"What's more, the power is stronger than people!"

Shen Xiyun looked openly.

She could see that Yang Xuan wanted to act, so she gently leaned on Yang Xuan's body.

In front of the person who came to fight her injustice, he said: "Actually, I don't mind if someone is watching, as long as you are satisfied, I can do anything!"


This time, not only the person who came over gasped.

Even Yang Xuan is like this.

This woman really has no limit.

No wonder at the beginning it was just a one-sided view, and there was a big drama, and it was known to everyone in Yang Xuan's biography.

"Ah! Fairy Shen, why are you doing this!"

The person who came was also in the Yuanshen period, and he was still a student of the High-rank Yuanshen Academy of Good Fortune.

It's just that his realm is still in the middle stage of Yuanshen.

Of course, this person is also one of Shen Xiyun's suitors.

"Wang Chun, step back!"

"You know, a person like you is nothing compared to Brother Xuan!"

"If you don't leave, I don't need Brother Xuan to take action, I will directly destroy you!"

"In the Taoist palace, anyone who trespasses on other people's residences will be punished with death!"

When Shen Xiyun talked to Yang Xuan just now, she was very charming.

Talking to this man named Wang Chun now is cold and heartless.

Women, indeed, are ever-changing.

"I do not believe!"

"I do not believe!"

"Fairy Shen, you must have been hijacked by him, right? You don't have any breath in your body now, and your spiritual power hasn't been mobilized!"

"It must be under the control of this **** little boy!"

Although Wang Chun said so, the tears he shed told outsiders that he had already admitted the current situation.

But what he didn't know was that what he said was actually true.

But he thought what he said was words, just to comfort himself.

I have to say, good luck tricks people.

After Yang Xuan listened, his heart skipped a beat.

"This guy, is his intuition so sharp?"

"He has seen through all my schemes!"

"Obviously Shen Xiyun has already cooperated with me, or I can imitate Shen Xiyun's aura and use the power of good luck to disguise her attack."

"In this case, Wang Chun should believe that Shen Xiyun is a vain woman."

"Shen Xiyun made my image into a college boy!"

"I made her image into a woman who loves vanity, and now it's evened out."

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Xuan turned his head to look at that Wang Chun.

After looking back.

He just saw this student who looked like he was twenty-five or six years old, exuding a powerful aura all over his body, and the power of the primordial spirit had been mobilized.

At this time, Wang Chun's eyes were already dripping with tears.

The hands that were about to release the spell were trembling constantly.

This time, Yang Xuan understood.

My plan is perfect.

The reason why Wang Chun said that just now was just the last stubbornness of the first-order young man.

In such a situation, Yang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"You go!"

"To be honest, Xiaoyun has long been mine!"

"After all, as far as I am concerned, as long as I tickle my fingers, there is no woman in the Taoist palace who can refuse me, let alone the Academy of Good Fortune, even the Academy of Absolute Beginning and the Academy of Eternal Life."

"Believe it or not, as long as I say something and plan to find someone to spend a beautiful time with, then the female monks who come to see me tomorrow will have to queue up!"

Yang Xuan is really not talking nonsense.

Although he didn't have this idea, if he really did it.

Things will go on as he said.

"Yang Xuan Dao Palace appreciates you so much, but you actually behave like this. Are you worthy of the cultivation of Dao Palace?"

Wang Chun no longer knew how to refute Yang Xuan.

not to mention.

Now it seems that Shen Xiyun should be voluntary.

He rushed in, only to find that the clown was himself.

But if he left like this, he would not be reconciled.

"Forget it! I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

"I gave you a chance to leave, but you don't!"

"According to the regulations of the Taoist Palace, if you force your way into my mansion, even if I kill you here, no one will say anything."

"But seeing that everyone is from the Good Fortune faction of the Taoist Palace, I will let you live."

"But capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes cannot be escaped. Today, I will let you go back and lie down for a month."

While talking, Yang Xuan put Shen Xiyun's weak body on the bed not far away.

Then find a quilt and cover her lightly.

This action is as if the two of them just finished something.

It just made Wang Chun look angry.

At this time, many people had already gathered outside Yang Xuan's mansion.

Not all of them came to watch the excitement, some of them planned to come to help Shen Xiyun.

Although Shen Xiyun is usually dull and silly, she is still very popular.

But Yang Xuan has not yet made a move, and the specific situation is still unclear, so most of them are waiting and watching.

After Shen Xiyun personally stated that he did it voluntarily, at least 90% of the people who planned to rescue Shen Xiyun completely turned into onlookers.

If you're a clown, you just know it.

It would be too embarrassing if everyone knew about it.

Wang Chun has no way out, he is also the 30th Yuanshen stage student in the Good Fortune Academy.

If you drop out at this point, you don't have to wait for graduation, you can choose to drop out directly.

Therefore, even if you leave, you must have a fight with Yang Xuan.

Even if the big bullies the small, even if it is said that he, an old student, is bullying a new student.

Even, even if she will be blamed and punished by Dean Feng in the future.

He's going to do it today.

"Yang Xuan! You are so defiant. With Dean Feng's full help, you opened a world channel. Although this achievement is great, you and I both know it well. It has nothing to do with you."

"You are nothing more than being favored by Dean Feng."

"Just a little boy, today I will help Dean Feng Qing Jun side!"

Wang Chun roared, and then the power of the primordial spirit exploded.

I don't know why, at this moment he suddenly felt ruthless, and thought of an incomparably terrifying technique.

Under this spell, if you can't continue, the whole person will be crippled.

If he wanted to abolish Yang Xuan, he should abolish it from his heart.

For the reincarnated, if the Dao heart is abolished, they will not even be able to reincarnate in the future.

This is the real technique, killing people.

"True Inheritance of Creation, Secret Method·Ask Tianxin!"

Ask Tianxin, this is a secret method that is not passed on by the Creation Academy.

Those who can release this secret technique must be true disciples of the Good Fortune Academy.

Or, after being promoted, the teachers and deans of the College of Good Fortune, as well as the true disciples who work in the Taoist Palace after graduation.

That is to say, the person who possesses this method must be a direct descendant of the Good Fortune faction.

The main power of this technique is that it can directly point at the enemy's Dao heart and torture the enemy's Dao heart.

What it hurts is not the physical body or soul.

It is Dao Xin.

It's like killing someone.

Anyone who can't bear the test of Dao Heart will eventually suffer mental damage.

Light, a few months of self-cultivation.

If it is heavy, it will be scrapped immediately.

"What a ruthless method!"

"You broke into my mansion, I gave you a chance."

"But now, you actually want to use such a terrible spell on me."

"It made me change my attitude toward you."

"I have decided, according to the laws of the Dao Palace, whoever breaks into other people's residence by force will die!"

Before Yang Xuan, he really did not intend to kill this person.

But since the other party's actions were so vicious, Yang Xuan was no wonder.

After all, he had already given the opportunity.

"Three thousand ways!"

"The sun burns the sky!"


The moment Wang Chun cast the spell, Yang Xuan also activated the spell.

The spell he released.

It is the birth and death of the five elements that combines 3,000 spells with the help of the third layer of the Huiyuan Gong.

In the end, it was derived, and it was one of the top ten Dao Jue in the Good Fortune Academy.

The sun is burning.

The most basic requirement for this technique is to combine 1000 techniques.

So far.

In the entire Good Fortune Academy, there are no more than 20 students who have learned this technique.

And Yang Xuan is the only student who can fuse 3000 Dao methods into the Great Sun Burning Heaven so far.

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