After he sat on the throne transformed by sword energy.

His personality was directly promoted to the peak of the eighth rank.

Even, pointing directly to the ninth rank.

But this is only personality, not strength.

His combat power still hasn't changed in any way, but his aura is extremely strong.

Even if there is the real body of the Holy Master standing here, as long as the other party does not try Yang Xuan's strength with his own hands, he will regard him as a big boss at the same level as himself.

"Taling, use my true spirit point as energy."

"Reincarnation mark, summon!"

As a person with authority, Yang Xuan of course used Ta Ling as his younger brother.

Under his request, 10,000 true spirit points were consumed in an instant.

In the next second, three figures also appeared in this spiritual dream world.



After Zhou Yuexing returned, he asked Ta Ling to check himself first.

As a result, she found that there was no problem with Ta Ling's report to herself.

Although I was extremely shocked, I thought of the mysterious Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation who could summon the Phantom Queen of the Pagoda Spirit.

She also understood that the other party was a big boss with deep secrets.

But in order to confirm my guess, and her request from her greedy teacher.

She still went to see her teacher.

Although that teacher made her sick, but after all, the other party is a seventh-level true immortal.

Zhou Yuexing's teacher is the same as Yang Xuan's teacher.

The moment they see their students, they are the first to check the purity of the true spirit.

Especially Zhou Yuexing's teacher, what this true fairy wants is her true spirit fusion, so naturally she cares a lot about her purity.

After the inspection, her teacher was very satisfied and rewarded her with two bottles of pills.

Then let Zhou Yuexing go back to rest.

After all, Zhou Yuexing returned after committing suicide.

Therefore, the toughness of the true spirit has been damaged to a certain extent, and it is necessary to rest for a period of time.

"not found!"

"The teacher didn't notice my abnormality!"

"The mysterious Lord of the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' clearly left a mark on my true spirit."

"But not only Tianting's own defense detection mechanism, it was completely unaware!"

"Even my teacher, an existence at the level of a celestial being, personally investigated and found no clues..."

"The Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is definitely beyond the existence of the teacher."

"But the opponent didn't come to the fore. Obviously, his strength won't crush this world, so he won't be the ninth-level Daoist."

"If it is the Taoist master, there is no need to choose a freshman from Tianting College like me to control it."

"Therefore, the opponent is very likely to be an existence of the eighth rank, but I don't know how the strength compares with the Eternal Emperor!"

After returning to his practice room, Zhou Yuexing's thoughts were directly focused on this reincarnation experience.

Especially the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, this is what she cares most about.

"Huh? I feel a call!"

"He is the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation!"

At this time, on Zhou Yuexing's true spirit, an imprint slowly emerged.

Soon, her consciousness was immersed in the true spirit.

The thinking of the whole person, just like the previous Yang Xuan, is rising rapidly.

When her thinking reached a certain level, she saw the scene she had seen before again.

Tower of reincarnation with endless levels.

outside the tower.

The first thing that catches the eye is the scene representing the three major factions of the Dao Palace.

The Gate of Creation, the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, and the Light of Absolute Beginning combined to form an illusory fairy mountain floating outside the Tower of Reincarnation.

Then, there is the Nantianmen, which represents the Heavenly Court, and the divine seat of supreme authority.

Afterwards, Lingshan, which exudes endless Buddha light, forms a three-legged tripod with Taoist Palace and Heavenly Court.

But this time, there are new changes.

The figure of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation did not appear in the Dao Palace this time.

The mysterious and great Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared above many scenes this time.

That mysterious existence sat on a throne.

His body was covered with a layer of black flame coat.

Obviously in a dark space.

However, the flame was extremely clear.

Not only that, the conscious body of the Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara also exudes a light that seems to be able to purify everything in time.

Just letting Zhou Yuexing see it, he felt a terrifying coercion.

But when Zhou Yuexing wanted to find out the specific situation of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he found that he guessed that he had just mobilized his mental power.

Soon, a huge aura that almost wiped out her consciousness rewarded her.

She had felt such a breath before.

That was when I just entered Tianting Academy.

She remembered that by chance, she saw the Lord of the Heavenly Court, the great Supreme Heavenly Emperor who happened to return to the Heavenly Court from the outside world.

So, with curiosity, she tried hard to look at the Heavenly Emperor.

Then what happened was exactly the same as now.

Just sensing the breath of the other party will completely annihilate oneself.

This is the perception of rank, an insurmountable ditch.

"Does the eighth rank exist?"

"Sure enough, it is beyond my imagination!"

"But, it's really nice."

Zhou Yuexing thought excitedly.

He is not afraid of the strength of the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation.

The stronger she is, the more she can make her wish come true.


Just when Zhou Yuexing was feeling emotional, two more figures appeared.

After a figure appeared, he walked directly to the environment representing the Dao Palace.

The other one went to Lingshan.

"Dao Palace, Yang Xuan!"

"Lingshan, Miaoshan!"

Zhou Xingyue recognized the two at a glance.

Yang Xuan was personally selected by the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Miao Shan was picked out by her.

So, she knows both of them.

Of course, the newly-appeared Yang Xuan is just his soul-manifested avatar.

In his spiritual dream world, it couldn't be easier for him to build a trumpet 5.5.

"Amitabha, I have seen the Lord of the Six Paths!"

When Miao Shan came here, she was also shocked, and then hurriedly saluted Yang Xuan who was above the sky.

"I've seen benefactor Yang and benefactor Zhou!"

He also knew Zhou Yuexing and Yang Xuan.

After all, Yang Xuan didn't intend for them to hide their identities from each other from the beginning.

But neither Zhou Yuexing nor Miao Shan knew the true identity of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

After Miaoshan came to the spiritual dream world, she had the same thoughts as Zhou Yuexing.

"The eighth rank! The existence of the Holy Master level!"

This was his first thought when he saw the terrifying figure above the sky.

Then he gave a wry smile.

As the strongest freshman in Lingshan this year, he actually had a smooth journey all the way.

There is no rough life experience, no powerful enemies.

He just wanted to be a quiet and handsome man who chanted scriptures and meditated.

But for some reason, he was marked by the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"The reincarnation mission is on!"

"The three of you, at least within a month, must each win a first-tier or second-tier world."

"The way to win is to assist the world to upgrade and get the gratitude of the world."

"After success, the benefits will be beyond your imagination."

"Can't do it, kill it!"

After the three gathered together.

Above the sky, the great existence spoke.

The other party just said a word, and then the aura of the eighth rank instantly swept the hearts of the three of them.

In the next second, except for Yang Xuan, the other two disappeared directly.

Then the bodies of the two of them quickly woke up.

After Zhou Xingyue woke up, she clenched her fists and was full of energy.

But little monk Miaoshan had a wry smile on his face.

But Yang Xuan sank in the true spirit, and his consciousness returned to his body.

"Start reincarnation!"

"Consume 100 true spirit points, lock the rank, the second rank!"

"Consume 1000 true spirit points, lock the practice system, martial arts!"

"Consume 10,000 true spirit points, buy an identity, become rich and powerful, and awaken upon birth!"

"Consume 100,000 true spirit points, buy a posture, and you will be unparalleled in the world!"

"Start reincarnation!"

"This is the fourth reincarnation, I wish you prosperous martial arts!".

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