Communicate with the world and open the door to the world.

Then go to conquer the world, descend with your real body, and occupy a world, which is what all supernatural powers dream of.

This kind of situation is really rare. So far, the Dao Palace has only launched fifteen world wars.

But the fifteen world wars spanned three hundred years.

In the end, there were seven worlds that were completely conquered.

Now the seven worlds belong to the logistics base of Dao Palace.

Everyone who participated in the World War finally made a lot of money.

Practitioners, no matter what kind of practitioner they are, are most afraid of having too many resources.

Who would dislike having too many resources?

So when everyone saw the opening of the gate of good fortune, and then heard the summoning message, everyone became excited.


The pinnacle of good fortune.

The place where the ancestors of good fortune retreated is also the place where the real body of the gate of good fortune is stored.

Suddenly, the Holy Creator withdrew from the state of retreat.

"The gate of good fortune shook, and someone opened the gate of good fortune in another world."

As the user of the Gate of Creation in the main world, the Holy Lord of Creation can clearly perceive the situation transmitted by the Gate of Creation.

Not to mention, there is a large amount of spiritual energy gushing out at this time.

"Someone has established a gate of good fortune in another world, and it is also a place with a lot of spiritual energy."

The Holy Creator felt the overflowing aura, and his heart was full of surprises.

You know, among the worlds that Dao Palace has conquered so far.

The highest is the sixth-tier world of true immortals.

But even so, that world continuously provided spiritual energy, as well as geniuses and treasures, as well as talent delivery.

It is enough for Dao Palace to sit firmly in the position of a transcendent force.

Heavenly Court, Lingshan, Mage Tower, and Pantheon, the strongest worlds they occupy, are all sixth ranks.

As for the seventh-order world, it is too difficult to establish a gate of good fortune in such a world.

Not only is it difficult to build, but it is also difficult to attack.

Even if the construction is successful, it may not necessarily be able to be shot down.

Of the fifteen worlds Dao Palace has fought in, only seven of them have been defeated, because the rest of the worlds are not low in level.

A world war, although it also reaped a lot of benefits.

However, in the end, they still did not conquer the opponent's world.

Because in any world where extraordinary systems exist.

For example, the fifth-level world can basically give birth to one, or several sixth-level existences.

The existence of the sixth level will give birth to one, or several existences of the seventh level.

It's like the world of ladders to cultivate immortals.

They are the sixth-level world, and it is reasonable to say that there can be about five seventh-level existences.

But the immortal cultivators in that world used special means to finally stabilize the existence of ten seventh-order positions.

The price is to cut off the path of practice for all other beings.

Such a wonderful world is not alone.

Therefore, if they contribute to the seventh-tier world, they will definitely face the eighth-tier, master-level masters.

In case of a deformed world like the Tianti Cultivation World, you may be facing ten eighth-level holy masters.

The three holy masters of the Dao Palace fought together in the previous world wars...

Unfortunately, people are the foundation of a world.

So in the end, so many worlds were not captured.

As for the alliance with Heavenly Court, Lingshan, Mage Tower, and Pantheon, the Taoist Palace basically does not consider it.

Because the chances of backstabs are high.

"Pass me an order, all the fourth-rankers of the three lines of the Taoist Palace can participate in the world war."

"According to the agreement, among the three departments of the Taoist Palace, the Good Fortune faction will send five true immortals and two heavenly immortals. The Taichu and Eternal Life factions will each send ten true immortals, and the five heavenly immortals will be responsible for stabilizing the gate of Taoism."

The opening of the gate of good fortune that communicates the two worlds requires someone to maintain the gate of good fortune.

But because the Gate of Good Fortune itself is owned by the Good Fortune faction, they have the fewest people out.

After the Holy Creator finished speaking, the entire Dao Palace was mobilized soon.

Even some people who reincarnated in other worlds were forcibly awakened by their relatives and friends.

Of course, those people can also choose not to return.

But most of them returned.

After returning, I heard that I was going to conquer the world, and none of them blamed the people who woke them up.

On the contrary, thank you very much.

After all, reincarnated into a world, what you get after working so hard, you have to exchange for true spirit points when you return to the main world.

But invading a world is different, everything you get is your own.

"Haha! New world, here I come!"

"I don't know which world this time is!"

"Words spread, it's actually the freshmen assessing the world?"

"What? Isn't there only freshmen in the freshman assessment world?"

"It's the news from Fairy Feng Yu. This time, it's his proud disciple who entered that new world with the seed of the Gate of Creation."

"Originally, this was just Fairy Feng Yu's care for her disciple, and she planned to keep a life-saving means, just in case."

"In the end, who would have thought that the super freshman opened the door of good fortune, which is simply a great contribution!"

When people from the three major sects of the Dao Palace gathered together.

Everyone couldn't help but start discussing.

As a result, after learning the truth of the matter, the world corresponding to the Gate of Creation.

They couldn't believe the news they got.


The world of ladder cultivating immortals.

With the emergence of the Gate of Good Fortune, the evil immortals in the upper realm of the ladder couldn't sit still.

"What's this?"

"What a strange door, I even feel the world trembling!"

"That's right! The world is trembling, because a huge force has invaded our world!"

"It's another world!"

"People from another world, try to find a way to enter our 5.5 world!"

"Is this a way to break open the world? That person who only has the power of the Jindan stage actually has such a way."

"Damn it! Stop him!"

The Eight Great Evil Immortals didn't intend to come down to the Lower Realm of the Ladder.

However, the gate of good fortune opened in the lower realm of the ladder.

And because they opened the gate of heaven, now the aura is continuously gathering to the lower realm.

This gave them the idea of ​​temporarily lowering the realm to stop Yang Xuan.


"Not good, the Immortal Emperor Taichu has not completely fallen, he made a move!"

"Light! Lots of light! That's endless light!"

"It's too late, the door is open!"

The group of evil immortals had just arrived when Yang Xuan's primordial soul of the foreign way, which had been prepared for a long time, blew himself up with the help of the light of the primordial beginning.

The endless primordial light directly formed a pure white sky, blocking the lower realms of the eight evil immortals.


Seriously, troll those trolls and I'll just write mine.

As for those who say I'm stupid, maybe it's not about punching an enemy to death. There are descriptions of the enemy's thoughts, the special effects of moves, the intensity of the attack, the protagonist's calculations, and the enemy's self-righteous calculations.

But these are all thoughts and thoughts of Xiao Pu Street author.

Readers don't know that Xiaopujie often spells words in the group of authors where Xiaopujie is.

A maximum of 6,000 words per hour, a minimum of 5,000 words, if the author of Xiaopujie really wants water, it is no problem to give you 40,000 to 50,000 words a day, but Xiaopujie writes seriously, so he will change it, and it will only be 14,000 , 15,000 words.

If everything is punched directly, Xiao Pujie thinks it is perfunctory.

Chapter 114 The Holy Lord of the Beginning: I am not, I am not, frame me! (seeking subscription)

Yang Xuan had already thought of it.

If he opened the gate of good fortune in the lower realm, the evil immortals in the upper realm would most likely rush down and stop him.

after all.

For evil spirits.

On the other side of the gate of good fortune is an unknown world.

God knows how many immortal cultivators there are, so naturally they should be stopped.

Unfortunately, the Light of Absolute Beginning caused great hindrance to them.

"Damn it, rush over to me!"

"Whoever takes the initiative to sacrifice must organize the Golden Core monks in this different world!"

"Damn! Once this door is fully opened, we will be finished!"

"Break it! Break it!"

The evil immortals worked hard to break through the light of the beginning.

Yang Xuan glanced at them above the sky, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That's too late!"

"I can feel that they have come."

"Even I can vaguely feel the connection between me and the main body."

"So, this world is already ours."

Yang Xuan whispered, and glanced at the reincarnators not far away.

Although most of the reincarnators have already chosen to return.

However, there are still some reincarnated who are still watching the situation in this world.

Obviously they were not reconciled, and just ended their reincarnation like this.

What's more, now that everyone has gone back, if they come back a little later, will the evaluation be slightly higher?

Even if it's just a little bit, you can improve your ranking.

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