"Your golden core is very strong, and it also condenses the light of the beginning!"

"Next, you can choose the technique you want to learn. I have opened the permission for you. Using your personal terminal, you can freely watch all the methods of the third line of Dao Palace below the fifth level."

"But you have to choose good fortune and heavenly skills to major in exercises!"

"In our Dao Palace, this exercise is the best exercise. Since you are from the Good Fortune faction, you must first choose the exercise, which is the Good Fortune Heavenly Art."

After the Holy Creator finished speaking, the avatar disappeared.

Next, their main energies still need to be put in the world of ladder cultivation.

That world is the most important thing to Dao Palace.

A sixth-level cultivating world, or a world with only ten cultivators.

There are too many resources that can be developed in this world.

As for Yang Xuan, he doesn't need to continue to participate in the World War.

His work is done.


Dao Palace, Good Fortune Academy.

From his personal terminal, Yang Xuan downloaded the exercises he wanted to learn, as well as the most core good fortune and heavenly skills.

"Nine Six Three"

He didn't choose to enter a practice room to practice, but returned to the reincarnation tower of Daogong Good Fortune Academy.

He still intends to continue to reincarnate.

After Yang Xuan just walked into the teacher's reincarnation room.

Then he saw Liu Hongyu dressed in red.

"You are back, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Liu Hongyu was naturally extremely happy to see Yang Xuan.

A reincarnation gave her a new body, the most important thing is that this body perfectly fits her true spirit.

"Are you still used to your new body?"

When Yang Xuan saw his acquaintances, he was naturally happy for a while.

Ten years of reincarnation experience, especially the perfect return in the end, made him want to find someone to talk to.

However, now is not the time for small talk.

"I'm very used to it. I've been born again."

After Liu Hongyu finished speaking, she turned around and presented a beautiful dance to Yang Xuan.

"Also, this body has spiritual roots. I know you have a high status here. Give me a practice method."

"Being a ghost is used to it. After losing the cultivation base of the ghost emperor, I always feel very awkward."

Liu Hongyu actually didn't want to be an ordinary person either.

Who doesn't want to be an extraordinary person whose mighty power belongs to himself.

"Yes! It's just that practicing is very hard."

"I can provide you with a lot of exercises and resources, but the practice can only depend on yourself."

"The world of the reincarnated is not the world where the supernatural laws manifested in which you were once."

"When you became a ghost emperor, you possessed such powerful power all of a sudden. This kind of situation is extremely rare even in the heavens and myriad worlds."

Yang Xuan happened to have just obtained the authority of the Holy Creator.

He directly found a top-grade method of refining Qi and handed it over to Liu Hongyu.

After Liu Hongyu got it, she planned to practice, but was stopped by Yang Xuan.

"Go to the reincarnation world to practice!"

"If you practice in the main world, it will consume a lot of time."

"However, if you go to the reincarnation world, with the help of the time difference between the two worlds, you can reach a certain level within a day."

"For safety's sake, I will use my authority to allow you to buy some life-saving supplies."

"When you go, you use the points I gave you from the true spirit to exchange for an identity token that can only be bought at the Good Fortune Academy. If you encounter an attack from a reincarnated person, at least show your identity as the Taoist Palace."

"This identity is very useful in many cases."

"When returning, remember to try to die as normal as possible. After returning, you can directly exchange your cultivation base with true spirit points."

"This is equivalent to using a day in the main world to obtain a lifetime in another world."

"Of course, such an expense is very expensive, but recently I have no shortage of true spirit points."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he directly stretched out his hand to Liu Hongyu's forehead to feel empty.

A beam of energy is shot out directly.

Then, the tower spirit of the Reincarnation Tower appeared.

Ta Ling first prepared an identity token for Liu Hongyu, and then transferred Yang Xuan's true spirit point to her.

Name: Liu Hongyu

Age: Overworld (10)

True spirit points: 1 million

Number of Reincarnations: 1

Reincarnated World: Heavenly Ladder Cultivation World

Very simple properties panel.

Moreover, her true spirit points are actually only the one million gifted by Yang Xuan.

Besides, she didn't gain anything from her last reincarnation.

But it's normal to think about it, all the things are done by Yang Xuan, she will take it as a trip across a world, and shape a physical body for herself by the way.

"I see!"

"I like this arrangement!"

Liu Hongyu nodded, after experiencing a reincarnation, she is now very curious about the endless world.

"By the way, where are you going?"

Liu Hongyu suddenly thought of this question.

After all, nominally, she had to be attached to Yang Xuan.

"I also want to go to another world to practice."

"This time the condensed golden core was successful, I have a lot of techniques to learn!"

"Soon, the Dao Palace's invasion and reincarnation against the Creation Great World will begin."

"Although after entering the Creation Great World, everything will start all over again."

"But having experience and not having experience are two different things."

"So I'm going to a suitable world to practice some spells, especially the core skill of the Creation Academy, Creation Heavenly Art."

Among all the exercises that Yang Xuan has come into contact with so far, Good Fortune Heavenly Art is the strongest.

This is another world, which has achieved the skills of the Taoist master.

Although even the Holy Lord of Creation now has only the eighth-level cultivation method, it is still the strongest cultivation method in the main world.

"I see!"

"Then see you in a day!"

Liu Hongyu didn't continue to say more.

She walked directly into the reincarnation chamber.

Then communicated with the pagoda spirit, bought the corresponding supplies according to what Yang Xuan said, and finally went to one of the worlds controlled by the Dao Palace to practice.

After she left, Yang Xuan also entered the reincarnation warehouse.


In the reincarnation chamber.

"Ta Ling, assist me and open the spiritual dream world."


After Yang Xuan entered the reincarnation warehouse, he did not immediately choose to reincarnate.

Instead, it opened the spiritual dream world.


With the assistance of the Reincarnation Pagoda Spirit, Yang Xuan's mind quickly left his body.

A force of traction in the dark made his heart and will continue to rise.

This height is like coming to the end of the world.

When the heart and will are uplifted to this degree.

Yang Xuan felt short-lived discomfort.

But soon, there was a force that stabilized his state.

First of all, a pitch-black flame rushed towards Yang Xuan from the void.

next second.

This flame turned into a jet-black robe.

The black robe carried a tyrannical coercion, and there were six unpredictable and mysterious rays of light flickering all over her body.

Every ray of light seems to be connected to a world.

Looking directly at those rays of light, there will be a feeling of being absorbed and then losing yourself.

That feeling is incomparably mysterious and mysterious.

This is not over yet, when Yang Xuan's consciousness, assisted by the tower spirit of the True Soul Reincarnation Pagoda, reached its peak.

In the void, there were two white lights, one on the left and one on the right, submerged into Yang Xuan's mind and will.

Blessed by two white lights.

The illusory figure organized by Yang Xuan's mind and will also turned into reality at this moment, as if he had a new body.

"Is this the power of the eternal light and the light of the beginning!"

"No wonder the Eternal Heavenly Emperor made such a decisive move this time!"

"It turns out that after the fusion of these two energies, the new energy born is actually so powerful."

"Now I only need one thought to change my aura and aura."

"In this case, even if there is an eighth-level Holy Master who breaks into my dream world, he will never be able to see through my essence."

Originally, Yang Xuan was still thinking about how to make the new vest he created, that is, the identity of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, appear more convincing.

Now it seems that everything has come to fruition.

The light of creation after the fusion of the eternal light and the light of primordial beginning gave Yang Xuan's soul body the aura essence comparable to that of a ninth-level Taoist master.

Then, Yang Xuan grabbed it empty-handedly.

A white-golden sword energy cut through the endless space in an instant, and came to the spiritual dream world.

This is the sword energy given to him by the Eternal Heavenly Emperor.

Powerful eighth-level sword energy.

The most important thing is that there is an extremely terrifying emperor power on this sword energy.

Because it is the emperor's prestige without a master, Yang Xuan directly turned the sword into a throne.

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