Instead, it is waiting for the decision of the Taoist master.

And the test in her mouth.

"This is the gate of good fortune, I know you must know it very well."

"It must also be clear about the power of this gate of good fortune."

"However, I have not been able to completely refine the gate of creation. Even if it is only a fragment, it will not recognize me."

"But during my continuous refinement, I got this terrible information from the Gate of Creation."

"This is also what I'm looking for, one of the tenth-order road conjectures, the door."

"The Taoist body at the Taoist level is light!"

"Above the Taoist master is the door!"

"This gate is the gate in the sense, the gate of good fortune that controls the good fortune, the original gate that controls the original, and the eternal gate that controls eternity."

"This is the information I have read from the Gate of Good Fortune through countless epochs."

"In the long time and long union of Eternal Ancient, three great beings of the ninth rank who surpassed each other fought a powerful death fight with the original source as the "gate"."

"Now, I will show you the information in the Gate of Creation!"

"Can't you be reincarnated into various worlds? If you can help me find the fragments of the original gate and the gate of eternity, then I can give you the gate of good fortune."

"I won't hold you responsible for invading my Great World, and you can even form an alliance with yours to create a common front."

In the end, the Holy Creator spoke her mind.

She admitted that she didn't want to be hostile to Yang Xuan.

But it is also impossible for Yang Xuan to want the Gate of Creation.

Unless, Yang Xuan took out an equivalent item in exchange.

Or it's fine even if they don't exchange, but at least help him find another door of the same rank.

Although she is the Taoist master of good fortune, she is also practicing the heavenly kung fu of good fortune.

As long as you get other doors, it can also be transformed.

She knows this very well.

Moreover, years of experimentation and search.

Let Taoist Good Fortune have a vague understanding of the tenth-order position.

Gather your own origin and achieve a door.

Inside the door is the endless aura of the original law.

But if you want to reach this level, you have to either refine other doors, or go out of your own path and condense your own doors.

The Creation Taoist is obviously not walking his own path.

So she has only one choice, and that is to refine the Gate of Creation.

But for some reason, the Gate of Creation has not recognized her.

This makes Taoist Good Fortune almost cut off the possibility of becoming the tenth rank.

But fortunately, there is no such thing as an unparalleled path. When the Daoist Good Fortune was refining the Gate of Good Fortune, he accidentally discovered that there were still two ranks in the heavens and myriad worlds, which were only half the existence of the Gate of Good Fortune.

One is, the original gate.

One is, the gate of eternity.

It's just that those two gates are not as powerful as the Gate of Creation.

Moreover, among the information received by Taoist Creation, it was the original gate and the gate of eternity that challenged the gate of good fortune.

The last three powerful doors were all broken.

After the Taoist Good Fortune finished speaking, all these messages were passed into Yang Xuan's mind one by one.

Finally, the images of the three gates appeared in Yang Xuan's consciousness.

One of them is naturally the pure white gate of good fortune.

The other two, one is the original gate exuding gray light, and the other is the eternal gate exuding black light.

The three doors form a triangular confrontation situation.

Then the three gates shattered together.

"The original door, the eternal door!"

"I see!"

"The Daoist Creation cannot refine the Gate of Creation, so he plans to replace Daoyun."

"Because the nature of Dao Yun of good fortune is very high, it is very possible to transform into the other two Dao Yun."

"This is what Taoist Creation has been doing recently, and it is also something that no one knows except me."

Yang Xuan already understood these things.

Then, he nodded directly.

"I promise you!"

If I find those two gates, you will join us, right?

Yang Xuan asked the Taoist Master Good Fortune.


"Not an alliance with your world, but a friend with you!"

"If you can represent your world, our two worlds can cooperate."

"Even when necessary, I can help you!"

"But this premise is you, because only you are qualified to be my friend."

"I won't hurt my friend's world, but if one day you're gone, I'll take that world down!"

"Then look for a way to revive you in the heavens and worlds."

What the Daoist Creation said before almost made Yang Xuan a little out of breath.

But the next sentence actually moved Yang Xuan a little.

This Taoist!

this woman!

Damn it! Things don't seem right!

Is she planning to attack me?

She also read the cheats for 100% strategy against the opposite sex.

For a moment, Yang Xuan didn't know what to do.

So, he thought about it for a while, and stopped thinking about it first.

"Which door do you most want to find, the original or the eternal!"

Yang Xuan got rid of distracting thoughts, and asked the Taoist Creator.


"My words hope to be original!"

"Through the gate of good fortune, I know that the gate of the original is more suitable for me!"

"In other words, the Gate of Creation suggested that I choose the Gate of Originality. This is the fingerprint it gave me, and the price is to let me let it go."

"It has its own mind, and it always wants to leave my control!"

The voice of the Creation Taoist directly acted on his mind.

"The original gate, let me experiment!"

"Just right, now the energy of one-key tracking is overflowing!"

"Maybe I can directly use this power to track down the address of the original gate."

"One-key tracking: the original gate!"

When using this talent, Yang Xuan was still thinking about the appearance and breath of the original gate.



An explosive message appeared directly on Yang Xuan's true spirit.

"I see!"

"This is a star map!"

"Star map? The world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky!"

"A powerful world!"

"A big world that also has the ninth level, the Taoist level!"

"And here is actually a world where technology and immortal cultivation coexist. Their world actually has a mechanical Taoist master, but they call it a brain, and its name is Wanling!"

"More than that, the technological kingdom and the cultivating realm are opposed to each other!"

"In the country of immortal cultivators, there is still a ninth-rank Taoist master."

"He is a sword fairy, titled Heavenly Sword Master!"

"Technology and immortality are constantly killing each other!"

"The purpose is to plunder resources!"

"This is a world whose nature is actually half stronger than the great world of creation."

"The resources and area of ​​this world are hundreds of times larger than the Creation World."

"This is a terrifying world!"

"This world is the world of the starry sky, not the world view of the round sky and the earth."

"Wait a minute, I've been found!"

"I was discovered!"

"Is it because two Taoist masters were involved in this tracking!"

"But I haven't found the exact location of the original gate yet!"

"The information in this world is too huge, or I am too weak now, one-click tracking takes time!"

After Yang Xuan noticed this, he immediately looked at the Creation Taoist.

"Did you feel it?"

"my situation?"

"With your strength, you should have noticed it a little bit, right?"

Yang Xuan seemed to be asking the Taoist Creator, but with a certain tone.


"Your body has the breath of other worlds."

"Are these the two powerful forces engraved on your true spirit that surpass the Daoyun of Good Fortune!"

The Creation Taoist also probably knew something.

"That's right!"

"I can help you find the original door right now!"

"However, my current strength is too weak."

"That is a world where there are two Taoist masters."

"If you still want to find the original door, then enter into my true spirit and give me your power."

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