"Is this young man a new true disciple of Ghost Spirit Sect?"

"Hiss! It seems to take him away and practice with him!"

"I suddenly want to have a baby, and I want him to be my Taoist companion!"

Because of Fairy Yuexi's attention, Yang Xuan's aura that had been introduced into the space between heaven and earth was instantly discovered by everyone.

He's actually quite outstanding.

But when everyone saw him, they would subconsciously ignore Yang Xuan.

This was naturally achieved by Yang Xuan with the help of the Yuan Kung Fu.

Maybe Yuexi, who is about to become the true inheritance of good fortune, also has extraordinary talent.

Her eyes can see through many things.

With the secret method of the Creation Sect, Yue Xi developed such a habit.

Therefore, even though Yang Xuan's breath blended into the heaven and earth, coupled with the protection of myriad ghosts and real immortals, Gu Qing Tianxian did not notice Yang Xuan.

But Yuexi still found Yang Xuan.

As the saying goes, gold always shines.

In Yue Xi's eyes at this time, Yang Xuan was like gold in a pile of broken copper and iron.

At this moment, it is exuding a dazzling light.

"This boy..."

After seeing Yang Xuan, Yue Xi couldn't help walking towards Yang Xuan.

The ladder also changed direction.

Follow the ladder.

Fairy Yuexi finally walked up to Yang Xuan.

She felt the aura emanating from Yang Xuan's surroundings, and her soul couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Why? Why do I feel this way!"

"My heart is beating faster!"

"My primordial spirit is trembling slightly!"

"I want to be one with him right now."

"It seems that his existence is the meaning of my existence!"

"What the **** is this for?"

"I...my hand is out of control."

In Yue Xi's own unbelievable eyes.

She actually pulled Yang Xuan over, and then pressed him against the mountain peak.

Not only the people around were stunned by this sudden movement.

Yang Xuan himself was stunned.

"Damn it! It's the traction and suppression of Yuan Gong of the Fortune Society!"

Although Yang Xuan was also shocked, he soon thought of why this happened.

Fairy Yuexi was just scanning her surroundings with a magical power similar to the eyes of good fortune.

Then, she saw Yang Xuan's eyes.

In other words, he had met Yang Xuan's good fortune.

But with her cultivation base, her practice skills, plus the nature of the primordial spirit, how could it be possible to fight against Yang Xuan.

You know, although Yang Xuan is in the Golden Core Stage.

However, the essence of his Golden Core is half-step Dao level.

In terms of Yuexi, although her primordial spirit is at the top level.

But even the Heavenly Dao level is not counted, this essential gap cannot be made up by the realm of cultivation.


Even if Yang Xuan didn't target Fairy Yuexi, Fairy Yuexi was defeated in an instant.

In Fairy Yuexi's heart, she regards Yang Xuan as her everything.

At that moment, to Fairy Yuexi, it was a glimpse of ten thousand years.

It seemed that she was always by Yang Xuan's side.

It seems that in her last life, the previous life, and every life after life, she was Yang Xuan's person.

"Can I have you?"

In the shocked eyes of countless people.

Fairy Yuexi said such a sentence that left everyone dumbfounded.

Chapter 140 Please enter the urn and refine immortals into pills (please subscribe!)

After Fairy Yuexi finished speaking, she was also taken aback.

She couldn't understand why she said that at all.

But when she looked up at Yang Xuan, she felt that there was no problem with what she said.

Because this is the truest thought in her heart.

"let me go!"

"If you want to own me, let's wait until you become the ninth-level Taoist master."

Yang Xuan's spiritual power was mobilized.

The huge mana directly pushed Fairy Yuexi away.

For this woman from the Creation Sect, although she is very good-looking, she is not very attractive to Yang Xuan except for her body.

Because such a child of a dandy family, let alone a Taoist master of the ninth rank.

If she is not going through some ups and downs, exercise her state of mind.

When the calamity of the true immortal comes, the calamity of the heart demon will wipe her out.

The reason why a real fairy is a fairy.

That would represent a complete departure from the essence of a mortal.

Fairy Feng Yu told Yang Xuan about the catastrophe of the inner demon, how terrible it was.

The fifth-level semi-immortal, when he perfected his own laws and attacked the real immortal.

Of the ten losers, nine of them died in the catastrophe of the demons.

The catastrophe of the demons can only rely on oneself.

Even the Good Fortune Sect couldn't help Yuexi in this regard.


"Do not get angry!"

After being pushed away by Yang Xuan, Yue Xi didn't show much disappointment, or even anger.

Instead, he retreated cautiously to Yang Xuan's side.

Then, like a little girl who did something wrong, she lowered her head and was a little nervous.

"This woman..."

Yang Xuan looked at Fairy Yuexi in surprise, and secretly sighed in his heart how powerful the Yuan Gong of the Fortune Society was.

"She was completely defeated by the eyes of fortune!"

"However, if there is external interference, it is estimated that she will wake up in an instant, and it will be troublesome then."

Yang Xuan has noticed this.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly said to Fairy Yuexi: "Give me your fairy stone!"

"Good! Good!"

Fairy Yuexi was a little flattered by Yang Xuan's sudden accusation.

Immediately afterwards, she hurriedly took out the fairy stone she had just obtained, as well as her own fairy stone in one go.

She glanced at Yang Xuan, and found that Yang Xuan's storage ring seemed ordinary.

So he directly took out a storage ring with a very high grade.

"Here! This storage ring is better!"

"There are also some talismans given to me by the elders!"

"Those talismans are very useful!"

When Fairy Yuexi said this, her little face turned red.

Yang Xuan took the storage ring with a smile.

When he stretched out his hand, his fingers inadvertently touched Fairy Yuexi's hand.

This made Fairy Yuexi feel as if she had been electrocuted, and she was upset for a while.


What she didn't know was that when Yang Xuan touched her, a secret breath was injected into her body.

Because Fairy Yuexi had no defense against Yang Xuan at all.

So it's simply impossible to notice this.

In other words, even if you notice it, it doesn't matter.

After Yang Xuan got the breath and entered Fairy Yuexi's body.

He blinked quickly, and then the mind eye of good fortune activated.

A secret technique spread directly in Fairy Yuexi's body.

His successor succeeded.

However, after the success, Yang Xuan's face was not only not surprised, but his hair was a little gloomy.

Because of the secret technique he injected into Fairy Yuexi just now.

Let him know why, Fairy Yuexi obeyed her now, why she became like this.

"Confused mind Dafa!"

"This cultivator of the Good Fortune Sect was backlashed by his own spells."

"Before I even realized it, she actually used this technique and planned to make me her servant!"

"And, she didn't just stare at me!"

"But on that terrifying Haoyue fairy boat, they have already set their sights on me."

"Fairy Yuexi is not as innocent as she appears on the surface."

"Although she is still a perfect body, she discovered my abnormality when she was on the fairy boat!"

"Then, she actually planned to interact with my primordial spirit and take away my pure yang energy!"

"However, in the end, I lifted a rock and shot myself in the foot!"

Yang Xuan sneered in his heart.

Fortunately, he thought that this was a simple playboy.

It turned out that I didn't expect that my heart was so sinister.

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