But even if she detects the true spirit, as long as she has the attainment of the true spirit, she is not at the level of the good fortune Taoist master.

I don't know that my younger brother has been replaced.

Not to mention that when Yang Xuan's predecessor died, she was no longer by her side, she didn't know that Yang Xuan died for 0.001 second.

Even if she was on the side at that time, she knew that Yang Xuan had died for a short while.

But after this inspection, she would not doubt Yang Xuan.

It just so happened that the person who attacked Yang Xuan possessed sword eyes.

It is also well known that Jianmu has the power to destroy the enemy's spirit.

Therefore, it is not unacceptable for Yang Xuan, who just suffered that serious injury, to lose his memory.

"Memory? My memory is fine!"

Yang Xuan imitated what a child should look like, and shouted loudly.

"You guys take him home first. If my family asks, just tell the truth."

"However, remember! My younger brother provoked me first."

"Being beaten like this is also inferior to others."

"However, Ye Luo's attack is indeed too severe. I will find someone to lock him up now, and wait for the arrival of the law enforcement officer. His punishment will be decided by the law enforcement officer."

After the female doctor said this, she happened to see a hover car not far away.


The suspension car opened the door, and a tall woman in official clothes stepped out of the car.

The woman got out of the car.

The surrounding sword intent instantly covered the area.

Another person of the Sword Immortal sequence.

Moreover, it's not Sequence 9 yet.

This new official is a Sequence 7 swordsman.

After becoming a swordsman, he already has his own exclusive mecha.

After everyone sensed the woman's aura, they couldn't help looking at her wrist.

There is a bright red bracelet on the wrist of the new female swordsman.

On the bracelet, there is still a light red light flowing, which is amazing to look at.

And a little pleasing to the eye.

"Yang Rui, do you only know me!"

"You should know that I'm not interested in this kind of case where children fight."

As soon as the female swordsman came over, she looked dissatisfied at the female doctor, who was Yang Xuan's older sister.

"Liu Qing, this case must be handled by you."

Yang Rui said very solemnly, without any intention of joking.

"This person is my younger brother Yang Xuan, you know him."

"That person is my younger brother's classmate, named Ye Luo, and you actually know him too."

"My brother threatened Ye Luo's classmate and friend's life to tease him, so a duel was held."

"Naturally, my stupid younger brother lost during the duel, and his genetic martial arts was abolished, and he was seriously injured by Jianmu and lost his memory."

When Yang Rui said about the purpose of the sword, her tone was very heavy.

So this new female swordsman, Liu Qing, naturally heard this clearly.

So, she looked at Ye Luo in surprise, her face full of joy.

"Just turned 16 years old, did you condense the sword eyes?"

"Not bad! Very good!"

"If I remember correctly, your group of students should have just been allowed to use gene sequence medicine for no more than three months."

"That is to say, you digested and fused the Sword Immortal gene of Sequence 9 in only three months."

"With such talent, you have the opportunity to go to Sword Immortal Academy."

Liu Qing said excitedly.

Obviously, her interest was dropped.

As for seriously injuring Yang Xuan, he didn't care at all.

And what she said before, to Yang Rui's ears, it was a life-saving talisman for Ye Luo.

"My life is saved, I hope this younger brother will stop messing around."

Yang Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded to her friend and part-time official.

Then he began to chase after the group of people who took Yang Xuan away.

She wanted to go home to prevent Yang Xuan from asking the family to take revenge on Ye Luo at all costs.

If he really brought it up, if the family agreed, Ye Luo would be finished.

While Yang Rui was thinking this way, she caught up with Yang Xuan who was taken away.

What she didn't know was that Yang Xuan heard everything she said just now.

"The elder sister of the previous body seems to be the nobleman of Ye Luo!"

"The former sister's best friend is also Ye Luo's nobleman!"

"Ye Luo obtained the mysterious Sword Immortal Sequence, and obtained that Sequence Genetic Potion with wealth that he dared not possess."

"Then I slapped him in the face and gave him experience."

"Could it be that this Ye Luo has a protagonist template?"

Yang Xuan looked at his sister Yang Rui who rushed over, and couldn't help thinking.

"It's okay for the protagonist, after I get the power, I will follow him!"

"If there is hostility towards me, resolve it as soon as possible."

"If you are not hostile to me, you have to take away his chance."

Yang Xuan made a plan in his heart, and after how to deal with Ye Luo's plan, he no longer considered his situation.

Even if the opponent has a protagonist template, it is useless.

Because he is cheating, he is much better than the protagonist template.

Moreover, he also carried a Daoist with him.

Leaf fall is not a particular concern.


On the other side, Ye Luo was also extremely angry.

Xuanwucheng, in the prison.


Ye Luo punched the wall, and immediately after that, countless sword marks appeared around the wall.

His punch actually produced sword energy.

"Teacher, when will I be able to advance to Sequence 8!"

"I prepared the gene sequence medicine long ago, but you refused to let me drink it."

In her heart, Ye Luo asked a certain mysterious existence.

He actually has a grandfather with him, a real protagonist template.

PS: A little late. Because the author of Xiaopujie was busy with work on Monday, he wrote it until almost three o'clock for this change.

I hope the authors will understand!

sleep! sleep! Life matters, get up at 6 o'clock tomorrow to go to work! Door.

Chapter 147 Unlimited tracking, nothing to hide (seeking subscription!)

Starry Sky Cultivation World, a remote planet belonging to the All Souls Star Field.

Xuanwu star.

Xuanwu City, inside the Yang family.

After returning, Yang Xuan didn't speak to anyone from the Yang family.

Faced with their cold and warm questions, Yang Xuan directly chose to remain silent.

I secretly said sorry in my heart.

Their children are all dead.

I can't replace my predecessor to live here.

"good fortune!"

"The child had a problem before, did you perceive it?"

In his heart, Yang Xuan asked the Taoist Master Good Fortune.


"I didn't perceive them!"

"Because I can sense that there is a strong will in the outside world. Although weaker than me, it is only half a point weaker than mine. It is constantly searching for something."

"I will also do this method, searching the sky and searching the earth!"

"After all, we are intruders, and the Gate of Creation has suppressed the method used by the Daoist of this world to break through the space."

"So if I just perceive your physical condition and assist you in making this physical body a professional in genetic martial arts, then neither of us will be exposed."

"But if I release my Taoism, I will be discovered by the other party immediately."

"Because we are on the other side's plate."

The Creation Taoist gave some explanations to Yang Xuan.

But after thinking about it for a while, she gave Yang Xuan some supplements.

"Also, in addition to the investigation by the Taoist master, there are at least six eighth-level holy masters and thirty seventh-level angels who are monitoring the entire planet all the time."

"The eight holy masters are not on this planet, and their immortal thoughts cover a lot."

"The seven angels are all here."

"They've clearly been tasked."

After having the information given by Yang Xuan.

Taoist Creation has quickly understood the world view of the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky.

After Yang Xuan heard this, he understood.

The ninth level of the intellectual brain path, Wan Ling of the Taoist level, has been looking for people who break into his own world.

And it is exploring here all the time.

If you are not careful, you will be exposed.

Not only the breath, but also the abnormal behavior.

"It seems that it is the worst policy for us to hide it carefully."

"Even my serious injury just now has been brought together."

"So we need to quickly increase our strength."

Yang Xuan secretly thought to the Creation Taoist in his heart.

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