"I'm coming too!"

"Black Sea, get ready to get out!"

"Seize your timing, Black Sea!"

After seeing Yang Xuan violently beating the ancestor of Heihai, all the evil immortals in the sky felt chills on their lips.

As a result, remote assistance has been given.

The powerful technique descended directly from the sky.

The eight of them actually took the initiative to open the gate of heaven.

A long-distance technique of the level of the eight immortals.

Let alone a monk of the sixth rank, even a monk of the seventh rank.

If you encounter such an attack, if you don't dodge, you will be seriously injured around your body.

However, Yang Xuan didn't seem to feel the terrifying attack above the sky.

There was a smile on his mouth, and then he grabbed Patriarch Heihai, and then took the initiative to overtake the eight-way spell and hit him.


The ancestor of Heihai roared out again.

During the period of being beaten by Yang Xuan, he naturally wanted to counterattack Yang Xuan

But the moment he was pulled down by Yang Xuan, the Luck Golden Dragon of the Absolute Beginning Immortal Dynasty fixed its huge eyes on him.

This doesn't seem to be a problem.

However, after being watched by the Luck Golden Dragon, the ancestor of Heihai found that it was extremely difficult for his immortal power to operate.

The degree of difficulty is not a little bit, but a hundred times more difficult.

He didn't know why this happened, but he could know that it must have something to do with Yang Xuan and that dragon.

Therefore, in order not to be broken by Yang Xuan, he could only withstand Yang Xuan's explosive output and try his best to defend.

If you counterattack, you have no chance at all.

But Yang Xuan couldn't break through his defense in a short time.

Because the ancestor of the blood sea still has a lot of immortal power stored.

He wasn't like Fairy Bingyu back then, who used several big moves for nothing.

However, at this time, the attack of his teammates arrived.

The eight immortal-level blows with all their strength landed directly towards him and Yang Xuan.

And the Eight Evil Immortals in the sky saw Yang Xuan's plan to use the Black Sea Patriarch as a shield.

Not only did they not stop, but they attacked one by one.

They wanted to take this opportunity to kill Yang Xuan and Patriarch Heihai all at once.

So the ancestors of the Black Sea were shouting loudly.

But, it's of no use at all.


in mid-air.

A mass of flames mixed with countless energies suddenly rose into the sky.

The eight evil immortals in the sky are all staring at that area nervously at this moment.

They knew how strong their attacks were, and they thought that if they were hit at such a close range, the Immortal Emperor Absolute Beginning would definitely die.

But when an evil fairy summoned a gust of wind to blow away the surrounding smoke.

They found out sadly that not only did their attack not hurt Yang Xuan, but they helped Yang Xuan kill the Black Sea Patriarch.

The body of the ancestor of Heihai was completely ashes from the direct beating.

Yang Xuan stood there intact, and there was a small nine-clawed golden dragon flying around him.

The golden dragon's figure was very thin, as if it was about to disappear at any moment.

It was it, a clone of a nine-clawed golden dragon, that helped Yang Xuan resist the attack.

Finally, it turned into a golden light and entered Yang Xuan's body.

The clone of the Luck Golden Dragon, and it is also the existence of the seventh rank.

It was it that helped Yang Xuan resist the damage just now.

Because this midair happened to be in the territory of the Taichu Immortal Dynasty, Yang Xuan was able to directly summon the power of the Luck Golden Dragon.

But this method, those evil immortals did not know before.

So much so that the ancestor of Heihai lost his body and even his ashes.

His immortal primordial spirit was caught in the palm of Yang Xuan's hand at this moment.

Outside his primordial spirit, there is still a layer of light of the beginning.

After seeing the light of primordial beginning, the evil immortals in the upper realm were shocked.

"What kind of power is that?"

"That light is not a mortal thing. The moment I saw him, I seemed to see the beginning of the world!"

"Don't keep staring at that light, it has the ability to attack the mind!"

"The Black Sea is about to end!"

"That light is not an ordinary light. This person is definitely not the arrogance of the lower realms. Then he advanced to become a primordial spirit, and finally became a true immortal."

"I can be sure that he is from another world!"

The evil immortals in the upper realm of the ladder are still very sharp in thinking.

After seeing Yang Xuan's methods, they knew that this person might be a variable from another world.

"Could it be that the world is not the only one!"

"Are there other worlds besides ours?"

"But how did they get here?"

"The opponent's method is so magnificent, is it possible that there is a method of immortality without flaws outside our world?"

As speculation about Yang Xuan's identity surfaced.

Of the eight immortals who are still alive, one thought a lot.

As a result, they suddenly realized now that they were a bit reluctant to kill Yang Xuan.

They want to escape from their own world.

Because in his own world, he still has to bear the endless attacks of filth.

If you can leave your own world, wouldn't it mean that you won't be attacked by the filth anymore.

Is it possible to get more longevity by going to other worlds?

"Immortal Emperor Taichu, I have to admit that you are very strong, but as long as we are careful, we will not give you a chance to bring us into the lower realm."

"Actually, you can't do anything to us."

"We know that you are not from our world, you are not a veteran, I boast, as a fairy, I should be in your world, and I can be regarded as a master."

"Why don't you lead me into your world, and then we will be your support, how about it?"

"Immortal Emperor Taichu, our previous promise is still valid, I think we can be companions!"

After gaining insight into Yang Xuan's identity.

The evil immortals have a new idea.

Unfortunately, facing their proposal, Yang Xuan was completely unmoved.

"Let me go, I can help you deal with them!"

"I know their weaknesses!"

The ancestor of Heihai hadn't completely died at this time.

He hurriedly begged for mercy from Yang Xuan, hoping to get a chance to survive.


Yang Xuan secretly calculated the time in his heart.

"about there!"

"With the cooperation of this fairy-level primordial spirit, it is enough to activate the energy of the backhand."

"So, the vest of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning can be retired first."

"It's just that before leaving, you have to make some enemies for him."

Yang Xuan's strategy for this world is almost finished.

Next, you don't need to waste time and effort to deal with these evil immortals.

However, he wants to create a good opportunity for his real body to appear.

So when everyone wasn't paying attention, Yang Xuan's Golden Elixir of the Six Paths of Samsara had already left.

Even his reincarnated body has already left.

····Ask for flowers··········

What is here now is only the primordial spirit of the heretics, and a temporary puppet body.

But with the help of the body's Six Paths of Samsara Golden Elixir transformation, outsiders in this physical body can't see it at all.

"Immortal Emperor Taichu, what do you think?"

In the Upper Realm of the Ladder, the Eight Great Evil Immortals continued to question Yang Xuan.

"I've thought it over, I plan to meet you seventh-tier true immortals for a while!"

"The so-called Tianjiao is to kill the enemy by leapfrogging!"

"As for this seat, I'm not some kind of arrogance!"

"This seat has already passed the era of Tianjiao level!"

"A mere seventh rank, actually yelling in front of me, if it's me in person, I can pinch you to death with one finger!"

"However, before this seat deals with you, there is one more thing to do!"

Yang Xuan's voice spread throughout the world with the help of the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon.

Immediately afterwards.

He glanced down.

There is the reincarnation area of ​​the main world that Zhou Yuexing helped him to incorporate.

The people in Heaven and the people in Lingshan have all been divided.

"Hmph! This world belongs to the Taichu first line of my Daoist Palace. People from Heavenly Court and Lingshan Mountain, go to death!"

"The light of the beginning, the beginning of destruction!"

Yang Xuan single-handedly used the light of primordial beginning to control Patriarch Heihai.

The other hand pressed lightly against the lower realm.


Countless white lights gushed out from his palm, and flew directly towards the reincarnated people in Lingshan and Heavenly Court.


In the early days of the Immortal Dynasty, the capital of Immortals.

The residence of freshmen from the two camps of Lingshan and Tianting.


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