"How could it be him?"

"What is he here for?"


"Shouldn't you be here to find me?"

"I survived for the past two days, and then reincarnated into the great world of good fortune. As soon as I came back and reached the fifth level, I planned to leave the good fortune college, and then I would never see him again."

"Obviously everything is calculated so perfectly, why does he appear here?"

Countless possibilities flashed through Shen Xiyun's mind.

Then, after thinking about it for a while, she felt that the thirty-six plan was the best plan.

With this in mind.

Shen Xiyun got up to pay the bill, and then came to Yang Xuan.

She pretended not to know Yang Xuan at all, and was about to leave immediately.

But the next second.

Yang Xuan patted her shoulder with one hand.

"Sister Shen, didn't you agree that you and I will merge tonight? Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Go back, the house, I've already booked it."

"There are no three thousand rounds tonight, so don't even think about going out."

Yang Xuan said endlessly ambiguous words.

In the next second, the power of the Reincarnation Golden Elixir exploded instantly.

The powerful spiritual power quickly formed a huge seal in Shen Xiyun's body.

Great Five Elements Sealing Method!

This is a very powerful sealing technique.

The five elements are born together, endlessly.

It will be very convenient for people with huge aura to use this technique to seal the essence and total amount of aura that is not as good as their own.

In fact, Shen Xiyun also knew this sealing technique.

It's just that she didn't expect that Yang Xuan would use such a spell on herself.

The scariest thing is.

Yang Xuan succeeded.

At such a moment, Shen Xiyun was tricked.

She is a dignified fourth-rank monk at the peak period, and the first person in the Taoist Academy of Good Fortune. At this moment, she has become an ordinary person who is slaughtered by others.

Such a weird situation made Shen Xiyun want to scream.

However, she discovered another terrifying thing at this time.

That is, your body is not listening.

After Yuanshen was imprisoned, it couldn't be easier for Yang Xuan to manipulate her body.

"Okay, let's go now, I can't wait, master."

Then, Shen Xiyun's body spoke by itself.

After finishing speaking, she fell into Yang Xuan's arms with a flushed face.

Then the two left amid countless shocked eyes.

You know, the moment Yang Xuan entered here, he was recognized by everyone.

Let's not talk about the SSS-level perfect evaluation, just talk about the disciples of Fairy Fengyu, and the world of Tianla Cultivation Immortals.

It has already made him known to everyone in the entire Dao Palace.

Not to mention, Yang Xuan, for the sake of his teacher, is the Holy Master of the Hard Steel Absolute Beginning.

In the end, the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning actually gave in.

This made the entire Taoist Palace remember Yang Xuan's name.

Even those who didn't know Yang Xuan before hurriedly found Yang Xuan's picture from the Taoist Palace's network, so as not to accidentally offend this terrifying existence in the future.

The reason why this refreshment shop rushed over after seeing Yang Xuan was because they all recognized Yang Xuan.

That's why what Yang Xuan said to Shen Xiyun just now shocked them so much.

It would be fine if it only involved Yang Xuan.

However, the number one student in the Dao Palace was also involved.

Most importantly, what Shen Xiyun called Yang Xuan!


Here, what PY can't be seen.

Could it be that Shen Xiyun, the number one person in the School of Good Fortune, didn't rely on his own strength?

Otherwise why would she do this.

As for being controlled, everyone was supposed to think about that.

Firstly, Yang Xuan was very secretive.

Come on, even they don't know the grievances between Yang Xuan and Shen Xiyun.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan had a reason to do that.

So, the news spread instantly.


Dao Palace!

Faculty of Creation, Fairy Fengyu's mansion.

Yang Xuan took Shen Xiyun away within five minutes.

Fairy Feng Yu knew the news.

"This child is still so worrying."

"However, Shen Xiyun should be taken care of by someone."

"That broken mouth! Hmph!"

Fairy Feng Yu certainly knew that Yang Xuan would not do anything.

He also understands that Yang Xuan did this to avenge Shen Xiyun.

So she directly shut off her communication, and then blocked her mansion.

He knew that in the future, countless people should look for him.

After all, Shen Xiyun has many suitors.

That's still quite a lot.

No matter how famous Yang Xuan is.

But with Shen Xiyun's huge base of suitors, there must be someone who finds Yang Xuan and wants to be a hero to save the beauty.

Chapter 133 True Disciple, Vulnerable (Subscribe)

Just as Fairy Feng Yu thought.

It was only a few minutes after Yang Xuan kidnapped Shen Xiyun.

Someone found it in Yang Xuan's mansion in the Good Fortune Academy.


Good Fortune Academy, within Yang Xuan's mansion.

After he brought Shen Xiyun to the bedroom, he threw him directly onto a seat.

Then, he also let go of the control over Shen Xiyun's body.

As for the **** of the primordial spirit, naturally it will not be untied.

"Yang Xuan! No matter what you want to do, you have to think about Dean Feng!"

"I know that I was not careful and let outsiders misunderstand your relationship with Dean Feng."

"But that's just a misunderstanding, it should be over after so long."

"Why don't you let me go, and I won't mention anything about you and Dean Feng in the future, how about it?"

Shen Xiyun also knew that she was wrong, her careless words at that time really brought a lot of unnecessary troubles to Yang Xuan.

"Stop dreaming!"

"Stay honestly with me for one night, and I will let you out tomorrow!"

"Also, if you really don't want to lose your virginity, then cooperate with me well."

"Otherwise, I would mind using the method of reconciling yin and yang."

"After all, I am also a young and vigorous young man."

When Yang Xuan said this, he couldn't help looking directly in front of Shen Xiyun.


A breeze blew by.

Shen Xiyun felt a burst of coolness, and then she snuggled up to Yang Xuan's side.


It also happens to be this time.

The door of Yang Xuan's room was directly kicked open with external force.

"Yang Xuan, get out!"

As the gate was destroyed, there was a huge roar.

Although the howling sound came from a person's mouth, the tone was like that of a wild beast, full of endless anger.

"Who are you to spoil my good deeds!"

In fact, Yang Xuan had already noticed that someone was coming.

Therefore, he deliberately weakened the defensive formation of his mansion.

Otherwise, with this person who broke into his mansion, even if he was given another day, he would not be able to break through Yang Xuan's gate.

"Let go of Fairy Shen!"

"I don't care who is behind you, but if you dare to use power to oppress Fairy Shen and make Fairy Shen surrender to you, then I will definitely not let you go."

The person who spoke had a heavy tone, and the killing intent could not stop gathering towards Yang Xuan.

"Oh? Although some of my methods are not visible, but since Shen Xiyun himself has come to the door on his own initiative, what right do you have to take care of the two of us."

Yang Xuan just said in front of Shen Xiyun that everything was initiated by her.

Although Shen Xiyun has regained control of her body now, she can speak to defend herself.

Even, ask outside for help.

But before thinking of Yang Xuan, "Zero One Zero" was hardened even by the Holy Lord in the beginning, and this cause and effect was indeed caused by himself.

So she knew she had to understand.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan would always remember this matter, and there might be more troubles in the future.

"Forget it! It's just fame!"

"My monks, what we pursue is to live forever."

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