Not only him, but many reincarnators have seen this.

The sky ladder is equal to the sky pillar, and the sky is equal to the barrier.

The barrier was broken, allowing the world to see the whole picture of the world above the ladder.

But if you want to completely break the pattern of this world, you must destroy the ladder.


When Yang Xuan realized this, he immediately drove the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon towards the nearest ladder.

This hit.

But it carries the luck of the entire Taichu Immortal Dynasty.

Use the power of all beings to fight against the powerful handwriting that used to divide the world in this world.


The earth trembled, the sky trembled.

This collision directly made many people dizzy, as if they had received a huge impact.

This is just the aftermath of the collision between the Luck Golden Dragon and the ladder.

Moreover, the location where the ladder hit was above the sky.

If the collision occurs on the ground, then the situation will be more serious.

The huge shock, coupled with the shattering of the sky realm just now.

Finally, the evil immortals who went to the upper realm of the ladder of heaven, one by one, completely woke up.


The upper realm of the ladder, the broken fairy mountain.

"The sky is broken!"

"Their sky, our land, was actually smashed to pieces!"

"It's not the power of a certain person, but a kind of energy impact that condenses the power of all mortals in the lower realm."

"It's not like we haven't tried this method of integrating sentient beings, but that kind of power is beyond our control."

"The power of all living beings is too complicated. Once you try to control it, you will be mentally split, and your immortal thoughts will be broken and you will die."

"But, someone did it!" 960

The evil immortals in the upper realm of the ladder all follow the route of devouring mortals and achieving themselves.

It's not that they haven't tried the way of the humane imperial court.

But because there is no formal method, the few upper realm angels who experimented at the beginning all went crazy.

So they gave up this path early.

After all, the Imperial Court of Humanity is a high-ranking way to integrate the power of all beings.

There are very few worlds with such power.

In addition, many conditions are added, as well as the special energy needed to integrate the beliefs of sentient beings.

Therefore, this method is now for them, but they can't even imagine it.

But with this method, someone in the lower realm succeeded.

Not only was it successful, but it also broke the barrier between the upper and lower realms.

This directly caused the angels in the upper world of the ladder to be vigilant to the maximum.


Just when their remaining nine upper-world celestial beings looked at the situation below with unbelievable eyes.

The aftermath of the Luck Golden Dragon's impact on the ladder was also transmitted from below.

This time, it made them even more terrified.

"What kind of power do these people from the lower world have gained? They actually intend to destroy the ladder."

"The sky ladder is the most critical existence supporting our upper realm, but the defense of the sky ladder is more than a hundred times that of the sky."

"Unless there are people from the lower world who have surpassed the realm of immortals, it is impossible to break the ladder and restore the original world structure."

The Nine Evil Immortals looked down at the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon below.

at first.

When the golden dragon hits the celestial body.

They were really taken aback.

Fortunately, after the impact.

Apart from the terrifying shock, the ladder was not damaged, which also made them feel relieved.

"Repair the realm of the sky!"

"Although the sky realm is broken, the core formation is still there."

"With the nine of us working together, we can continue to sever the two worlds, and then draw the aura of the lower world, so that they will never have a chance to become immortals."

"As for the true immortal who has integrated the power of all beings, after the sky realm is repaired, first pretend to win him over, and then let him pay the price!"

Although the nine evil immortals usually oppose each other, they occasionally have the idea of ​​devouring other immortals.

But when the crisis comes, they can be regarded as concerted efforts.


Under their cooperation.

Countless auras began to gather to form a huge, dazzling formation of light.

The sky that was damaged before that was also recovering little by little.

The real sky was once again covered up.

The false sky was condensed again.

After Yang Xuan saw this, he couldn't help frowning.


"So fast!"

This is something he didn't expect.

But think about it now.

Even if the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon is the pinnacle of the seventh tier, it is definitely not possible to handle the upper realm of the ladder with just its roar.

Its power lies in the fact that it can only be displayed after a monk comes to the Immortal Kingdom of Absolute Beginning.

And above the sky.

Above the fault in the realm of the sky, that is, the upper realm of the ladder.

It is not yet under the jurisdiction of the Xian Dynasty in the early days.

Yang Xuan is very clear about this.

"Forget it!"

"Since the Luck Golden Dragon can't do anything to you for the time being."

"Then I have other means!"

"Although this method is to make the Immortal Emperor Taichu leave early!"

"But it doesn't matter anymore!"

Yang Xuan formulated many methods to deal with the upper realm of the ladder from the very beginning.

He never thought that just relying on the luck of the golden dragon, he would directly break through the two realms and pull down the evil immortals from the upper realm of the ladder.

after all.

When the nine evil immortals are in the upper realm of the ladder, it is equivalent to turning on the infinite firepower mode.

With this in mind, Yang Xuan directly asked the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon to take him down a ladder.

There are 18,000 steps in the ladder.

Ordinary people in the lower realms need to climb one step at a time if they want to ascend to the sky.

Yang Xuan is no exception to this point.

He just tried to fly directly to the top of the ladder.

However, it was isolated by a force, and even the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon could not break through this barrier.

Because this barrier is also the power of the seventh stage.

And has the aura of the upper world, continuously giving blessings and repairs.

Therefore, if Yang Xuan wanted to go to heaven, he had to follow the example of the previous people and climb up step by step.

So, he came to the bottom of the ladder.


As Yang Xuan waited up the first step, he soon felt an inexplicable force of restraint, which blessed him.

This power didn't weaken his strength, but instead allowed him to stand on the ladder better.

"This ladder is really used to ascend to the sky!"

"There is no evil or filthy aura on the ladder, but..."

Just as Yang Xuancai thought of this, he found a blood-colored beam of light descending rapidly from the sky.

Then, the entire ladder turned blood red.

In such a situation, Yang Xuan suddenly realized another thing in this world.

"So that's it! The person who created the Ladder really planned to build a fairy world!"

"This should be a certain huge sect, which is used to select disciples with firm perseverance and sharp minds."

"It's a pity that in the endless years, the nature of the sect has changed, and finally it became the tool used by those evil immortals to devour flesh and blood."

"The ladder itself doesn't have that evil power, it's just that these surviving evil immortals imprinted the spell of devouring on the ladder."

After Yang Xuan understood this, he began to stride upwards.

Since there is no problem with the ladder, he can easily climb it.

As for the crimson beam of light (ccff) and the ladder stained red, they would not attack him at all.

Their role is to absorb and phagocytize.

As long as no one is fighting on the ladder, the evil immortals in the sky will get nothing.

Therefore, there was no limit to the number of people entering the Upper Realm of the Ladder.

Only those who can pass the test of the ladder can enter it.

But those evil immortals deliberately said that there is only one quota every ten years, and they used the calculations of people's hearts to create countless killings.

"Upper Realm on the Ladder, here I come!"

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, and then climbed quickly step by step.

The test of will on the ladder, the obstruction of illusion.

It's not the same for him at all.

Steps per second.

Not long after, Yang Xuan rushed to the center of the ladder.

When he came to mid-air, people in the lower realm of the ladder could clearly understand that seemingly small but terrifying figure.

That was Immortal Emperor Absolute Beginning.

He is ascending.

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