
Above the sky, following Yang Xuan once again came to the 15,000th step.

In an instant, nine heavenly gates appeared.

Behind each heavenly gate, a huge figure also emerged.

The figure is extremely noble and majestic.

This is one of the methods commonly used by the Nine Heavenly Immortals when they manifested their holiness in the lower realms.

"Immortal Emperor Taichu, we recognize your existence. When you reach the top, it will be the day to complete our ten immortals."

"That's right! That guy Bingyu doesn't deserve to be called one of the Ten Immortals at all, you can get rid of her!"

"Become ten immortals and enjoy longevity, this is our only way."

"Immortal Emperor Taichu, since you have integrated the blood-eating mortal kingdom of the lower realm, then let them start the **** battle on the ladder, and let them all start ascending to the sky."

"Immortal Emperor Taichu, we promise to give you three hundred places, and you can bring three hundred of your favorite blood food into our supreme fairyland."

"Immortal Emperor Taichu, as long as you accept our kindness now, all your previous actions will be written off."

"How to choose is the most beneficial to yourself, you should be clear."

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero, and the same is true for immortals!"

After the nine huge portals and shadows appeared, a lot of voices spread around Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan's performance in the lower realm made the nine evil immortals recognize him.

Even if Yang Xuan is still at the sixth level, they are willing to accept Yang Xuan and make Yang Xuan one of the ten immortals.

Of course, this is in name only.

Once Yang Xuan really accepted, the nine of them would still attack Yang Xuan if they found a chance.


"A mere ten demons heretics, and a garbage road that can only be solved by death!"

"Just based on these, you want me to join!"

"It's better for me to give you a chance. You and I will break the ladder of heaven, break open the gate of heaven, restore the normality of the world, and unite the upper and lower realms."

"Then, obediently let me purify your primordial spirit and body."

"In this case, I can consider finally giving you a chance to reincarnate."

"What do you think!"

Yang Xuan was talking while walking.

After he finished speaking, there were only a thousand steps away from Tianmen.



"A mere sixth-order true immortal dares to talk about letting us sit and wait for death to come. It's ridiculous."

"Hmph! Since you don't accept our invitation, when you knock on the gate of heaven, it will be the time of death."

Although the Nine Great Immortals were shocked by Yang Xuan's methods before.

But when it really came to the point of tearing their skins apart, they were not afraid.

After all, they sensed Yang Xuan's strength.

With the existence of the sixth rank, the combat power is comparable to that of the seventh rank.

If they were fighting in the lower realm of the ladder, with the help of the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon, the Ten Immortals would know that they were no match for Yang Xuan.

But if it is in the upper world of the ladder.

They thought that let alone one Yang Xuan, even ten Yang Xuans were no match for them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of heavy footsteps passed upwards a little bit.

Five hundred, three hundred, one hundred...eighty.

Although each level of the ladder has a corresponding test, but Yang Xuan passed each one in seconds.

All the tests seemed insignificant in front of him.

Ten, nine, eight... two, one.


Under the watchful eyes of all living beings in the lower realm of the ladder, and the gaze of the nine immortals in the upper realm of the ladder.

Yang Xuan reached the top.

Then, the nine immortals gathered around him.

At this time, Yang Xuan had to choose a fairy gate and knock it open before he could enter it.

These nine immortal gates also represent nine evil immortals.

They have achieved the fruition status of celestial beings in the upper realm of the ladder, so they are the ones who are responsible for guiding them.

previous words.

These evil immortals are all waiting to knock on the gate of heaven in turn.

But the appearance of Yang Xuan surprised them all, so this time the nine immortals all wanted to eat Yang Xuan.

They could see that the blood energy in Yang Xuan's body was not even weaker than that of their celestial beings.

And with such a strong blood energy, there is no foul breath.

In other words, devouring Yang Xuan's blood energy, there is no need to worry about causing an attack of filth.

They all want to eat Yang Xuan.

"finally reached!"

"It's been a long time since I hit someone with my fist!"

"I'm going to have a good fight today!"

"The target is you!"

Yang Xuan casually glanced at the Nine Heavenly Gates.

Then, with a flash of his body, he came directly to a gate that was not too close or far from him.

"Baji! Break the sky!"

With a body at the level of a real fairy, he can unleash the top boxing skills in the world!

Reiki and celestial power converge on the fist.

The spiritual manifestation, the power of reincarnation, and the light of the beginning are blessed together.


Thousands of mighty powers belong to one punch.

Climb the ladder!

Break the sky!

This punch is about to break the sky! .

Chapter 112 Holy Lord of the Beginning, You Are Despicable (please subscribe!)

After Tianmen.

The ancestor of Heihai looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He doesn't understand.

Why did Yang Xuan~ choose his own door.

"A mere true immortal, wanting to punch-break the gate of heaven?"

"It's ridiculous! Knock on the gate of heaven, that's not how you knock!"

"That is to use your own blood, will, and get the approval of Tianmen before you can..."


The ancestor of Heihai originally wanted to laugh a little bit.

So much so that when Yang Xuan's fist hit, he couldn't help but use Xiannian to mock Yang Xuan.

But in the end, he still miscalculated.

The ancestor of Heihai didn't finish his mocking words.

He heard a "click, click!" sound.

Then, the gate of heaven that he controls.

Immediately, it turned into a series of fragments.

Just when the ancestor of Heihai was so stunned.

His Tianmen was actually smashed by Yang Xuan.


The ancestor of Heihai exclaimed loudly, wanting to say something.


At this time, one of Yang Xuan's hands directly grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Then, when the other party was not paying attention, he directly pulled the ancestor of the Black Sea from the sky.

The patriarch of Heihai, who reacted, immediately spread his immortal power, trying to stop the fall.

But once Yang Xuan succeeded, how could he give him a chance.

"Come down!"

"A fairy from the upper realm!"

"Usually you are all high above, now you can also experience the feeling of coming to the lower realm, how comfortable it is."

"No tricks, no trials, killing immortals with random fists!"

After the black sea patriarch was pulled down, Yang Xuan did not use Bajiquan again.

Rather, based on one's own combat experience.

Using ordinary boxing techniques combined with other moves, he unleashed a set of random punches on the ancestor of the Black Sea.

No tricks, no combinations, no tricks!

Everything is for more comfortable punching and faster beating.

This directly made the ancestor of Heihai confused.

After being caught by Yang Xuan, he was punched in the head first.

Then there is the back, the front, the arms, the face.

The whole person was like a sandbag, being beaten by Yang Xuan in the air.

Not only the people in the Lower Realm of the Ladder were stunned after seeing this place.

Even the other eight evil immortals in the Upper Realm of the Ladder were stunned.

They didn't understand why Yang Xuan blasted the Heaven's Gate instead of knocking it open.

I don't understand why, the ancestor of Heihai had no power to fight back in front of Yang Xuan.

No matter how strong Yang Xuan's fighting ability is, he still has a sixth rank and a seventh rank.

Obviously the gap is so big, even if Yang Xuan occupies the geographical advantage, it shouldn't be like this.

"Hei Hai, let me help you!"

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