However, this also made Yang Xuan discover one of his shortcomings, that is, the third level of his Creation Society Yuan Gong, which is somewhat unable to completely hide his aura.

His existence, just standing here now, has a fatal attraction for those people in the Good Fortune Sect.

So, Yang Xuan's heart moved, and he sent a word to Fairy Yuexi.

"Send a voice transmission to your companions and tell them that I am yours and I have been controlled by you."

"Tonight you plan to interact with my primordial spirit, so as to help you stabilize the primordial spirit and enhance the essence of the primordial spirit."

Yang Xuan could sense that the people who came over from the Creation Sect this time were all people who had practiced the Heavenly Art of Creation.

However, what they practice is not the pure nature of good fortune, but a castrated version.

But even so, everyone must have felt the difference in Yang Xuan.

Fortunately, they would not think that Yang Xuan had practiced a stronger Heavenly Art of Good Fortune, a perfect Heavenly Art of Good Fortune.

It can only be that there is a person with special aptitude in this Southern Desolate Immortal Cultivation World.

This person seems to be relatively lucky, but in fact he is very unlucky.

Because Fairy Yuexi found him, and she wanted to offer her first time if she didn't wash.

To absorb and devour Yang Xuan's essence.

Fairy Yuexi listened to Yang Xuan very much.

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, she immediately sent a voice transmission to her companions.

After she finished speaking, even Xiao Ling'er, who was closest to her, felt disappointed for a while.

Because, she also took a fancy to Yang Xuan.

The moment she saw Yang Xuan, she sensed this person, and his aura seemed to match her very well.

At that time, a feeling was born in my heart.

That is, if he can merge with Yang Xuan, his primordial essence will be improved rapidly.

But after Yue Xi spoke, the others would definitely have no chance.

"Master...Master, I have told them!"

"They will all listen to me〃."

"In my team, there is also a monk named Wang Ling'er. Her physique is also very special. If the master can get it, her cultivation base can be greatly improved!"

"Also, just now Xiao Ling'er asked me if I could use it once for the master after she has used it."

"She seems to want to eat her master!"

Fairy Yuexi secretly transmitted a voice to Yang Xuan.

This made Yang Xuan more aware that there seemed to be some hidden dangers in the third level of the Yuan Gong of the Creation Society.

So he decided to break through the fourth floor as soon as possible.

"Full level with one click: Creation Society Yuan Gong·Fourth floor!"

"It needs to consume 30,000 years of life yuan!"

"Is it full level!"


After he secretly awakened his golden finger in his heart, Yang Xuan began to care about it.

He chose no.

Because his current lifespan is only 1800 years.

Now, it takes thirty thousand years.

But if Yuexi's skill can be taken away in reverse, the life energy needed will definitely be much less.

There is also a little Ling'er who is malicious towards herself, the same is true.

"Yuexi, except for that Wang Ling'er, how do the rest of your team feel about me?"

Yang Xuan couldn't help asking.

He wants to know the attitude of everyone in the Good Fortune Sect towards him.

Yang Xuan intends to decide his own attitude towards them through their attitude towards him.

"Uncle Liu send me a voice transmission, and tell me to hand over your body to him after I finish using you!"

"Senior Brother Hai and the others want to refine you into Heavenly Creation Pill."

"Senior Sister Sun asked me if I could bring her to use you together."

"They all feel the special breath in you, so they want to get you."

After Fairy Yuexi finished speaking, Yang Xuan couldn't help shivering.

"Forget it! The women are all used, and the men are all killed!"

Yang Xuan has already made a decision.

Since they have no good intentions towards themselves, their fate is already doomed.

Anyway, this time the true spirit is eternal, even if Yang Xuan learns the Yellow Emperor's Ascension Method and finds three thousand Taoist companions, he will not worry about the purity of his true spirit.

As for the psychological burden.


This can be completely ignored.

"Yuexi, now go and let everyone disperse!"

"Then announce to everyone that you have taken a fancy to me and want me to serve you!"

Yang Xuan once again secretly sent a message to Yue Xi.

Yue Xi also followed suit directly.

Because of her strength, all ghosts and true immortals did not speak in the end.

He endured it, and finally told Yang Xuan to be careful.

Then the competition of various sects that was supposed to be held was delayed like this.

"Go to your fairy boat!"


When everyone started to return to their residences, Yang Xuan gave another order to Yuexi.

Soon, Yue Xi took Yang Xuan and walked towards the fairy boat in the sky.

The owner of the fairy boat is Yuexi, so she can open and close many spells of the fairy boat at will.

Just like that, Yang Xuan followed Yue Xi towards the fairy boat under everyone's gaze.

"Damn it! This disciple of the Ghost Spirit Sect is really lucky to be favored by the nobles of the Creation Sect."

"Hmph! A soft-bodied man, a disgrace to our monks!"

"Damn it! Even if he looks better than me, even if he has a better temperament than me, but his skills may not be better than mine, why didn't he choose me!"

"Damn it, I can do it too! Fairies can do it too!"

"Fairy I can at least spend the night..."


Yue Xi really couldn't bear to listen to those filthy words.

In the meantime, she waved her slender hand downward.

The powerful spiritual pressure instantly killed seven or eight disciples of the Wanshoumen who were satisfied with swear words.

Then, everyone fell silent.

It's just that there are still many female disciples, and they are a little bit unwilling for a while.

Because after seeing Yang Xuan, they all felt that they were in love.

Perhaps, Yang Xuan is the right Taoist companion for them.

But his Taoist companion was snatched away by that terrible woman in the sky.

However, the opponent is really too strong.

Although they were not reconciled, they could only watch Yang Xuan helplessly, and finally disappeared on the fairy boat with Fairy Yuexi.


Inside the fairy boat.

As soon as Yang Xuan came in, he began to observe.

His spiritual thoughts unscrupulously scanned the entire fairy boat, and then couldn't help being shocked.

Xianzhou looks from the outside, but it is actually not very big.

But after entering, he found that this fairy boat was at least ten times bigger than it looked from the outside.

Fairy Yuexi even walked while introducing this fairy boat to Yang Xuan.

Her strange behavior attracted the attention of several other disciples of the Good Fortune Sect.

"Let them stay in their own house, and then use the fairy boat to suppress them."

Yang Xuan sent a message to Fairy Yuexi.

Under normal circumstances, his news would definitely be understood by the true immortals who followed the Creation Sect this time.

The helpless thing is that Yuexi is now wholeheartedly for Yang Xuan, so naturally she has interfered with their perception long ago.

It was because of what Fairy Yuexi did that made everyone suspicious.

"They will all go to their own rooms, you go back for a few minutes, I have something to do!"

Fairy Yuexi gave orders to the other nine members of the Creation Sect.

At first, although everyone was very puzzled, they returned to their houses.

Only the sixth-ranked true immortal, he looked carefully at Fairy Yuexi, and then at Yang Xuan.

After thinking for a while, he returned to his room.

"It's now!"

The moment they returned to their room, a smile appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth.

In fact, he can control his smile.

But he didn't.

Even if the attention of the other nine people was on him at this time, he didn't restrain himself.

Fairy Yuexi's many strange actions actually made them suspicious.

However, due to Fairy Yuexi's identity, Fairy Yuexi had a slightly stronger performance just now.

What makes them desperate is that they think too much.

So even if they were asked to go back to their rooms, they were all a little worried.

He even uses his own immortal thoughts and divine thoughts to perceive Yang Xuan's situation.

After they discovered Yang Xuan's Immortal Thought, all of them immediately became extremely ugly.

"No, it's a scam!"

"Protect Miss Yuexi!"

"Miss Yuexi had an accident, it is very likely that her secret technique was backfired."

"I just said that Miss Yuexi's character is so weird!"

"Damn it! This person is weird, Miss Yuexi is now under his control."

"Go and help!"

Those people in the Good Fortune Sect knew the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

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