The other students.

Although they have learned the art of burning the sky, their technique is only a fusion of 1000~2000 basic spells.

Although they are all the Great Sun Burning Heaven Dao Jue.

But 1000~2000 Dao Jue obtained by fusion.

Compared with the 3000 Dao Fusion Dao Jue, that's not the slightest difference.

So when Yang Xuan's spell came out, many onlookers showed extremely horrified expressions.

"Wang Chun, run!"

"Wang Chun, be careful!"

"Wang Chun quickly defend."

These shouters were all people who knew Wang Chun.

People who can watch in Yang Xuan's mansion within the Taoist Academy of Good Fortune.

Then, they must all be students of Good Fortune Academy.

Therefore, their abilities are not bad.

Especially from the perspective of bystanders, they can clearly perceive how powerful Yang Xuan's Dao Jue is.

Among the onlookers, there were still a few people in the top ten.

They all noticed that when Yang Xuan released the Great Sun Burning Heaven Art, there were 3000 mysterious runes around him.

This also means that Yang Xuan's Dao Jue is equivalent to the combined attack power of 3000 Dao Jue in one blow.

They had never seen such a terrifying method even when the teachers of the Taoist Academy made their move.

So one by one, they all started to remind Wang Chun to escape quickly, or ask Wang Chun to defend quickly.

Because, judging from the blow released by Yang Xuan.

If Wang Chun doesn't dodge, or doesn't defend with all his strength.

Then, there is only one fate for him.

Complete fall!

"What kind of technique is this that is so terrifying!"

"Damn it, I don't have time to defend."

"It was Yang Xuan's attack, isn't he just a little boy? Why is he so powerful?"

"Could it be that I misunderstood?"

"Could it be that Yang Xuan is not just a jerk, but also a true contemporary arrogance."

"Could it be that Fairy Shen really wanted to join this genius!"

"Could it be that the clown is actually me?"

At this moment, many questions appeared in Wang Chun's mind.

It also seems to want to understand a lot of things.


He somewhat regretted why he came to find Yang Xuan, and why he came to find Fairy Shen.

But it's too late.

Yang Xuan gave him a chance, but he didn't cherish it.

When he chose to use a technique like Wen Wen Tianxin to fight against Yang Xuan, the outcome was already doomed.

Whether it's because I'm really angry, or because I want to save my face.

In short, he shouldn't make a move, just kill him directly.

Even, want to abolish the other party's heart.

He was irrational in the first place, and he was even more irrational at this moment.

This time, it was indeed a mistake.

If you make a mistake, you will have to bear the consequences of your mistake.


The Dao Jue of the Great Sun Burning Heaven was directly wrapped in an endless scorching breath, which immediately wrapped Wang Chun up.

Yang Xuan didn't care whether Wang Chun would regret it at this moment.

Anyway, it was the other party who made the first move, and it was also the first time the other party revealed his killing intent and made the deadly move.

Therefore, even if someone shouted loudly and pleaded for Wang Chun loudly, he didn't stop...

"Yang Xuan, show mercy."

"Yang Xuan, let Wang Chun go for once."

"Yang Xuan, he's just a child."

Various voices appeared in Yang Xuan's ears one after another.

However, they soon realized that they had finished speaking.

Because when they finished speaking, Yang Xuan had already withdrawn his Dao Jue.

Just now, the endless hot breath also disappeared.

It's just that the remaining temperature around him represented how terrifying Yang Xuan's blow was.

And as the target of Yang Xuan's attack.

The place where Wang Chun was was now empty.

The student of Creation College who came to trouble Yang Xuan completely disappeared, and there was no ashes left.

As for Wang Chun's true spirit, it was when the onlookers didn't notice it.

In other words, when the eyes are covered by the flames erupting from the Great Sun Burning Heaven Dao Jue, the sight and perception are covered.

Yang Xuan secretly used the light of the beginning to completely refine his true spirit.

What I have to say is that the light of the beginning is really easy to use at this time.

If there is no light of the beginning, now Yang Xuan has no means to fight against the true spirits of the reincarnated people.

Even the golden elixir of reincarnation, it is difficult to capture the most original power of the true spirit.

Perhaps after his golden elixir becomes the primordial spirit, he will be able to capture and refine the true spirit.

But the light of the beginning, even if it is the current Yang Xuan, once it uses this power.

It is very easy to refine the true spirit of the enemy.

And since he has become the enemy of life and death with a certain person, the other party has no scruples to kill him.

Then Yang Xuan's predecessor, before becoming a reincarnator, studied the theory for 18 years.

The teachers have taught them that once they have such an enemy, they must kill them without hesitation.

Moreover, after killing, the opponent's bones should be thrown into ashes.

If it is in other worlds, there is such a saying as reincarnation.

Then let the opponent's spirit and soul be wiped out, and the reincarnation and rebirth of the opponent must be prevented, so that the opponent has the opportunity to return for revenge.

For reincarnators, such an operation is a basic operation.

"Dead, completely dead."

"This Yang Xuan is obviously only a reincarnation of the third level, but he was hit by one blow. It is unbelievable to kill Wang Chun, a fourth-level reincarnation."

"The key point is isn't Yang Xuan a freshman? Isn't he just enrolled?"

"Okay, let's not discuss about Yang Xuan's matter. After all, even the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning has nothing to do with him."

"Go to rest! Go to rest! I won't participate in this excitement."

"No one is to blame for Wang Chun's death. The Daoist Palace clearly stipulates that forcibly breaking into other people's residences is not allowed. Even though Yang Xuan is a freshman, he is still a member of the Daoist Palace, not to mention he is a disciple of Dean Feng."

"That being said, this Yang Xuan is a bit too heartless."

"Speak carefully! Speak carefully! I have seen the current situation clearly. It is clear that Fairy Shen and Yang Xuan are both interested, and the two of them stay in the room well. No matter what they do, they have nothing to do with Wang Chun It’s about the money. Why does Wang Chun go to break into other people’s mansions and question them.”

Among the onlookers of the Faculty of Law, some were saying that Yang Xuan did nothing wrong, while some were saying that Yang Xuan was too cruel.

But most people are actually very clear in their hearts.

This matter, if you look at it from another angle.

For example.

If Yang Xuan was replaced by themselves, their actions would not be much different from Yang Xuan's.

And Yang Xuan's killing chickens to make an example to monkeys also completely changed his image in the Taoist Academy of Good Fortune.

From before, he was often called the little boy.

Up to now, he has become a terrifying arrogance who has achieved the supreme golden core, and has a single blow, spans a large rank, and kills the middle stage of the primordial spirit in seconds.


Those who said that Yang Xuan opened the door of good fortune in the world of immortal cultivation on the ladder were only relying on the help of Fairy Fengyu.

At this time, each of them remained silent.

They dare not say the corresponding remarks.

Although, Yang Xuan only shot once.

But everyone now knows that his status has completely changed.

In the future, no one will easily provoke Yang Xuan, and everyone even thinks that Fairy Shen's choice is not wrong.

After all, judging from Yang Xuan's current strength, it doesn't matter whether it's his identity and background, or his own aptitude and his own potential.

That's a rising star.

This new star does not just mean that it will be able to achieve the existence of the sixth and seventh ranks in the future.

Instead, there is a great chance to become one of the holy masters of the Dao Palace, that is, the eighth rank.

Even, sprint to the supreme rank and achieve the ninth rank.

It is not impossible to incarnate as a Daoist 5.6.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter."

"Everyone is going to do their own thing, and they are not allowed to continue watching here."

"As for Wang Chun's actions and Yang Xuan's actions, our officials will give a reasonable explanation and statement later."

"However, once again, I can clearly tell everyone that there is nothing wrong with Yang Xuan's actions."

"In the laws of the Taoist Palace, it is clearly stated that it is not allowed to forcefully break into other people's caves."

"If the other party is practicing, then do you know how much impact it will have on others."

"What's more, I was watching the whole process here. That Wang Chun wanted to test Yang Xuan's Dao heart as soon as he made a move. This is not something that students should do."

While the students were discussing, a teacher finally came out to stop the chaotic scene.

The teacher took a deep look at Yang Xuan, and then dismissed the surrounding students.

Then, he just left.

The teacher's attitude has already revealed everything. It not only means that the teacher is on Yang Xuan's side, but also represents the position of the Good Fortune Academy and the Taoist Palace.

Then Wang Chun's death is tantamount to death in vain.

Even after the teacher left, he wrote a warning letter to Wang Chun's family.

He told the other party everything, and clearly stated in the letter that Wang Chun's death was purely his own fault.

If any of Wang Chun's family members or friends find trouble with Yang Xuan because of this matter.

Then, it is against the entire Creation Academy.

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