And Taoist Good Fortune couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing Yang Xuan's appearance.

"What a strong talent, not only saw that I was fine, but also took advantage of this opportunity to be promoted."

"And Lei Jie is stronger than I was back then, but he is born with Dao Yun."

"As expected of you!"

The incarnation of the Creation Taoist Lord seemed very happy at this moment.

"Headmaster Supreme, I have to cross the tribulation first."

Yang Xuan bowed to the Creation Taoist Master, and then suddenly found that his own space was transformed.

Immediately afterwards, he came to the sky.

space transfer.

It is the ability of the Creation Taoist Lord.


Then, Thunder Tribulation came.

Dao level Yuanshen, Lei Jie is naturally very strong.

However, Yang Xuan directly operated the Yuan Gong of the Creation Society, and the power of thunder calamity not only did not cause any harm to him.

On the contrary, it helped Yang Xuan further refine his physical body.

129,600 years of longevity!

At this moment, Yang Xuan clearly felt that after he condensed his primordial spirit, his lifespan reached a terrifying one yuan.

This is comparable to the lifespan of a real fairy.

This is only the fourth level, but he has obtained the longevity of the sixth level Dzogchen.

Yang Xuan is actually that simple, condensing the primordial spirit of Dao level.

After he condensed, the surrounding space changed again.

Then, Yang Xuan returned to the blessed land and cave in Xuanyue Holy Land.

As soon as he came back this time, he saw a delicate young girl.

In other words, an ordinary, unremarkable girl.

Apart from being more handsome, she is no different from an ordinary girl next door.

If it is placed in the main world, it is thrown into the crowd, except that its figure is more eye-catching.

The appearance is the one that is particularly popular.

But it is such an ordinary girl, if ordinary people see it, they will directly turn into a puppet of heaven.

Even if practitioners saw it, they would die immediately, and the weak ones would turn into puppets.

True Immortals, Heavenly Immortals, and Holy Masters will fall into madness if they see it.

The slightly stronger Holy Master might only be half-crazy if he saw it, and he would have a chance to return to normal in the future.

"¨Is this what you look like, an ordinary girl!"

Yang Xuan smiled at the Creation Taoist.

He knew that he had passed the test of the Taoist master.

Moreover, after reaching the level of Yuanshen, he found that he could really look directly at the Taoist master without being affected in any way.

This is the ability of Dao level Yuanshen.

"You are exactly what I thought!"

"You are a born Taoist seed, and Dao Yun is very similar to me!"

"This reminds me of the Gate of Creation, and I even have an idea that you may be the reincarnation of another Gate of Creation fragment."

The Creation Taoist also looked at Yang Xuan with a smile.

Looking at the bright smile of the girl next door on Taoist Creation.

Yang Xuan was silent.

However, soon he also laughed, and laughed extremely loudly.

"Haha! What a really happy day. Originally, I thought that the two of us would definitely be enemies, and this reincarnation would definitely be extremely risky."

"But now it seems that it may not be so."

"You should be very clear, I am not the reincarnation of the gate of good fortune! I am very sure of this."

"So, don't pretend any more. Since you have seen my footsteps, you don't intend to kill me."

"Master Creation, do you want to make friends with me?"

Yang Xuan's words immediately made the smile of Taoist Creation disappear.

next second.

Instead, there was a powerful coercion that directly enveloped the entire Creation World!



The blessed land cave where Yang Xuan was located was directly blown out of a huge hole.

Through the hole, Yang Xuan saw a woman with supreme majesty.

The appearance of this woman is exactly the same as the incarnation of the Daoist Creation just now.

Yang Xuan hurriedly glanced at his side.

As a result, he immediately found that the avatar of Taoist Creation was missing.

Instead, it is the body above the sky.

"Is the deity here?"

"However, although the appearance is the appearance of the girl next door before the main body became the Taoist master, it is not the main body of the Taoist master."

"But this appearance is a disguise, because if she reveals her body in public, everyone here will die except for me and the Holy Masters!"

Yang Xuan raised his head and looked at the Creation Taoist above, but he was relieved in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, the theoretical knowledge learned by my predecessor in the past few years is actually useful."

"Although it's a bit of a shame to be watched by so many people."

"But who made this opportunity too great."

"A Daoist!"

"A big world!"

"In the end, it was actually necessary to use such a method."

"I have to say that there is no weak knowledge in this world."

"Although, this may label me a scumbag."

"But there is no way!"

"To be honest, I don't want to work hard!"

"But I don't and I don't want to eat soft rice, at least I can't eat pure soft rice."

"However, it is acceptable if the soft rice is hard to eat."

"A great thousand worlds!"

"Unexpectedly, the final decisive battle is not a fist-to-body fight, but this kind of...spiritual game, emotional game."

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Xuan stepped into the void step by step, facing the sky, and stared at his Creation Taoist expressionlessly.

He knew that at this moment, Taoist Creator was considering whether to kill himself.

But when the other party thought about it, Yang Xuan understood that the result was already doomed.

That is, the other party is reluctant to (get Zhao) to kill!

How many eras have changed, how many Huiyuan.

The Taoist Creator has been looking for someone who can communicate with her and who is qualified to look directly at her body.

But she couldn't find it.

Even went to another world, but still couldn't find it.

But today, one appeared.

Although that person was very weak and was a creature from another world, she endured all these.

That's right!

When Taoist Good Fortune saw Yang Xuan for the first time, she saw through Yang Xuan's identity.

Although it was not confirmed that Yang Xuan was from the world of reincarnators, he understood that Yang Xuan must not be from their world.

It's just that she doesn't want to expose it.

But now that she was directly pointed out by Yang Xuan, her anger rushed to her heart in an instant.

So much so that her body descended in person.

Above the entire Good Fortune Sect, under the horrified gaze of all Good Fortune Sect disciples.

The Daoist Good Fortune turned to Yang Xuan and asked sharply, "Why!"

"Why do you have to tell me!"

"Isn't it good to be friends?"

"I can protect you until you grow into a Taoist master!"

"You will be in my world from now on, and we can pursue the path of the tenth rank together!"

"Isn't that bad?"

"I can see that even if this is not your only body, your strength is definitely not at the level of a Taoist master."

"So stay in my world, I will protect you, and I will act as your guardian until you become a Taoist master, so that you don't have to work so hard and struggle so hard, isn't that good?"

The voice of the Creation Taoist Master Qingling spread throughout the Creation Sect.

And these words shocked all the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect.

They were all surprised, and their eyes almost popped out.

what's the situation?

This supreme existence in the great world of good fortune wants to be friends with a certain one.

But that friend is still not satisfied?

That friend broke the secret?

That friend is not from our world?

God, what breaking news this is.

The entire Good Fortune Sect is boiling.

If the Creator Taoist scolded them were they.

They will definitely say: I am willing, I can, I can do it.

after all.

That is the Taoist master, the supreme being who created the world.

Getting on the thigh of this Taoist master is equivalent to losing a lifetime of struggle.

Who would be so stupid not to choose to eat this soft meal.

Is there something wrong with his head?

At this moment, all the disciples of the Creation Sect thought so.

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