"This is the secret of the top of the ninth rank, or the secret of the tenth rank."

The Creation Taoist murmured in his heart.

Then, she couldn't help but glanced at Yang Xuan again.

"No! I'm going to try again!"

"I really want to know how strong his true spirit is!"

At this point in one thought, the Dao thought of the Creation Master directly appeared this time.

When she was about to do this, she also conveyed a message to all the disciples of the entire Creation Sect.

"I am about to manifest the Dao body and show all the power of the Dao Lord!"

"If you don't want to die, seal your perception and don't look up!"

Taoist Good Fortune still cares a little about his sect.

Although this place is just a tool for her.

However, I don't like to replace the tools with new ones because I am used to them.

After reminding his disciples, the original body of Taoist Creation was revealed.

It was a body almost composed of the laws of heaven.

No gender, no distinction between young and old.

The powerful coercion of the Taoist master made all the monks in the entire Great Fortune World tremble uncontrollably for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, this powerful dao body.

Unexpectedly, he rushed into Yang Xuan's true spirit body with a swish.

If this scene is known to outsiders, they will be very surprised.

The main body of the Taoist master, but even the heavenly immortals and holy masters can't look directly at it.

But now Taoist Good Fortune not only wants Yang Xuan to look directly at her, but also wants Yang Xuan to touch her.

And it's a touch above the Spirit.

Yang Xuan himself could not have imagined that the Creation Taoist would do this.

Because this is no different from murdering Yang Xuan.

After the Dao body of the good fortune Taoist directly forcibly locked Yang Xuan's true spirit and then merged into it, she was shocked again.

"This is... the Dao Rhyme that surpasses the Dao of Heaven!"

"Not one, but two!"

"On his true spirit, there are two dao rhymes inscribed on the true spirit, which is simply unbelievable!"

"What kind of Dao Yun is this, why is it so terrifying!"

"His dao rhyme actually surpasses my dao rhyme in essence."

"No! It's not just surpassed, my Taoist rhyme of good fortune has been analyzed by him!"

"I seem to perceive the name of this Dao Yun!"

"But it's very vague!"

"It's too strong, it's not the essence of the ninth stage anymore, it definitely surpasses the essence of the (ccfg) ninth stage."

"Maybe it's the tenth rank, maybe it's higher!"

"I can't understand! It's actually incomprehensible!"

"These two dao rhymes that I can't understand, beyond the level of heaven, are called one key?"

One Key? ?

The Daoist Good Fortune forcibly analyzed Yang Xuan's true spirit, and finally obtained the biggest secret related to Yang Xuan.

However, it is only half known.

When she discovered this, she was kicked out.

That's right!

Her dao body was unable to lock and invade Yang Xuan's true spirit for a long time.

"It seems that the secrets in him are beyond my imagination!"

"My intuition of the level of heaven is also accurate, he is qualified to be my friend!"


"My friend shouldn't be like this, because he is an intruder, and his intention is to lie to me!"

"Moreover, he wants to steal the Gate of Creation!"

"Hmph! Do you really think I don't know your reason for coming? My Dao heart has already warned me."


"I can't bear it!"

After the Creation Taoist left Yang Xuan's true spirit, he reverted to his previous appearance.

Then she fell silent.

As Yang Xuan said, it was artificial.

She hasn't shown her real body for too long.

So what about the Taoist.

After countless epochs existed above all living beings, even she wanted to have a friend who could talk to her.

Friends who can show themselves.

People who can discuss the attributes and essence of Dao Yun together, can find other worlds together, and study the secrets of the heavens and worlds.

Even, go to war together, to find other worlds, to invade, to preach.

When the Daoist Creator first became a Daoist, he didn't have much thought about these things.

But the more time passed, the more she wished to have a companion, a fellow Taoist.

She has never suppressed those holy masters who created the great world.

He even provided a lot of help, but unfortunately so far none of them can be promoted to this Taoist level.

Until today, she met Yang Xuan.

"What should I do, really form an alliance with him, with her world?"

"No, that's not my intention!"

"However, I can give him a chance!"

"Yes, give him a chance!"

"Just one chance!"

"It's also a bet!"

Under the operation of Daoism of Creation Daoist, he made a decision immediately.

Just when she thought of this, Yang Xuan's body recovered instantly.


Creation sect.

on the sky.

"Huh! I survived, I succeeded."

After Yang Xuan regained his consciousness, he immediately glanced at his hands and sensed his body.

At this time, his situation is no different from that before he was disassembled.

The same is true for the body, primordial spirit, and true spirit.

It seemed that everything that happened before was just like a dream.

This is the means of Taoist level.

However, Yang Xuan found himself very tired.

That kind of feeling, it seems that a certain person has fought for three days and three nights.

"She touched my true spirit!"

"Moreover, he still touched my true spirit with his own true spirit!"

"A Taoist-level existence, after touching my true spirit, I didn't return to the main world."

"It seems that the secret in me is indeed very big!"

"This is the right bet."

Although Yang Xuan had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that his plan had succeeded.

"Yang Xuan, I admit, you are very special!"

"Very special!"

"But want your world to ally with me!"

"It's not a simple matter, at least you have to pass my test!"

When Taoist Good Fortune said this, he suddenly waved to the void.

Boom! Boom!

The sky trembles, the world trembles.

While the whole world was shocked, a huge door descended directly.

It was a grand and solemn gate.

As soon as it appeared, it was surrounded by countless stars and shrouded in endless immortal energy.

It is a pure white gate.

"This is... the gate of good fortune."

The moment this gate appeared, Yang Xuan suddenly found that the whole world was different.

Countless mysterious and profound knowledge, countless aura attributes, and law evolution appeared in his mind one after another.

With this knowledge, Yang Xuan's knowledge of cultivating immortals has reached a level that does not belong to the level of heavenly immortals.

The accumulation of knowledge, just let him return to the main world, and then give lectures, etc., can get a lot of true spirit points.

Because the main world is different from other immortal worlds.

There are too many routes in the main world, and it is possible to advance to the seventh level.

Also because of the ability to travel through the heavens and worlds, too many people have a lot of opportunities.

Some people have become angels even before they understand anything.

What this kind of angel needs most is experience and knowledge.

The knowledge that Yang Xuan obtained is not only priceless, but also extremely rare.

"Hiss! I can no longer use the power of the primordial spirit to perceive it. My primordial spirit carries the knowledge of the level of a fairy, and the load is already too great."

After Yang Xuan took a few glances, he hid his spiritual thoughts.

And not looking up, looking at the mysterious gate.

However, among his innate supernatural powers, the energy of one-key tracking and one-key full level is already overflowing.

In other words, as long as Yang Xuan wanted to, he could continue to upgrade now.

A half-immortal who raised himself to the fifth rank.

However, he was not in a hurry.

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