"Others are useless even if you can persuade them, because they can't help you at all."

"So your current situation should be called despair."

Yang Xuan looked at this immortal from the upper realm with a smile.

But his smile, in the eyes of this Ice Feather Fairy, is the devil's smile.

"What are you going to do to let me go?"

"How about I give you my fairy art?"

"If you want to blend with my primordial spirit, it's not impossible!"

"My immortal primordial spirit is very helpful to you!"

Facing Yang Xuan's smile, the Ice Feather Fairy finally became anxious.

She doesn't want to die.

If she was not afraid of death, she would not be able to become such an existence.

But now, she found that she had no life left.

"This immortal venerable from the upper realm, calm down and enjoy the upcoming ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven!"

"It can be said that this ceremony is prepared for you."

Yang Xuan wasn't talking to the Ice Feather Fairy anymore.

As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed Fairy Ice Feather and flew away from the building with him.

In the early days of the Immortal Dynasty, the capital of Immortals.

On the altar in the central square.

In order to hold the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

A 100-meter-high altar was built here.

The area around the square was also cleaned up.

In terms of size, it can accommodate at least 100,000 people watching at the same time.

"The auspicious time has come, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven begins!"

After Yang Xuan came to the altar, he personally announced the start of the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

I saw that he slowly stretched out his hand.


A dazzling white light flew out of his palm directly.

If there are people with good eyes, look carefully.

You can also see a faint dragon shadow in the white light.

That's right!

This is the true dragon spirit that Yang Xuan spent a month refining with the light of the primordial beginning.

The Holy Master of Absolute Beginning did not dare to use the Light of Absolute Beginning excessively, so he did not choose to completely refine the dragon corpse.

But Yang Xuan didn't need it.

Yang Xuan doesn't care about even the things that the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning dared not do.


Long Ling directly entered a platform above the altar.


Soon, the light of the beginning turned into an illusory white flame visible to the naked eye.

White is not a transparent color.

When this ray of flame appeared, the sky and the earth seemed to be slightly eclipsed.

At this moment, many people feel that the sun is not as dazzling as this light.

"The Imperial Court of Humanity, open!"

When the time came, Yang Xuan immediately closed his eyes and recited scriptures.

Countless sutras and profound meanings came out of his mouth.

At this moment, the world seems to be aware of it.

at the same time.

The people who watched the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven also began to chant along with them one by one.

The other cities were also guided little by little.

Because of such an altar, every city has it.

After the merger of the three previous empires, the entire city, town, and village of the Xian Dynasty in the early days have been built as this altar.

Tens of thousands of people recite a scripture at the same time, it is already very scary.

But hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions.

When tens of billions of living beings recite Yang Xuan's Humane Emperor's Court Sutra together in the lower realm of the ladder.

The core position where Yang Xuan is located.

In other words, the white flame in front of him expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It changed from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a palm.

Then there's football size.

The last is the size of a person.

But it's not over yet.

When the light of Absolute Beginning enveloped the entire Absolute Beginning Immortal Capital, a huge platinum dragon appeared above the sky.

This divine dragon has a full nine claws.

Nine is supreme.

This is the Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon.

The terrifying Nine-Clawed Luck Golden Dragon reached the sixth level as soon as its breath appeared.

That's right!

Once it appears, it is at the level of a true fairy.

"Ah...how did you do it〃〃?"

"Who the **** are you?"

Fairy Bingyu, who was brought by Yang Xuan's side, was stunned.

What a horrible operation.

Gathering the power of all living beings, a sixth-level true immortal existence was condensed.

You know, in this world, the strongest are those heavenly beings at the seventh level.

Although all of them have turned into evil immortals, they are still extremely immortals and have not reached the level of a holy master.

"It's your turn, Master Xianzun!"

"Although there is a lot of filth on your body, the light of the beginning will purify everything."

"I have even vaguely noticed that once I purify you, this world will give me merit."

"Your existence is a cancer to the world!"

"Your world wants you to die, so why are you still alive!"

Yang Xuan said that behind him, he made a seal in front of him with one hand.


After Yang Xuan played the seal.

The Shenlong above the sky immediately gave him feedback.

"Let me go!"

"I beg you to let me go!"

"I can give you anything!"

"It's okay to be a slave or a handmaiden!"

"I don't want to die, I live so hard just because I don't want to die!"

"It's not that I'm sorry for the world, it's the world that is sorry for me!"

"Shouldn't we immortals live the same life as the sky, but why do we only have a lifespan of 10,000 years?"

"Why do us angels only have ten thousand years of lifespan!"

Fairy Ice Feather roared loudly.

She didn't want to die, but the world insisted on letting her die.

This is the nature of the world.

The immortals in this world only have ten thousand lifespans.

Because the essence of this world, in fact, is still the sixth level.

Because the person of the world is the sixth stage.

Those angels are forcibly advanced.

They killed countless creatures, and this time they advanced to become immortals.

And this world, it is reasonable to say, cannot accommodate the seventh-level angels.

Naturally, it was impossible to give them enough longevity.

"Even if the world has problems and cannot give you too much longevity, but what you do, in the end, is to die together with the world."

"If you want to obtain a higher lifespan, what you should do is to help the world realize the cultivation of immortals for all, and let the world complete the upgrade."

"It doesn't mean that the more immortal cultivators appear, the more resources will be distributed."

"The more immortal cultivators appear, the more great world disputes will arise. Once the great world disputes arise, when those immortal cultivators die or fall during battles and breakthroughs, the origin of the world will be improved."

"If you accumulate a certain amount of time in this way, the world will be upgraded!"

"Shouyuan of 10,000 years, if you do this with your heart, it will be based on the situation in your world."

"Enough to complete the upgrade of the world."

Before Fairy Bingyu died, Yang Xuan sent her a message.

In fact, this information is rarely known even in the main world.

Because it is truly classified information.

But after Yang Xuan helped the world of martial arts to upgrade, he was invited to travel around the world of martial arts.

He already knew this.

Great battles are good for the world.

The world breeds all living beings, and all living beings will help the world to upgrade.

In fact, the ultimate direction of a world is determined by the sentient beings in that world.

"World upgrade? The way of eternal life?"

"Could it be that we took the wrong route?"

"No! You're lying to me. How could you, a monk in the primordial spirit stage who got lucky, know these secrets."

Fairy Ice Feather shouted loudly.

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