But Yang Xuan was different.

"Pure soft rice is not for me!"

"I want to be soft and hard to eat. Even if I am a Taoist in terms of emotions, my experience is not as high as mine."

"Ten times the risk represents ten times the value."

"A hundred times the risk is a hundred times the value."

"A Taoist master, unlimited risks, also represents unlimited value."

"I don't want to be Taoist's toy, I want to conquer Taoist and make her mine!"

With such a mood, a secret book learned by his predecessor emerged in Yang Xuan's mind.

Once upon a time, he thought this cheat book was just a joke.

until today.

Only then did he realize that this was a real cheat, a priceless cheat.

This secret book also has a tall name.

100% heterosexual guidebook!

That's right!

100%! .

Chapter 145 The original door, the eternal door! (seeking subscription)

Under the gaze of the crowd.

Yang Xuan walked towards the sky step by step.

The direction he is going now is naturally the direction where the Creation Taoist is.


"Why do you have to tell me?"

"Pretend you don't know anything, and accept my kindness?"

The voice of the Taoist Creator became a little hoarse when he said this.

Her emotions were evidently extremely agitated.


Even she herself didn't know why this happened.

It was obviously a very happy thing before.

But in the end it turned out like this.

"Good fortune, what difference does it make to us whether we say it or not!"

"I think this kind of honesty is the best outcome for the two of us."

"I understand how you want to be alone!"

"I also understand you. In the endless years, there is not even a single person who can look directly at you."

"A person who can talk to the real you face to face is not scary."

"But I'm here, and you won't be alone in the future."

"Although I am not from your world, when we are not necessarily enemies, we can be friends."

"I admit, I am the person from the reincarnated world."

"The man of the world you've been looking for."

"But is there a reason why we must be enemies?"

"There are so many heavens and worlds, why don't we form an alliance."

"You want to witness other worlds, and you want to find the path to the tenth rank, there is no problem at all."

"Because I want to too!"

"But in your world, it's hard to do that."

"So why don't we cooperate, I can now represent our world and form an alliance with the great world of creation."

"You can even let your people enjoy the ability to reincarnate."

"What do you think!"

Every time Yang Xuan said a word, he was getting closer to the Taoist Creation Master.

By the time he reached the end, he had already come to the Creation Taoist.

At this moment, the Taoist Creator's mood has become very calm.

"An ally, a weak world that doesn't even have a ninth-order position."

"Apart from the special attribute of traveling through the heavens and worlds, a world where no Taoist masters exist."

"Such a weak world is not qualified to be my ally."

"If I find the coordinates of that world, my Good Fortune Sect will only attack and occupy that world."

"A small and weak world doesn't deserve that kind of power."

"In such a world, what qualifications do you have to form an alliance with me!"

The Creation Taoist asked Yang Xuan loudly.

To be honest, her question made Yang Xuan speechless.

That's right.

Although the main world is blessed with such an existence as the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

But so what.

In the absence of the Taoist Lord, no one in the whole world can be an enemy of the Taoist Creation.

Yang Xuan originally wanted to set up a layout and steal the Gate of Creation.

But now it seems that he underestimated the Taoist master.

When he was known by the Creation Taoist, the secret of reincarnation and his own pursuit actually all became based on the face of the other party.

That feeling is like a giant looking down on an ant.

If the ants perform well and make the giant a little interested, then the ants can still survive.

But if the ants don't perform well, and if they dissatisfy the giant a little bit, the end may be death.

Yang Xuan didn't want to make himself such an ant.

So he chose to face the main body of the Creation Taoist!

He quietly looked at the Creation Taoist.

He said in a low voice: "I don't deny that our world is very weak."

"But in our world, there are countless miracles."

"In our world, there is a holy master who is about to succeed in advancing."

"And I have an essence that even you can't analyze."

"Maybe I'm still weak now, but I'm not bragging. The ninth rank is definitely not my end."

"You are very strong, with a powerful ability at the level of a Taoist master, and even a single blow can obliterate the existence of the level of a true spirit."

"But you can give it a try, see if you can destroy my true spirit!"

"Can you pass me and lock the world I'm in."

Yang Xuan spoke very carefully.

Then, he let go of his mind.


next second.

Yang Xuan's consciousness exploded directly, turning into countless broken thoughts.

That was the Taoist Creation's move.

The powerful energy directly disintegrated Yang Xuan into the original atoms.

Moreover, even Yang Xuan's dao-level primordial spirit was completely disintegrated in 017.

It's amazing.

Even if he was decomposed into atoms, he could be pulled by some powerful force of creation.

Yang Xuan actually did not die.

But the secrets of his physical body and the condition of his true spirit were unreservedly seen by the Taoist Creator.

through the appearance of things.

The Creation Taoist locked onto Yang Xuan's true spirit directly.

In fact, for the Creation Taoist master, locking the true spirit is a very simple matter.

But even the existence of the Holy Master level can only obliterate the true spirit, but cannot analyze the true spirit.

The True Spirit is the highest secret of every living being.

Even an existence like Taoist Good Fortune dare not say that he has completely controlled his true spirit.

But even so, her understanding of the true spirit, her understanding of the true spirit.

It is also far beyond everyone in the Great Creation World.

Even in the world of the reincarnated.

In that powerful world that can be reincarnated infinitely, there is no one who can compare with the Creation Master in the attainment of the true spirit.

"Can't lock it!"

"Unable to parse!"

"His true spirit exists there, I can see it, but I can't touch it!"

"I can kill his physical body for a year, but I can't hurt his true spirit!"

"There is also a dao rhyme in his true spirit."

For the first time at this time, the Creation Taoist fully activated his Taoism.

She refuses to accept it!

She is the Taoist, the most powerful existence so far.

In the absence of contact with other great worlds, Taoist Good Fortune has never met anyone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Of all the people she tried to kill, she never failed.

even once

None of the true reincarnations she found could not be killed by her.

But at this moment, she found that she couldn't kill Yang Xuan.

Even if Yang Xuan's body is obliterated, Yang Xuan will not die.

He will only return to his true spirit.

Most importantly, when Yang Xuan returned, she could not find Yang Xuan along the network cable.

Because she couldn't lock Yang Xuan's true spirit.

This situation simply made Taoist Creation a little crazy.

"Why is this happening!"

"This is a secret beyond my comprehension!"

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