"he came?"

"So fast!"

"I actually saw it now!"

"I just don't know if it's the main body. After all, he seems to be very good at using clones."

"When we invaded the main world, we used clones."

Chapter 145 So What About the Dao Master, Here's the Strategy! (Please subscribe!)

Just when Yang Xuan sensed being watched.

That terrifying will has come down completely.

He looked at Yang Xuan's situation unscrupulously, and seemed to be very curious about Yang Xuan.

It's just that when he felt Yang Xuan's Dao Yun, which symbolized countless mysteries, he froze for a moment.

That was a clear mood swing.

Even Yang Xuan could easily perceive the other party's surprise.

"He was surprised, surprised by the breath on my body!"

"Sure enough, even the Dao Master can't help but be shocked by the golden core of Dao level."

Yang Xuan couldn't help thinking.

Then, when the other party massacred himself, Yang Xuan couldn't help turning his head to look at Yue Xi.

The woman who has been completely conquered by him wholeheartedly.

"Huh? She's still practicing!"

"She can't sense the coming of the Creation Master!"

"Obviously the good fortune Taoist didn't hide his aura, but he couldn't feel it."

"This is not right!"

Yang Xuan immediately discovered the problem.

But although he was shocked in his heart, his powers of observation were still there.

He is very clear that now the Taoist Creator has not hidden himself at all.

So logically speaking, it shouldn't be just checking the existence of the other party.

Yuexi should also be able to detect the other party.

But for some reason, she just didn't notice it.

"Don't look at it, I blocked her perception!"

"From her point of view, nothing happened."

"After all, she is only a half-immortal. Although the law of cohesion is good, it is too weak for me."

The thoughts of Taoist Creation directly appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

"I have seen the Daoist!"

At this moment, Yang Xuan couldn't continue to maintain the status quo, as if he didn't understand anything.

He couldn't find the position of the Creation Master, so he had to salute to the front.

"The disciple has met the Supreme Master!"

Yang Xuan used the standard etiquette of the Good Fortune Sect.

This etiquette is also seventy percent similar to the etiquette of the Creation Heaven Sect in the main world.

"Yang Xuan, you are a special person, you are born with Dao Yun."

"This is the special posture of the ninth-level Taoist master!"

"You may not know how rare this Dao Yun is!"

"In our world so far, I am the only one who has comprehended a ray of Dao rhyme through the gate of good fortune, and finally advanced to become a Dao master."

"As for the other eighth-level holy masters, they all went crazy and died when they were condensing the Dao Yun."

The Creation Taoist unexpectedly liked to talk a lot.

That tone of voice seemed to be talking to an old friend.

But I don't know why, after hearing this, Yang Xuan was unexpectedly shocked.

Daoyun is rare, he is very clear about this.

However, he didn't know why the Holy Master would go crazy when he wanted to advance to become a Daoist, and he would go crazy when he condensed the Daoyun.

And since the monks in this world will go crazy when they advance to Taoism, what about the world of reincarnators.

So what about the Holy Creator?

Especially, the Eternal Emperor of Heaven.

That Heavenly Emperor is about to advance to become a Daoist.

"Headmaster, why is it so difficult to condense Daoyun? Is there any secret in it?"

After Yang Xuan thought for a while, he asked a question.

He didn't know why the good fortune Taoist said this to himself.

But now that we've reached this point, it's a good time to take the opportunity to get some information.

He also wanted to know what kind of risks the Holy Master faced when he advanced to become a Daoist.

"Dao Yun! Dao Yun!"

"If you want to become a Taoist master, you must condense the Taoist rhyme!"

"And if you want to condense the Dao Rhyme, you must face the Dao of Heaven!"

"However, we human beings, even the Holy Master who has transformed into immortals, are fragile toys in front of the real way of heaven!"

"Touch it lightly, and you will die!"

"Even when I was trying to obtain that dao rhyme, I almost fell."

"It's too difficult to get Dao Yun."

The Taoist Creator could not help but speak.

When he said this, he was still very emotional.

Then, something seemed to come to mind.

"But I'm looking for a way for the Holy Lord of this world. There are many weak worlds outside our world."

"Those weak worlds, the way of heaven is extremely fragile!"

"If possible, refining those weak heavenly dao should also be able to condense a trace of dao rhyme."

"It's just that Taoist masters like that are too weak, so weak that I, who became a Taoist master by creating a great world, can crush them to death with one finger."

"But even so, the Taoist is the Taoist!"

"Once you become a Taoist master, you will be immortal!"

"Become a Taoist master first, then slowly accumulate your own Dao rhyme and strengthen your own Dao rhyme, which may continue to become stronger."

When Taoist Good Fortune said this, he was a little proud.

He seemed to really regard Yang Xuan as an old friend, proudly introducing his achievements.

"Headmaster, the Holy Masters of other sects don't even know about such a secret!"

Yang Xuan looked ahead in surprise. Although he hadn't found the Taoist Creation Master yet, he had a feeling that the Taoist Creation Master was right in front of him.

"That's right! Not only the Holy Masters of other sects, but even the Holy Masters of our own sect, they only know one thing, not the other!"

This time, the Daoist Good Fortune is no longer an idea, but appeared in Yang Xuan's heart.

Instead, under a burst of space ripples, it appeared directly in front of Yang Xuan.

"See Daoist!"

Yang Xuan saw the Creation Taoist appeared, and immediately bowed to him.

This is the Taoist!

A Taoist master!

The existence of the ninth rank is something that even the people of the entire main world cannot resist.

But now, Yang Xuan started to face him directly.

So after seeing this Taoist master, Yang Xuan couldn't help but look at him immediately.

Taoist Good Fortune looks like an ordinary middle-aged man.

However, Yang Xuan could see that this was just a disguise after opening his eyes of good fortune.

The Taoist is pretending.

He didn't let me see what he really looked like.

However, my good fortune seems to have the ability to see through his concealment.

The first layer of camouflage, a middle-aged ordinary man.

The second layer of camouflage, an old Taoist priest.

The third layer of disguise, a young Confucian scholar.

The fourth layer of camouflage, a fairy with outstanding talent.

Under the eyes of Yang Xuan's good fortune, the disguise of the Taoist master good fortune was seen through layer by layer.

However, the camouflage of Taoist Creation has almost infinite layers.

Seventh floor, tenth floor... thirty-one floor.

Thirty-two floors!

Thirty-third layer of camouflage!

When the ability of the mind's eye can directly see through the thirty-third layer of camouflage.

Finally, Yang Xuan saw a light!

Light again.

After seeing the light, Yang Xuan immediately thought of one thing.

That is light!

It doesn't matter if it's in the Great Creation World or in the Main World.

It seems that a lot of high-level energy is finally manifested in the form of light.

For example, the primordial light, the eternal expanse.

These lights are extremely powerful rays.

And after Yang Xuan came to this world, he also learned that the existence of the eighth rank, the Holy Master of the Yue family, actually condensed light, the light of Yuehua.

not only that.

The newly accomplished Lord, the Lord of Unrequited Love.

There is also light, the light of forgetfulness.

It seems that the essence of the eighth stage is to refine a certain kind of energy into light.

Yang Xuan couldn't help thinking of this.

"Are you spying on my body〃ˇ?"

"What a powerful talent!"

"It actually broke through my outer camouflage."

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