Even after performing the taboo double reincarnation, Yang Xuan's true spirit didn't have any problems.


"It's different from my true spirit time travel!"

"Just why this reincarnation, we will share the same body?"

"Also, are you still in charge?"

That is, when Yang Xuan finished speaking in his heart, a voice appeared in his mind.

This voice is naturally the voice of the Creation Taoist Lord.

She has never experienced reincarnation, so she is very fond of the current feeling.

Because it was something she had never experienced before.

It's just a pity that she can only watch and can't do anything.

"Because you don't have my magical powers, and you don't have the Reincarnation Tower."

"Even the reason why you were able to reincarnate with me should be because when I borrowed your power, you gave it to me completely, and then came with me."

"Otherwise, this time I will only come in by myself."

Yang Xuan said the guess in his heart.

It was also the first time for him to be reincarnated twice.

In one reincarnated world, and then reincarnated in another world.

In such a situation, he was surprised.

Even, he was a little worried that the self who created the great world would not have no time stagnation, and then when he returned, his physical body would have fallen.

"You are a Taoist master, try to perceive first, is the time flow of the two worlds the same?"

"In other words, will the time on the Great World of Creation enter into some kind of stagnation after we enter here?"

"In other words, whether there is a time ratio between the two worlds."

Yang Xuan himself couldn't think of the answer to this question, so he could only let the Taoist Creation answer for himself.

"I don't know, don't ask me, think for yourself!"

However, what he waited for came, but he refused Sanlian.

Hearing the answer from Taoist Creator, Yang Xuan was a little stunned, and then thought to himself: "That's right, she is just a reincarnation Xiaobai, and I have no one to count on her."

Yang Xuan sighed secretly in his heart, and then waited for the Creation Taoist to complain about himself.

But after waiting for a while, Yang Xuan suddenly found that the Creation Taoist did not speak.

So, he seemed to think of something, and then continued to say in his heart: "Good fortune, can you check my physical condition and report the physical condition for me?"

Yang Xuan was thinking in his heart that he said this in his heart after he had to talk to the Creation Taoist.

"Of course, this body is already on the verge of dying again."

"In fact, he just died, but the energy that helps you reincarnate into this world is my power of creation!"

"This power of good fortune has brought a ray of life to his physical body, but the life is gradually passing away."

"Five minutes at most. If the physical injury doesn't get better, then we're probably going to return."

The Creation Taoist gave a response.

His response surprised Yang Xuan.

It is rare for the second reincarnation to succeed directly, Yang Xuan didn't want to stay for five minutes and go back.

What's more, this world has the original gate that the Taoist master wants.

Once the Creation Dao Master gets the original door, it means that he will get the good fortune door.

But it is a transaction between the 'doors'.

'Gate' is a symbol of the tenth rank.

Although the two doors are damaged, their essence is still the tenth rank.

Therefore, for Yang Xuan, this transaction is a real trillion-dollar profit.

So he naturally wanted to facilitate such a thing.

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Xuan couldn't help but be full of the desire to win the Primordial Gate.

At the same time, he also took advantage of this temptation to know another thing.

That is his heart, and the Taoist Creator can't hear all of it.

If Yang Xuan hadn't suddenly created the Taoist Master in his heart, the Taoist Master would not have known his inner thoughts.

This recognition made Yang Xuan feel relieved.

If Taoist Good Fortune could listen to all his inner voices, I'm afraid she would hear a lot of secrets, as well as some bad thoughts about Yang Xuan himself, many dirty thoughts.


"Four minutes to go!"

"If we don't continue to ask for help, we will return to the great world of good fortune."

The Creation Taoist reminded Yang Xuan in his heart.

Yang Xuan, who came back to his senses, also put his consciousness into the outside world.

He manipulated the host's body and shook his head slowly.

At this time, the students outside were still feeling and amazed.

So with his last strength, he said, "I'm not dead yet!"

"Don't be shocked by your patronage, take me to the hospital for emergency treatment first!"


As soon as Yang Xuan finished speaking, the whole scene became quiet.

Then, soon someone frantically pressed the bracelet on his hand.

It was a very sci-fi bracelet.

About three minutes later, a female doctor wearing a white gown, but not the doctor's robe of the main world, rushed over quickly.

As soon as the woman appeared, she immediately took out an automatic syringe.


Soon the medicine in the needle tube was injected into Yang Xuan's body.

Immediately afterwards, his body, the severely injured heart, recovered quickly.

"The injury is too serious, but I rescued it in time!"

"Your life was saved, but your genetic martial arts...was abolished!"

When the female doctor said the last time, her voice was a little low.

Because she knows what it means.

For many genetic martial arts masters, it is normal for genes to be abolished.

After being abolished, it doesn't mean that he can't continue to become a genetic warrior again.

However, it will become extremely difficult, if the difficulty is increased by a multiple.


Well at least ten times.

Ten times harder.

Basically, the possibility of becoming a genetic warrior is cut off.

If the genetic medicine is used forcibly, the end result is genetic collapse and death.

"I see, thank you teacher!"

Yang Xuan bowed to the female teacher in front of him with the support of a handsome female student.

And when the female teacher saw this, she couldn't help showing a look of surprise on her face.

"I will thank you!"

"It seems that this battle is considered growth for you."

"My stupid brother!"


After the other party finished speaking, Yang Xuan suddenly took a deep breath.

Because, he found that he seemed to have missed a big thing.

That is, the true spirit boarding will not get the memory of the predecessor.

So now he doesn't seem to know anyone, and he doesn't even know that the woman in front of him is actually his sister.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan's thoughts suddenly turned rapidly, and he began to look for countermeasures.

"Don't worry, look for excuses!"

"Among the experiences I learned before, there is theoretical knowledge similar to this situation!"

"Fake amnesia is the best choice!"

"But you can't say that you have amnesia, but let the other party take the initiative to check and find out that you have amnesia."

"The best way is to question the other party!"


Yang Xuan muttered a sentence in his heart, then looked at the female doctor with doubts, and asked: "Teacher, did you remember wrongly, I am not your younger brother, I am...I am..."

When Yang Xuan said this, his expression suddenly became a little confused.

His performance caught everyone's attention.

That is, he couldn't say his own name.


"Gene Martial Arts was abolished, did it hurt your brain?"

"No! It wasn't the gene collapse that hurt it, it was Ye Luo's sword eye!"

The female doctor quickly came to Yang Xuan, took out a small, self-flying medical scanner, and began to scan Yang Xuan.

"Blood, breath, mental fluctuations, genetic imprint."

Everything indicated that Yang Xuan in front of her was her younger brother.

Yang Xuan was not taken away.

This is the first thing all doctors do when facing a person with amnesia.

Because a long time ago, Wanling Starfield suffered a big loss in this regard.

At that time, a large number of people from the Immortal Starfield took away the high-level disciples of the Wanling Starfield.

Then, he took the opportunity to destroy a large number of armor factories, and then launched a general attack on Wan Ling.

At that time, Wan Ling lost one-tenth of the star field.

Later, it was because of Wan Ling that Xiandao Starfield couldn't play a game.

It took a full thousand years for this game to be completely successful.

Then, let them take back that tenth of the star field.

So after the female doctor found out that Yang Xuan couldn't recognize her, the first thing she did was to check whether Yang Xuan had been taken away.


Although there was no problem with the female doctor's examination, her examination still couldn't detect the true spirit level.


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