"Worthy of being the owner of Innate Dao Yun!"

The Creation Taoist had already sensed what Yang Xuan had done.

However, he didn't resist at all, just waiting for Yang Xuan's insight.

And seems to enjoy the process very much.

"In the long world, I haven't met someone as interesting as you for a long, long time!"

The Creation Taoist really stood where he was.

Until Yang Xuan penetrated to the thirty-third floor.

"Have you reached the 33rd floor? Although I just instinctively carried out the 33rd layer of camouflage, but with your Golden Core cultivation base, it is already very strong to be able to do this."

The Creation Taoist looked at Yang Xuan unexpectedly.

Then, after thinking for a while, he continued to count: "I want to give you a piece of advice."

"Although this is just an incarnation of mine, the essence of this incarnation is still the essence of the Taoist master."

"You should have heard that true immortals should not look directly at them!"

"Basically, when real immortals appear in front of ordinary people, they will disguise themselves."

"Otherwise, mortals will immediately become fools when they see a real fairy."

"And the real body of the Celestial Immortal is even more powerful and terrifying!"

"When a mortal sees it, he will not only become a fool, but also become crazy, and completely degenerate into a monster."

"As for the Holy Lord, if the Holy Lord reveals his own body, then mortals will even turn into light and become a part of them after seeing it."

Taoist Good Fortune seemed to be popularizing science for Yang Xuan, talking about these things.

"It's scary to look directly at the Holy Host, but looking directly at the Taoist Master is not the same as the Holy Master."

"You should have heard of my incarnation from other places, and you should have broken into another world."

"At that time, people in that world, after looking directly at my incarnation, all became puppets of heaven!"

"Of course, it's also a puppet under my control. Each puppet has the power of a real fairy."

"This is the powerful characteristic of the Taoist master!"

"As long as you see my Taoist essence, you can become a true immortal!"

"This seems to be a shortcut to gain power, but the price paid is that the true spirit will be tortured forever."

"Now, do you want to continue spying on me?"

The taste that the Taoist master couldn't help.

After Yang Xuan listened, he naturally hesitated.

But after thinking about it carefully, he realized that this was the good fortune Taoist master testing himself.

He even understood a little bit why the Creation Dao mainly told himself so much, told himself so much.

This Taoist Creator doesn't want him to die.

But while not wanting him to die, he also wanted to know where Yang Xuan's limit was.

I want to know whether Yang Xuan has the ability to see through his essence.

After thinking about this, I will understand what I want.

"This is a trial, the last trial."

"If I can satisfy the Taoist Creator, then maybe he will become my friend!"

For a moment, Yang Xuan had this incredible idea in his heart.

A Taoist, want to make friends!

That's right!

This is Yang Xuan's guess!

"Is the essence of life different!"

"Because the Taoist master is already above all the holy masters, he wants to find a friend, and this friend cannot be those holy masters."

"Because those holy masters can't look directly at the Creation Daoist, or they can't look directly at them for a long time."

"This long time is probably only a few seconds."

In Yang Xuan's heart, he already had a very clear idea.

Because in the heart of this Taoist master, those holy masters are not qualified to be his friends.

But Yang Xuan is different.

Although Yang Xuan is only a Jindan stage monk, he has a Dao charm.

That is to say, as long as Yang Xuan does not fall, he can definitely become a Daoist.

But there is still one thing that the Taoist Creator needs to confirm.

That is whether Yang Xuan's dao rhyme is enough, whether he can look directly at himself and become his friend.

If Yang Xuan couldn't do it, then the Daoist Creator would be a little disappointed.

This will make Yang Xuan's score lowered by Taoist Creation, but it won't have much impact.

"I will continue. Although I have just condensed the golden core, I also want to know what the essence of the Taoist level is."

"Perhaps, this will be of great help to me when I attack the Taoist Lord in the future."

Yang Xuan made a decision.

The ability to create the mind and eyes was fully activated by him.


tick! tick!

under great force.

Yang Xuan's eyes began to bleed.

This is the end of excessive use of the mind of good fortune.

But Yang Xuan doesn't care anymore, anyway, he can be promoted at any time.

Once promoted to Yuanshen Stage, the injuries to both eyes can be repaired.

The thirty-third layer of camouflage was torn apart in the next second!

"I see!"

"I saw!"

"An extremely pure white boy? No, a girl?"

"No! Not a boy, not a girl!"

"He has no gender!"

"Or gender doesn't mean anything to him anymore."

Yang Xuan immediately got this information.

In fact, things like gender, once you become a true immortal, it doesn't mean much.

But through this essence, Yang Xuan saw that the Creation Taoist is actually a woman!

Yes, His essence is a woman.

But after becoming a Taoist master, she sublimated her physical body and reached the realm of the most public and most selfish ways of heaven.

Therefore, His current body, whether it is the body or the incarnation.

That's the way!

It doesn't matter gender, it doesn't even matter race.

As long as he wants, he can be a monster clan, a witch clan, or even a spirit clan.

This is the master of Taoism, all changes are in one mind.

It's just because the Creation Taoist is a Human Race Taoist.

Therefore, He has always maintained a state of perfect Dao body.

From Yang Xuan's point of view, this state is that the clothes are fluttering, and the cool and perfect figure seems to be in harmony with the sky and the earth.

It also seems to have sewn his heart, lungs, body and mind into the vast sky.

He was dressed in white and stood in front of Yang Xuan.

However, in Yang Xuan's view, he seems to be overlooking all living beings here.

When the Taoist master looked at Yang Xuan with a smile.

In just a split second, the world was overshadowed by it.

Endless information, a lot of energy at the level of heaven.

In an instant, he appeared towards Yang Xuan.

However, Yang Xuan held on and was not transformed into a puppet of Heavenly Dao.

This is the power of the Taoist Lord.

Even if it's just an incarnation, it can destroy the other party just by being seen.

No wonder, Taoist Creation never made friends with those eighth-ranked Holy Masters.

Because, even the Holy Master of the eighth rank, when facing the Taoist Lord Good Fortune, he would either close his spiritual consciousness and never go to see the Taoist Lord Good Fortune.

Either the Creation Taoist took the initiative to camouflage to prevent being seen by them.

But at that time, the Creation Taoist Lord was not an instinctive disguise, nor did he only have thirty-three floors.

Instead, start directly at 10,000 floors.

if not.

Even the Holy Master of the eighth rank, if one looks directly at him, there is only one end, and that is death.


After Yang Xuan looked directly at the main body of the incarnation of Taoist Creation, his body also began to tremble violently.

Mentally, there was endless pain.

"No! I want to advance!"

"Otherwise, I can't look directly at her for more than three seconds!"

"But I have a feeling, if I advance to become a Dao-level primordial spirit!"

"Maybe it's all right!"

With this in mind, Yang Xuan directly activated his talent for communication.

"Full level with one click: Creation Society Yuan Gong·Fourth floor!"

The 30,000-year lifespan was wiped out in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan's golden core and lotus platform merged into one in an instant, forming a reduced version of Yang Xuan.

Yuanshen, it's done!

It's that simple, and it's still the pinnacle of the fourth floor.

It belongs to the state that as long as Yang Xuan has the ability, he can directly break through and become the fifth floor.

That's when.

The entire Good Fortune Sect was shrouded in a cloud at this moment.

That was the thunder calamity, the primordial soul calamity.

However, the power of this Yuanshen Tribulation has already reached the level of a true immortal.

Many disciples of the Creation Sect thought that a true immortal was about to be born.

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