the little follower in front of him.

That's right, there was a follower by his side.

A little girl who is not tall and has an exquisite figure.

The little girl doesn't seem to have undergone much genetic optimization, so she doesn't look like a peerless beauty.

But I don't know why, after Yang Xuan saw him, he immediately felt a little bit relaxed.

"Are you my classmate?"

Yang Xuan asked a question.

"Yes, master!"

"I am both your classmate and your servant!"

The girl whispered.

"You also know my situation. Now I have amnesia. Please tell me about my situation and my family."

Yang Xuan said with a "sorrowful" face.

But the girl didn't seem to sympathize with Yang Xuan at all.

Obviously, this predecessor is not a good bird.

But it doesn't matter, Yang Xuan just wants to know the names of those people nearby.

With a name, his actions will be more convenient.

"Oh well!"

"The person who treated you just now is your elder sister, but the elder sister of your father's third concubine, who is inferior to you in status."

"Then your father is called Yang Gang, your mother is Chen Jia, and several brothers are Yang Hui and Yang Xing..."

The little girl has been serving Yang Xuan, so she naturally knows the situation of the Yang family very well.

Under his introduction, Yang Xuan quickly memorized everything in this family.


At this time, the door was pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, an anxious woman ran in.

This person is the mother of Yang Xuan's predecessor, a very good mother, but only for Yang Xuan.

"My child, are you okay, I heard you..."

Just when this woman was about to come over, Yang Xuan tapped her forehead lightly.

The power of the mind erupted instantly, and then Yang Xuan's predecessor's mother sank her head and slowly fell to the ground.

Looking at the fallen woman, he also thought to himself:

"The Yang family decides right and wrong, I have no intention of interfering!"

"Whether your education to your children is good or bad, it has nothing to do with me!"

"I came here for one purpose!"

"The original door!"

"If possible, it seems to be a good choice to go along with the Sequence 1 Sword Master Armor!"

"Although I am a permanent true spirit, I cannot bring Xiuwei back with me, but I can take away the material."

"Sword Master Armor, the ninth-tier Mecha!"

"Bring this back to the great world of good fortune, and then use the Taoist master good fortune to open up the passage between the two worlds and bring it back to the main world."

"In this case, I have the power of a Taoist master."

"Combined with the power of the Creation Taoist Lord, maybe I can do whatever I want in the Lord's World."

Yang Xuan couldn't help thinking of this.

Then, he looked at the little girl who wanted to exclaim.

Immediately afterwards, before the other party called out, he just pointed down.

The little girl's eyes sank and she fell asleep.

After Yang Xuan finished these, he walked out of his room and closed the door.

As soon as he came out, he happened to see Yang Rui walking towards here.

this woman.

He actually chased him home.

Beside this woman, there is also a middle-aged man who is not angry.

This middle-aged man is the father of the predecessor, Yang Gang.

A name that sounds more imposing.

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