"Ah! The Primordial Sage wants to kill us?"

"That is the light of the beginning, we are dead, and the true spirit will not return."

"But why? It's scary enough for the Taoist Palace to cheat and let a Holy Master come in, and now they are planning to kill us completely. Could it be that they want to let Heavenly Court and Lingshan have a succession?"

"This is impossible. Even if we are all dead, the entrance examination is held once a year, and it is impossible to determine the generation."

"Unless Dao Palace has been planning to kill all new students for several years in a row."

"Run! The return of the true spirit, no matter how the boss of the Taoist Palace competes with Heavenly Court and Lingshan, in short, I don't want to be a victim."

"Ah! We can't return, our true spirit has been locked by the light of the beginning, the difference in realm is too big, even if the light of the beginning has not come, we can't return!"

"But why didn't the Lord of the Beginning attack us before, obviously he could kill us before."

"It was because his Light of Absolute Beginning couldn't wipe us all out. Didn't you realize that after the establishment of the Immortal Dynasty, the Lord of Absolute Beginning became stronger!"

"So that's the case. The Lord of Absolute Beginning never intended to let us go. We should evacuate as soon as possible."

"Damn it, if I can go back, I will definitely expose the evil deeds of the Dao Palace, as well as the evil deeds of the Lord of Absolute Beginning."

"The holy master of the eighth rank is actually so despicable!"

Candidates from Lingshan and Tianting were extremely angry and scared.

But they have no choice.

I can only watch helplessly as the light of the beginning gets closer and closer.

But when everyone is desperate.

On the ladder, those eight evil immortals seemed to see an opportunity.


The eight terrifying evil immortals seized the opportunity of Yang Xuan to release a large amount of light of the beginning, and directly launched a terrifying attack.

this time.

Yang Xuan 'didn't' have time to defend, so that he was seriously injured by accident.

At this time, the ancestor of Heihai also exploded all the immortal power in his body, and broke free from the shackles of the light of the beginning.

As soon as he came out, he hurriedly flew towards the sky, wanting to return to the upper realm of the ladder.

I have to say that Yang Xuan's acting skills are superb.

This accident looked really surprising.

No one sees that this is a play.

"Haha! Patriarch, I escaped!"

"Immortal cultivators from other worlds, when we find your world in the future, I will eat all the people in your world!"

The ancestor of Heihai laughed and said.

However, just when he was about to escape into the upper realm of the ladder.

Suddenly a rainbow flashed.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor of Heihai was confused.

He didn't know why at all, he was just a flash in front of his eyes, and suddenly came to a terrifying prison again.

The opponent is not a true immortal, and he is not using immortal power.

But I don't know why, but the essence of power is extremely high.

When his immortal soul was trapped, he had no power to resist at all.

But amidst this terrifying power, he felt a familiar aura again.

It was the breath of the primordial light.

"No! Something is wrong with you!"

The ancestor of Heihai was shocked.

Vaguely, he seemed to think of something.

Chapter 113 The Gate of Creation, World War (Subscribe)

"Isn't the Immortal Emperor in the early days there?"

"Why do you use the same method, and the breath is exactly the same!"

"More than that, your breath is more pure."

"Could it be that... this is your body, and that is your avatar!"

Patriarch Heihai realized, he finally woke up.

Although there are still many things I don't understand.

I don't know why Yang Xuan disguised his own body.

And, why pretend to release yourself and catch yourself.

He also couldn't understand why he deliberately gave up that powerful avatar to give the eight evil immortals a chance to destroy his avatar.

But the ancestor of Heihai understood one thing.

That is, since Yang Xuan intends to sacrifice such a powerful avatar, the plot must be bigger than that.

He really wanted to remind the Eight Great Evil Immortals in the sky and let them pay attention to this situation.

However, it was too late.

Because his immortal thoughts have been completely purified by the light of the beginning.

After his thoughts arrived here, they completely dissipated.

Then the rainbow light transformed by Yang Xuan's body rushed towards the altar of the Immortal Dynasty of Absolute Beginning.

His sudden appearance and sudden movements made it too late for the eight evil immortals in the sky to rescue the ancestor of Heihai.

After all, their target is now Immortal Emperor Taichu.

"A little bug, it can only be considered that the ancestor of Heihai is out of luck."

"It doesn't matter, at least the Lord of the Beginning is finished."

"It's too careless for him to be distracted at this time."

"Be careful, he is going to make his last resistance."

The Eight Great Evil Immortals were all staring at Immortal Emperor Taichu.

But those "Nine Six Three" ordinary people on the ground, as well as reincarnated people, were all staring at Yang Xuan.

Because when Yang Xuan returned to the altar of offering sacrifices to heaven in Xiandu.

A huge door appeared behind him.

At first, this door was just a door closed by ghosts.

However, after Yang Xuan took out the breath that his teacher gave him.

The ghost gate began to be gradually replaced by another breath.

That breath is even more mysterious and mysterious.

When a series of runes appeared on the gate, anyone who saw the gate would have an idea.

That is this gate, which seems to carry endless good fortune.

The disciples of Lingshan and Tianting couldn't help murmuring.

"The Gate of Creation!"

"Dao Palace is assessing the genius disciple Yang Xuan among the freshmen this time."

"His reincarnation body has reached the Golden Core!"

"It's the Dao Palace again. The Holy Lord of the Absolute Beginning just wanted to kill us, but was seized by the evil immortals in the sky. Now that he is about to collapse, how come the genius disciples of the Dao Palace have appeared again."

"The gate of good fortune is about to take shape, this is an even more extraordinary method!"

"The genius disciple of this Dao Palace actually secretly changed the Heaven Sacrifice Formation. He wants to sacrifice that evil fairy to communicate with the gate of good fortune."

"Hiss! The formation is ready, when did this happen!"

"Look, the Golden Dragon of Luck is out of control. The Lord of Absolute Beginning cannot control the Golden Dragon of Luck. It rushed down."

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!"

"Yang Xuan of this Dao Palace actually hides so deeply!"

"Return! Return immediately!"

"Hurry up and return now, otherwise we will not be facing the reincarnation of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning, but the real body of the third and eighth-ranked Holy Lord in the Dao Palace!"

"What kind of assessment is this? This is the Taoist Palace fighting the world. Let's make a fuss!"

"War of the world, we have all been deceived, the Dao Palace is so hateful!"

"Return! Return! Then report to the academy and let the higher-ups deal with it!"

After the phantom of the gate of good fortune gradually solidified.

Candidates for the reincarnation of Heavenly Court and Lingshan immediately chose the return of the true spirit.

They knew that it was pointless for them to stay any longer.


main world.

Dao Palace, Creation Academy.


Fairy Fengyu, who was looking through the classics, suddenly heard a loud noise.

Then she felt something in her heart and immediately walked out of the room.

Immediately afterwards, the document in her hand fell to the ground.

Because above the sky, a huge phantom door appeared.

This phantom is still producing some kind of mysterious call to her.


"Am I dreaming?"

"Yang Xuan actually established the Gate of Creation in the assessment world, and it is still the Gate of Creation at the seventh level."

"Go to the ancestor quickly, this level of good fortune gate communication can already open the passage between the two worlds."

"Our Creation College is going to get a new world."

Fairy Feng Yu put down what she was doing, and hurriedly sent a message, the most noble message.

You must know that even if the assessment world has not yet fully advanced to become a world of the seventh level, the benefits of capturing a world are still there.

That was also extremely terrifying.

Resources, population, laws, these are what every force wants.

"The Gate of Creation!"

"The gate of creation that communicates with another world."

"Someone established a gate of good fortune in a world!"

"Quick! Get ready to fight, it's been a long time since something like this happened in our Dao Palace."

"Join the war! I want to join the war!"

"Great, a world, we're going to get another world, I'm short of spirit stones recently."

The teachers and students of Daogong Academy of Good Fortune also saw the situation above the sky.

Each of them was also very excited.

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