"In this way I can take you to lock the original door."

When Yang Xuan said this, a painful look appeared on his face.

Because of the huge thoughts, he has already started to pursue him in reverse.

If Taoist Creation was hesitating, Yang Xuan planned to disconnect.

After finishing speaking, he also let go of his true spirit.

At this moment, his true spirit can be locked.

Although not yet killed.

But if Taoist Creation changes his mind, there is an opportunity for Taoist Creation to use his true spirit to deduce the coordinates of the reincarnated world at this moment.

Therefore, Yang Xuan's move was a gamble.

But it also shows in a disguised form that he believes in the Creation Taoist.

"Do you need my strength?"

"No problem, I'll lend it to you!"

The Daoist Good Fortune didn't even hesitate, his whole body turned into a streamer, and submerged into Yang Xuan's body again.

Because she still wanted to take this opportunity to know the terrifying two Dao Yuns on Yang Xuan's body.

That was the strongest Dao Yun she had ever seen, but she only got two words, one key.

But with these two words, she couldn't deduce anything at all.


"Power at the level of a Taoist master!"

"All backlashes have been suppressed, this is the power of the Creation Dao Lord!"

When the true spirit of the Creator Taoist merged with himself.

Moreover, in addition, Taoist Good Fortune did not seal Yang Xuan's true spirit.

So at this moment, Yang Xuan has obtained a huge amount of power at the level of a Taoist master.

This power is also bound by the Daoist Creator, using this power will not make Yang Xuan crazy, and will not let Yang Xuan consume his mental power.

Because all the consumption and all the consequences are borne by the Taoist Creator.

It's just like hanging up.

Yang Xuan let go of his true spirit, which represented his belief in the Creation Taoist Lord.

The Daoist Good Fortune gave Yang Xuan unconditional support in terms of strength.

Instead, he turned his true spirit into a bystander, only responsible for stabilizing his own power so that Yang Xuan could use it more conveniently.

This represents Yang Xuan's trust in her.


The world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky.

When Yang Xuan invaded here with the help of his innate supernatural powers.

A heroic man sitting cross-legged in the starry sky, with a long sword on his knees, looked up.

His eyes also emitted endless sword energy.

Then the sword energy broke through the endless void and layers of fog.

It seemed like he was looking for something.

However, just when he was about to find it.


A gate appeared out of thin air, instantly suppressing all his sword energy.


"A new Daoist?"

The handsome man frowned and stood up slowly.

As soon as he moved, countless sword qi instantly covered dozens of nearby planets.


The world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky.

Technology side.

On the star of all souls.

The huge mechanical creation is constantly calculating something.

The energy of the universe, and under his calculation, quickly gathered together.

Then, a black hole appeared.

The black hole keeps spinning, devouring, and growing.

It didn't take long to seem to communicate the boundaries of the world, intending to continue to break through the world, and then expand outward.

However, it is also this time.


A door rushed out from the black hole in an instant.

As soon as the gate appeared, it suppressed the black hole.

The black hole appeared inside the door as if it had turned into a handle of the door.


It's not just suppression, it's taking away control of the black hole.

at the same time.

There is also a hidden aura,

After getting out of the black hole, he flew directly into the endless sea of ​​stars.


PS: A lot of people said that the plot is old-fashioned, so I asked you, have you thought of this development! Think about it! !

Finally, I would like to thank the audience for their support.

Chapter 146 Double Reincarnation: Starry Sky Cultivation World (Please subscribe!)

All Souls Starfield.

A star field with a system of science and martial arts.

But in this star field, the mainstream is still science.

Because relying on science, relying on mechas, even a warrior of the third rank can cross the starry sky and soar into space.

But if you put it in the Immortal Dao Starfield, if you don't become a real fairy, you can never set foot in the starry sky.

This is the difference between relying on external objects and not relying on external objects.

Also, because the technology here is extremely advanced.

Therefore, the people in the All Souls Starfield don't have to give birth as soon as they are born. What they need is to optimize their DNA from birth.

Then become a genetic warrior and condense the genetic sequence.

This is their martial arts practice system, Gene Martial Arts-.

However, those genetic martial arts practitioners in the Wanling Starfield need to rely on mechas if they want to fully exert their own strength.

For example, a certain person has achieved the Holy Master of the eighth rank.

However, if there is no mecha, even though his realm is the eighth-rank Taoist master, the strength he displays may not even be as good as the seventh-rank heavenly immortal.

This is not only a shortcoming of Wanling Starfield Gene Martial Arts, but also an advantage of Wanling Starfield Genetic Martial Arts.

Because what they are doing is genetic enhancement and physical evolution, not aura cultivation.

Therefore, those genetic martial arts practitioners in the Wanling Starfield do not need to cross the tribulation.

That's right!

Whether it is the power to achieve the third rank, or the fourth rank, or even the corresponding ranks of true immortals, heavenly immortals, and holy immortals.

There is no need to cross the robbery.

The only danger they need to face is the rate of mental synchronization and genetic stability data.

So even if the high-end power on the side of the Wanling Starfield is obviously weaker when facing the side of the Immortal Starfield.

But now the two star fields are part of the highlands.

Because there are too many high-level bits of Wan Ling's luck.

A genetic martial arts practitioner, plus a mech.

Then in the huge population base, you can get a lot of masters at the level of real immortals and celestial immortals.

There are also people in Wanling Starfield who are responsible for statistics.

The power of the same level on their side is at least ten thousand times that of the Immortal Starfield!

Of course, this tens of thousands of times does not include the ninth-level Taoist master.

But the eighth rank is included.

In other words, the number of eighth-level holy masters in the Wanling Starfield will be ten thousand times that of the immortals in the Immortal Dao Starfield.

That's right!

It's that scary.

However, this not only proves the strength of the Myriad Souls Starfield, but also shows their weakness.

A 10,000-fold difference in the number of ranks at the same level would not be able to win the Immortal Dao Starfield, so it can be seen that although there are not many high-level Immortal Dao Starfields.

But they are all taking the elite route.

It is the kind of existence that is one against ten thousand.

However, the genetic martial arts and mecha masters in Wanling Starfield are constantly increasing.

Therefore, the two star domains are in a rare balance period.

So that the war did not continue to break out.

The frictions that occur today are just small frictions.

The genetic martial arts of the Myriad Souls Starfield are mainly divided into the following categories.

Among them, the most popular genetic martial arts sequence is the Sword Immortal sequence.

Sequence 9, Swordsman. first order

Sequence 8, Swordsman. second order

Sequence 7, swordsman. third stage

Sequence 6, Sword King. fourth order

Sequence 5, Sword Emperor. Fifth order

Sequence 4, Sword Emperor. sixth order

Sequence 3, Sword Master. seventh order

Sequence 2, Sword Immortal, Sword God. eighth order

Sequence 1, Sword Master. Ninth order

And above sequence 1.

Wan Ling also analyzed an existence named Sequence 0.

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