But in fact, her heart has been shaken.

At this time, the nine-clawed golden dragon above the sky had locked its eyes on her.


The golden dragon roared, and then opened its mouth wide.


In just an instant, Fairy Ice Feather's body was sucked up to the sky.

"Lie to me! You are lying to me!"

"You want to kill people, but I won't believe it!"

"Our way is not wrong!"

"There is no eternal life at all, only lingering!"

Fairy Ice Feather was still crying loudly.

But when she was ingested in front of the big mouth of the nine-clawed golden dragon.

Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

"I see! It turns out we were wrong."

"Unfortunately, there is no way to do it again!"

"Since my power is useful to you, then take it."

"I hope you can complete the upgrade of the world, so that future immortals can get more longevity."

When a person is about to die, his words are also good.

This sentence is not only suitable for the ordinary world, but also suitable for many immortals.

After Fairy Bingyu was sure that she couldn't survive, Yang Xuan's words actually broke her mood.

So much so that in the end, she completely gave up resisting.

Fairy Ice Feather chose to sacrifice her own energy to this nine-clawed luck golden dragon wholeheartedly.

There is a big difference between self-sacrifice and forced devouring.

For example, the refining time and the consumption caused by refining.

After self-sacrifice, it no longer takes a certain amount of time, and there will be no consumption.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

After the self-sacrifice of Fairy Ice Feather.

The body of the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon swelled ten times again.

It can already coil around the entire Taichu Xiandu ten times.

In addition, there are countless golden lights in the sky, quickly sinking into the body of the nine-clawed luck golden dragon.

"Golden Luck!"

"The Immortal Dynasty of Absolute Beginning is complete!"

"The world has given blessings!"

"Even me!"

Yang Xuan looked at his hands alternately.

Then his aura instantly increased a lot.

No matter just a few seconds.

He has changed from the fourth-level to the fifth-level existence.

The Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon advanced from the sixth rank to the seventh rank.

This is the growth after devouring an evil fairy.

After the reward of the power of the world came, the Nine-clawed Luck Golden Dragon directly advanced to the seventh-level existence.

A lucky golden dragon at the level of a fairy.

Moreover, the scope of the Luck Golden Dragon is still the power of all the territories of the entire Absolute Beginning Immortal Dynasty.

That is, right now.

As long as Yang Xuan stands in this immortal dynasty, then the seventh-level immortals are all gifts for him.

Come one to kill one, come one pair to kill another pair.

Only people with special treasures like my teacher can compete with Yang Xuan.

After all, the existence of the Gate of Creation is the essence of the ninth rank.

If there really was a seventh-tier person who appeared with the aura of a ninth-tier treasure, Yang Xuan would have nothing to do with him.

Otherwise, even if there are ten or eight of them, it will be useless.

"¨Next, it's time to let the rest of the sky down!"

"The evil fairy said just now that there are ten immortals in the upper realm."

"In order to live forever, the ten immortals have suppressed the lower realm of the ladder for countless ages."

"Ten people live forever, and all living beings suffer!"

"The evil in this world will end with me!"

Yang Xuan jumped and flew directly onto the dragon's head of the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon.

As soon as he comes up.

There are also countless white lights gathered in front of him from the body of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon.

Those are the primordial light.

After the establishment of the Humane Imperial Court, the light of the beginning that Yang Xuan gave before has received ten thousand times of feedback.

After returning, his light of the beginning is enough to have one ten-thousandth of the Holy Lord of the beginning.

So much light of the beginning is enough to be refined into supernatural powers and integrated into one's own true spirit.

True spirit supernatural powers are different from Jindan supernatural powers.

The true spirit and supernatural powers are more powerful in nature.

Jindan supernatural powers cannot be compared with real dragons and dragons.

From now on, he can continuously condense the light of the beginning.

In other words, the light of the beginning will be completely stabilized as one of his true spirit and supernatural powers.

In the future, no matter which world it is in, it will be like one-key tracking, one-key full level, and spiritual manifestation, no matter which world you are in.

To some extent, the light of the beginning is also the universal law of all worlds.

Moreover, its level is several levels stronger than Yang Xuan's current spiritual manifestation.

"let's start!"

"The dragon of the beginning, open the gate of heaven for me!"


Under Yang Xuan's order, the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon immediately stretched its body above the sky.

The huge dragon **** erupted with powerful dragon power.

The Luck Golden Dragon also started to roar (of King Nuo).

Immediately afterwards, the space in the lower realm of the ladder began to vibrate non-stop.

Above the sky, even more strange cracks appeared.

It felt like the sky was about to be broken.

It's just unbelievable.


In the Xian Dynasty in the early days, in most cities.

People's prayers are over.

They couldn't help but looked up at the sky.

As a result, the first thing I saw was the terrifying real dragon above the sky.

Then all they saw was the shattered sky.

"The sky actually shattered?"

"It's the great Immortal Emperor Taichu, is he going to break the sky?"

"Remember the propaganda half a month ago, the Immortal Emperor Taichu said that our world is the real fairyland."

"However, for their own benefit, there are evil immortals who set up huge formations in the sky, constantly extracting our spiritual energy, and established a false fairy world."

"It's because of them that the strongest in our world is the Ninth Heaven of Martial Arts, but in fact, we should be the same as the immortals in the upper world, and we should be able to become immortals at the highest."

"That is to say, is the Immortal Emperor Taichu going to break open the sky and pull down all the most holy immortals in the sky?"

"More than that, it also allows our world to regain its vitality and inspiration, allowing us to regain the ability to practice and become immortals."

"It seems to say that cultivating immortals requires aptitude, and aptitude is unique."

"It doesn't matter if you choose one in a million, we didn't have a chance before."

"That's right, the Supreme Immortal Venerable in the sky just treats us like livestock, but the great Immortal Emperor Taichu wants to give us the opportunity to cultivate immortality again."

"Praise the Immortal Emperor Taichu! The Immortal Emperor Taichu will definitely break the shackles and release our world."

Countless people began to pray for Yang Xuan's life at this moment.

What they said was that there was a force in the dark that made Yang Xuan and the Nine-clawed Luck Golden Dragon even stronger.


above the sky.

Following the continuous roar of the nine-clawed luck golden dragon, the entire sky finally shattered.

The sky before was like a mirror.

After the mirror was shattered, it turned into countless auras and merged into the lower realm of the ladder.

The endless fairy mountain, the legendary upper realm of the ladder.

This moment, after the sky was shattered, appeared before their eyes.

Chapter 111 Climbing the Ladder and Breaking the Gate of Heaven! (Please subscribe!)

After the mirror of the sky was shattered, spiritual energy immediately poured into the lower realm.

However, this is not the end.

As the nine-clawed luck golden dragon continued to roar.

In the entire Heavenly Ladder Cultivation World, in various places, a large number of Heavenly Ladders suddenly appeared.

The ladder is ninety-nine and eighty-one.

Each ladder has 18,000 steps.

As soon as these ladders appeared, there was a huge shock in the upper world of the ladders.

The fairy mountains in the sky are trembling.

"It turns out that these ladders are the pillars of the upper realm of the ladder!"

"After the false sky that separates the two realms is broken, the upper realm of the ladder will not fall."

"If you want to completely return the Heavenly Ladder Cultivation World to the original whole, you still need to interrupt these ninety-nine eighty-one ladders."

On top of the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon, Yang Xuan immediately saw the meaning of the existence of the ladder.

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