"I saw the end of the world!"

"I curse you, you will all die!"

The Holy Lord in the beginning is still struggling.

He uses all means, trying to struggle to survive.


The seal and refinement of the Eternal Heavenly Emperor made it impossible for him to escape.

And the Light of Creation that was driven into the Light of Primordial.

It is fast devouring growth.

In five minutes, all the primordial light will be devoured.

The Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning has fallen.


At the moment when the Holy Lord died in the beginning.

The entire reincarnated main world recalled the huge thunder.

tick! tick!

The rain fell quickly.

But everyone in the whole world looked at the rain on the ground in shock.

Some even sat down on the ground because of fear.

The reason is very simple, because the rain in the sky turned out to be red rain of blood.

The Lord dies, and the world weeps.

The Lord World is weeping for the loss of a Holy Lord.

This is the special treatment that will be received after reaching the eighth rank.

"what happened?"

"Why is it raining blood?"

"I'm in the Mage Tower, and it's raining blood here!"

"I'm in Heaven, and it's raining blood here!"

"I'm in Bear Country!"

····Ask for flowers··········

"I'm in Eagle Country!"

"My bird country is too!"

All of a sudden, countless people said that there was a rain of blood where they were.

Most people don't know what this rain of blood means.

However, there are also many people who know it.

For example the Pantheon.

When the blood rain appeared, the thoughts of the gods in the entire Pantheon began to communicate,

"A holy master has fallen. Judging by the situation of Blood Rain, he is still a powerful eighth rank!"

"I have already received news that it is the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning of the Eastern Dao Palace."

"Holy Lord of the East, this is good news."

"No! This is bad news!"

"That woman is stronger!"

"She has found the route of the ninth-order Taoist master."

"It's time for us to start preparing to run away. Hurry up to find a seventh-tier world and conquer it."

"Otherwise, once that woman breaks through to the ninth rank and becomes the first Daoist in the reincarnated world, we will be finished."

Originally, the gods of the Pantheon were still very happy.

However, when they heard the news.

All of them were silent.

There was even an aura of fear from the divine thoughts of some gods.

The reason is very simple, because they have a deep taboo against the Lord of Heaven, the Supreme Heavenly Emperor.

Among the gods of the Pantheon, there are seven eighth-level gods in total.

However, their strength is very watery.

The Lord of the Heavenly Court, the Supreme Heavenly Emperor.

That is, the Eternal Emperor of Heaven, who has the record of overthrowing the Pantheon by himself.

That battle was an ordinary battle for the Eternal Heavenly Emperor.


But for the people of the Pantheon, that was a shame that must be washed away with blood.


Right now, the chance to wash away the shame seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer.

Although there are many holy masters in their pantheon, they all rely on a large number of low-level, first-level and second-level worlds to reproduce endless creatures and then transform their beliefs.

It can be said that such holy masters, let alone seven.

Even if it is ten, it is not enough for the Eternal Emperor to fight.

It's just that if the number reaches a certain level, it will still cause trouble to the Eternal Emperor.

Although she can beat the Pantheon violently, but because there are many Holy Masters on the other side, there is no way to kill them.

Therefore, being the same Holy Master, there are also strengths and weaknesses.

Even the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning can single out the three Holy Lords of the Pantheon.

Therefore, the West has been suppressed by Eastern factions.


Mage Tower.

"A holy master has fallen!"

"It is the Holy Lord of the East, and it is not an ordinary fall. It was swallowed by the Eternal Emperor."

"That woman is simply a lunatic. She actually devoured the Holy Master of the same rank. Isn't she afraid of the conflict of laws and blew herself up to death?"

"It seems that she had an unexpected chance to obtain a power from the same source as the Holy Lord in the beginning. The most wonderful thing is that that power is too weak and very easy to refine."

"This is due to luck!"

"The East believes that luck is also a kind of ability. The Heavenly Court gathers countless luck in one person, and the theory of the owner's luck is not unreasonable."

"We haven't even found the path to the ninth rank yet."

"But that woman has already embarked on this path."

"The gap is probably getting bigger and bigger."

"Reincarnate, continue to conquer that world of wizards. It is a world where there used to be a ninth-level existence. The wizards there are even conquering the surrounding world."

The higher-ups of the mage towers, after sighing with emotion, went to do their own things.




After the two holy monks returned, they couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then, they began to look for the great mage Miao.

As a result, nothing was found.

tick! tick!

It was at this time that the blood rain appeared.

"The beginning has fallen!"

"It's really dead, but how did they do it?"

"Crisis! A huge crisis!"

"Tell the Buddhist disciples below to evacuate the east immediately, we are going to give up the basis here, and go to the west!"

"The Taoist Palace and the Heavenly Court have joined forces, and no one in the entire Eastern faction can compete with them anymore."

"Even if it is our Lingshan, we can only evacuate completely, otherwise no Buddhist disciples can survive after the settlement begins."

"Hey! Creation, Immortality, and Eternity are good at scheming. I never imagined that they would be so disregarding their avatars and plotting friends from the beginning to the end."

The two holy monks smiled wryly and began to prepare to evacuate.

Although their Lingshan was originally a transcendent force marginalized in the East.

But how much before, there was a little right to speak in the East.

But now, the two of them know that Lingshan has lost all influence in the east.

The Eternal Heavenly Emperor, as well as the Dao Palace, will completely change the pattern of the eastern faction kingdoms.


changed! Death.

Chapter 118 The Fourth Reincarnation: Martial Arts World (for subscription)

Dao Palace.

Following the fall of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning, the Eternal Heavenly Emperor also turned into a beam of sword light and left the Dao Palace.

When she left, the Taoist Sages did not stop her.

Because the two sides have formed an alliance.

When Eternal Heavenly Emperor left, he could take another look at Yang Xuan.

After seeing the Eternal Emperor leave.

Yang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"it's over!"

"The huge hidden danger of the Holy Lord in the beginning has ended like this."

"This is a result that I didn't expect!"

"Although I started with a beginning, the ending is too perfect."

"Even the existence of the Holy Master level can fall so completely!"

"Sure enough, reincarnation is risky, so be careful when reincarnating!"

Yang Xuan manipulated the spiritual power of the Jindan level, and slowly landed on the ground.

The Golden Elixir has been completed, it is still the Six Paths Reincarnation Pill, and the Dan turns into a golden lotus.

This gave him a fighting power comparable to that of the fourth tier.

Next, all he needs to do is wait for the conquest of the Taoist Palace on the world of Tianti Cultivation.

And practice some spells at the Jindan level and Yuanshen level.

"Yang Xuan, you need to stabilize your cultivation!"

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