Yang Xuan really needed to rest.

He wasn't planning to rest on his own, though.

He thought of a person, a person who spread rumors about himself and needed to ask for some interest.

That is also a person who will become his next teammate in the world, but he will forget himself in the reincarnation world, and he doesn't know if he will meet someone at that time.

She is the arrogance of the Creation Academy, Shen Xiyun who is ranked number one in the academy.

Shen Xiyun, ranked first in the Creation Academy.

Cultivation: the fourth level, Dzogchen.

The standard for graduation from the Creation Academy is the fifth rank.

As long as one reaches the fifth level, one becomes half-immortal, half-god, and the evolution of the essence of life begins at night.

Even if you graduate.

Shen Xiyun is only one step away from graduation.

Therefore, she put all her hopes in this reincarnation of the Great Creation World.

In the great world of good fortune, there is a ninth-level existence.

In such a big world, if a powerful law can be obtained, then the essence after becoming a half-immortal must also be very strong.

No matter which rank it is, it is actually divided into upper, middle and lower.

Just like Yang Xuan.

His golden elixir is at the Dao level, but many people's golden elixir is inferior.

When the Dao level golden elixir is facing the upper and lower tier golden elixir.

Once the two confront each other, the end result is that Yang Xuan is still warming up and preparing to launch an attack.

However, the enemy of the low-grade golden elixir was directly crushed.

Before I can do anything, the enemy is already dead.

This is the gap between Dao level golden pills and ordinary golden pills.

"Shen Xiyun, the No. 1 disciple of the Creation Academy!"

"It's time for us to meet again."

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Xuan began to communicate with Reincarnation Tower.

The advantage of those with authority is that as long as there is a reincarnation tower nearby, it is within the coverage of the reincarnation tower tower spirit.

Yang Xuan can easily communicate with the pagoda spirit and ask some questions.

"Ta Ling, is Shen Xiyun reincarnated?"

"Not here!"

"Okay, let's go, it's none of your business."

Yang Xuan just wanted to know about this matter.

However, Taring did not leave.

Although this tower spirit is only one of the incarnations of the real tower spirit of the Reincarnation Tower.

But as an avatar, he is also dignified.

He really wanted to ask Yang Xuan, is this why you called me here?

"What's the matter, let's go, I'm just asking about this matter."


Soon, Taring left.

Sure enough, the authority dog.


Authorities are annoying.

"Aren't you in the reincarnation world? That's just right!"

"One-click tracking: Shen Xiyun!"

Yang Xuan directly chose to follow.

In the main world, when using one-key tracking, you can use soul points instead of energy.

As for going to the reincarnation world, life must be consumed.

It is because the essence of the world Yang Xuan reincarnated in is relatively low.

There is no substitute energy like true spirit points.

"Consume 200 points, the tracking is successful!"


A map appeared in Yang Xuan's mind.

Shen Xiyun is currently in the Good Fortune Academy.

She was in the leisure area of ​​Xianshan, the Academy of Good Fortune, sipping fairy tea and eating fairy fruits, waiting for her reincarnation two days later.

She didn't even participate in the World War launched by Yang Xuan, and the attack on the Tianti Cultivation World.

Because, she is also a little rich woman.

Although the world war will allow you to get more resources.

But the reincarnation of the Great Creation World is the most important thing.

Therefore, she has no other considerations.

Just keep being the best you can be.



"Hello, do you have an appointment?"

The beautiful and pleasant voice of the waiter appeared in the fairy tea shop.

Shen Xiyun naturally heard what the waiter said.

Because her location is not far from the gate.

However, the Yuanshen Dzogchen monk who is seated in the fourth rank.

She instinctively sensed that something was wrong with this waiter.

When she spoke, her voice trembled, obviously very nervous.

But it's just a guest, is there any need to be nervous?

Could it be a certain big shot?

never mind!

It has nothing to do with me, I just need to be a quiet little fairy.

Shen Xiyun thought so.

But soon.

Then there was another voice.

"Hello, guest, which seat do you like, I will show you the way!"

It was the voice of another waiter.

Also a little girl, petite and cute.

Anyone who sees it will feel a desire to protect.


Shen Xiyun occasionally teases each other.

"Huh? Her voice is not only nervous, but also excited."

"Could it be a Shinto monk from the sea of ​​eternal life?"

"The Shinto monks in the Sea of ​​Eternal Life like to wrap themselves into idols to deceive ignorant girls."

Shen Xiyun still didn't look back, nor did she spread her divine thoughts to find out what happened next.

Because all the public shopping malls and shops in the main world have prohibitions for the spiritual sense to perceive the situation of others.

Therefore, Shen Xiyun would not use divine thoughts indiscriminately.

Although the No. 1 position in the Good Fortune Academy has its own privileges.

But she also doesn't like breaking the rules.

"Hi guest, we have free tissues here, I'll get them for you!"

After a few seconds, another familiar voice came.

Shen Xiyun is also familiar with the owner of this voice.

That is a gentle big sister, although her cultivation base is only the second level, she is a work-study student of the Good Fortune Academy.

But the person is beautiful, gentle, and most importantly, considerate.

When it's okay, Shen Xiyun will receive the other party's handicrafts.

Although it is not worth the money, it will make people very comfortable.

So, when the waiter of the big sister type next door also spoke.

Shen Xiyun's movements of drinking tea slowed down.

Because she was getting curious.

She was curious as to what happened next.

But I plan to wait and see if there will be any more voices.

What shocked Shen Xiyun was that another voice appeared again.

"Hello guest, you are the 66th customer who came today, and you have a set of free refreshments from us."

This time, it was the manager's voice.

The store manager is a direct family member of the top management of Dao Palace.

She is still a fifteen-year-old girl with a soft voice, soft body, and easy to fall!

And she is very cold, she is a little ice fairy.

Although reincarnation has not yet started, but a deep foundation has been accumulated.

According to that family's prediction, once the small store manager reincarnates, he will at least get an S-level evaluation back.

Then, she will join the Creation Academy.

That's why, according to the family, she was transferred to the Good Fortune Academy in advance.

There is also a small shop here.

As for classes, online classes are fine.

A private teacher who professionally explains the things that need to be paid attention to when reincarnated into various worlds.

"Even the store manager has been dispatched. I want to see who is here, but..."


Shen Xiyun finally put down the teacup in his hand, then turned around.

But when she turned around, she froze for an instant.

In my mind, buzzing.

"This man! This man!"

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