that's it.

Above the sky, the fairy boat slowly approached.

At this time, two words containing immortal power also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


This is the name of Xianzhou.

Especially the moon character, even Yang Xuan, who was below, felt a little dizzy just by taking a look at it.

This means that this text is powerful.

Still, very powerful!

On the bright moon fairy boat.

After Yue Xi took the bag, she couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Although he is an inner disciple of the Good Fortune Sect, he is also a disciple of a family of cultivators in the Good Fortune Sect.

Even, he is about to advance to become a true disciple with a bright future.

However, this bag of fairy stones at the level of a fairy is not a small amount for her.

Although her own worth, the immortal stones she can use are more than ten times that of this bag.

But those fairy stones are considered a big fortune in the Good Fortune Sect.

Therefore, Fairy Yuexi was very satisfied with getting such a bag of fairy stones.

"Very good! Ancient Qing Celestial Immortal is indeed one of the three great Celestial Immortals of the Southern Wilderness!"

"I have received your sincerity."

Fairy Yuexi spoke.

This time it was she who spoke.

At the same time, this is also announced to the outside world.

This time, she is the core person in the Good Fortune Sect team.


I saw Haoyue Xianzhou's technique slowly disappearing, and the endless coercion covering this area also gradually disappeared.

Even the aura around him began to recover little by little.

This is the spiritual energy that the immortals of the Good Fortune Sect no longer forcibly ingested, and the heaven and the earth will automatically and slowly generate it.

If they do not let go of this restriction.

Then, with the Wanshou Gate as the origin, the radius of ten thousand miles will always be in a boundary where the aura is extremely thin.

This is that fairy boat, the seventh-ranked fairy boat, with a powerful ability named Haoyue fairy boat.

This fairy boat is a weapon of war.

Xianzhou closed the spiritual energy extraction circle, and everyone in the entire Ten Thousand Beasts Sect felt relieved.


"Aura recovered a little bit!"

"Finally alive, I felt as if I was about to suffocate just now!"

"It's terrible! Is this the Good Fortune Sect?"

"I've heard about the strength of the Creation Sect a long time ago, but I never imagined that even the strongest Celestial Immortal in this sect, Gu Qing Celestial Immortal, would be so unbearable in front of the opponent!"

"I also suddenly want to join the Good Fortune Sect!"

Many disciples from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, as well as the six disciples from the True Immortal Sect who came to participate in the competition of the various sects, all slowly recovered and regained consciousness.

Those colleagues who did not faint told them what happened.

Therefore, these monks from the southern wasteland all looked at the bright moon fairy boat in the sky with great envy.


In this world, who doesn't want to be like the fairy in the sky, the fairy who oppresses at will will be subdued.

Even on the surface, Yang Xuan showed his yearning.

But in the dark, Yang Xuan was thinking secretly: "This Good Fortune Sect seems to be a decent family, but in fact, its style of doing things is to do things in its own way. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish!"

"The technique used also looks majestic and majestic, but in fact it is extremely domineering!"

"Good and evil, immortals and demons, it really all depends on strength!"

Yang Xuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The world of cultivating immortals is really more terrifying than those worlds of martial arts.

"Welcome Fairy, Fairy, please take your seat!"

It was at this time that Gu Qing Tianxian had already sent an invitation to Creation Sect Yuexi.

He lowered his body and even bowed to Yue Xi.

It's unbelievable that a seventh-tier true immortal is so respectful to a fourth-tier person.

But the truth happened before their eyes.

"Yeah! Gu Qing, you are very knowledgeable about current affairs!"

"Since that's the case, I'll give you a light of moonlight. For wild cultivators like you, its value is more than a hundred times that of your fairy stones."

Under Gu Qing's welcome, Yue Xi slowly stepped off the Haoyue fairy boat.

As soon as she came down, fairy sounds lingered.

Dafa snails, big Dharma drums, surrounded by fairies, and flying fairy beasts.

Such a scene is so spectacular.

"This is the ostentation. The disciples of the Good Fortune Sect are so impressive even when they appear on the stage."

"It's nothing more than an appearance. The main thing is the moonlight that this fairy gave just now. This is a priceless treasure."

"I've also heard of the light of the Moonlight, it's a treasure that can purify primordial spirits and immortal gods!"

"Only the Creation Sect can have the light of the Moonlight!"

Yuexi's appearance, and what she said just now.

It once again caused commotion among all the monks in the Southern Wilderness.

Zhongzhou is full of outstanding people and abundant treasures.

However, the southern wasteland is vast and abundant, and it will also produce many spiritual herbs and ores that monks need.

But in this world, there are some treasures that cannot be conceived naturally by the heavens and the earth.

For example, this moonlight.

In fact, the condensing and refining of Moonflower Light is not very difficult.

Its output is not low at all.

However, the Good Fortune Sect never announced it to the public, nor did it sell it to the outside world.

Therefore, once a ray of moonlight shines out, it is really priceless.

Especially for those who just need it.

For example, those true immortals of the sixth rank.

Basically, they are the most needed


Seventh-tier angels, if they are monks from Zhongzhou, actually don't have that much demand.

Because the foundation of monks in Zhongzhou is relatively stable.

But Nanhuang is different.

The light of the moonlight is in the Southern Desolation, it is a treasure that is enough to cause the heavenly immortals to fight each other.

Therefore, this is within the Good Fortune Sect, but it is only worth a thousand ordinary fairy stones.

But in the Southern Wilderness, it is worth millions.

But the scary thing about the Good Fortune Sect is that even at such a high price, they would not sell it to the monks in the Southern Wilderness.

One reason is that the Good Fortune Sect does not lack this fairy stone.

The second reason is that the Good Fortune Sect wants to suppress all the Southern Wilderness sects.

They want to ensure their core position and make the Creation Sect the most powerful sect in the world.

Without the light of the Moonlight, as far as Nanhuang and other marginal continents are concerned, they would not even be able to appear at the eighth stage.

Even occasionally, a certain genius achieved the eighth rank.

The so-called eighth rank may not be able to beat the seventh rank of Good Fortune Sect.

This is the benefit of resource limitation for the Creation Sect.

And as the direct descendant of the Yue Family who is in charge of the Light of the Moonlight, Yue Xi likes to reward her subordinates or outsiders with a Light of the Moon no matter where she is, so as to show her identity.

Although, this approach is very low-level.

But I have to say, very useful.

This is not.

When the light of the moonlight fell into the hands of Dui Gu Qing Tianxian, who came here to participate in the competition of various sects, the other five true immortals who were in charge of leading the team all expressed their envy.

As for the newly promoted true immortal, there is no chance to envy her.

Because that true immortal was suppressed, his fate is worth not mentioning.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Fairy Yuexi stepped on the ladder in the sky and walked down slowly.

The cloud boots on her feet made a crisp sound.

Just as she came down, she was accustomed to using her own mind to scan the surrounding situation.

This is her habit.

Because when scanning, she will use her own secret method to detect whether there is any hostility when the people around her look at her.

With her status, of course no one dared to release strong hostility towards her.

At least in this wilderness, everyone looked at her with emotions of envy, admiration, liking, amazement, jealousy and so on.

There are also some people who are good at hiding their emotions and thinking fluctuations, but they cannot be detected by her secret method.

Most of the things that could not be detected by her were those whose cultivation level was higher than hers, but none of those people found out, Fairy Yuexi detected them secretly.

The secret method of Good fortune Tianzong is still relatively powerful in terms of concealment.

However, just as Fairy Yuexi was about to fall to the ground, her footsteps suddenly stopped.

Then, she moved her gaze slowly, looking at the idea of ​​Ghost Spirit Gate.

Because of her actions, her actions.

The monks on the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate all followed her gaze and couldn't help looking at the Ghost Spirit Gate.

Immediately afterwards.

On the other side of the Ghost Spirit Gate, a man who is extremely handsome, looks like a fairy, but has a restrained aura, as if he is the most perfect embodiment of the Tao, appeared in their eyes.

"Huh? What a handsome young monk!"

"Looking at her appearance and breath, she is no more than twenty years old."

"The breath is not very strong, that is, a monk in the golden core stage, but for some reason, the moment I saw him, my mood softened a lot."

"This boy is not easy!"

"His head, that black lotus, doesn't seem to be a simple mark!"

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